A. Specific additions
B. Non specific additions
C. Future changes to the ManifestoA. New Convenors
B. Contact addresses
C. Role of Convenors
D. Communication
E. Next meeting4. Other
A. Volunteers
B. Pamphlet
C. Website
D. Suggestions for the Manifesto
It was agreed that the following text be part of the PGA's Organisational Principles.
The PGA is an instrument of coordination, not an organisation.
Its main objectives are
1. Inspiring the greatest number of persons, movements, and organisation to act against corporate domination through non-violent civil disobedience and people oriented constructive actions
2. Offering an instrument for co-ordination and mutual support at global level for those resisting corporate rule and the capitalistic development paradigm.
3. Giving more international projection to the struggles against economic liberalisation and global capitalism.
The following text was approved to be inserted as the PGA's Second Hallmark. This does not over-write the existing second hallmark; existing hallmarks 2, 3, and 4, now become hallmarks 3, 4, and 5 respectively:
Hallmark 2: We reject all forms and systems of domination and discrimination including, but not limited to, patriarchy, racism and religious fundamentalism of all creeds. We embrace the full dignity of all human beings.
Suggestions that were blocked for various reasons are not mentioned here.
It was agreed that a statement to the following effect be inserted at an
unspecified point in the manifesto: "PGA demands the universalisation of primary education in every country for all the children of the world."
It was agreed that, at some unspecified point in the manifesto, a paragraph be inserted rejecting anti-Semitism.
It was agreed that the whole manifesto has to be reviewed in the light of of the broader anti-capitalist perspective which sustains our rejection of WTO, World Bank, IMF, etc. indicated by the changes mentioned above.
This will happen in a process guided by the convenors. It was agreed that, in cases where the convenors had little or no experience of specific areas, other representatives would be invited to share their expertise.
It was agreed that a small group (membership unspecified) should look at the manifesto with a view to suggesting changes to make it more gender-sensitive.
addition: and also include a critical view of the role of the state.
libia@colnet.com.co or pcnconga@hotmail.com
asykes@clear.net.nz or waiariki@yahoo.com
The PGA's constitution stipulates that the secretariat changes location every year. Consensus was reached that the official secretariat postal address will be
c/o CUPW (Canadian Union of Postal Workers)
377 Bank Street, Ottawa, Ontario, CANADA.
The email address of the secretariat remains
agpweb (AT) lists.riseup.net
It was suggested that the convenors report every three months to each other. There was concern that the report should not be spread too widely. Three months is an upper limit - each convenor in their region should decide to which movements they will send the report. It was suggested that the report be sent to every member who went to the first and second conferences, to increase transparency. The proposal was thus put forward - Convenors will report every three months, and will circulate the report at their discretion, as well as making public other appropriate information. This was passed, on the understanding that it could only be a recommendation, and not a binding resolution, since the number of participants in the debate was relatively low.
It was agreed that there should be both a regionally decentralised network of communications, with regional information 'hubs' located with the convenors, together with a central clearing house for information - the PGA website. The website would be at the disposal of the convenors, putting up any and all information requested by the convenors (without editing) and would also proactively seek information on struggles, to feed to the regional information centres.
The regional information centres would
This approach, it was felt, would combine both 'top down' and 'bottom up' approaches, while leaving editorial power, discretion and responsibility firmly in the hands of convenors.
The (central) website and documentation team, with members on the different continents would support the convenors by
It was proposed that the next conference will be held in Latin America, preceded by a regional conference involving 80 organisations (including a few non-Latin American organisations) in Nicaragua. The date and place of the next World conference will be announced in March. This was approved.
A. Endorsements
The PGA endorsed the following actions from North America:
Art and Revolution's education tour, Tribunal against corporations for crimes against humanity, SalAMI!'s conference on direct action.
The plenary agreed that a message of support for the struggle of Movimento Sem Terra in Brazil could be sent using the names of the entire conference. (This has since been printed and sent.)
B. N30 - November 30th 1999
The plenary also acknowledged that 30th November 1999 will be a day of global action.
The following issues were also raised in plenary, and they have separate documents accompanying them.
Several people volunteered to facilitate different aspects of the running of the PGA.
It was suggested that the PGA could benefit from a pamphlet, to be printed and distributed in large numbers. A friend from the floor suggested some wording. This is in the section entitled 'Pamphlet'. It was agreed that the pamphlet could be used as a basis, translated and adapted freely to local needs, local versions being obviously under local responsability and not "official" PGA documents.
Some suggestions were made regarding the structure and functioning of the PGA website. Information can be obtained from the webteam.
A friend made extensive suggestions for revisions to the manifesto. It was agreed that these revisions be considered by the convenors as part of their broader deliberations over the manifesto, and integrated into a final revision to be presented at the next conference.
missing from this summary:
PGA website