archives of global protestsAction 2007 Action 2007 Action 2007An Appeal for a National People's Movement 2007
INVITE FOR A NATIONAL MEET: FEB 10-11, SEWAGRAM ASHRAM, WARDHA, MAHARASHTRAIndia as a country is passing through a critical phase. Unprecedented loot of people's resources and people's struggles against Displacement, Privatisation and Monopolization of resources have been sought to be crushed by Politicians-Bureaucracy-Corporate nexus - that justifies, rationalizes and builds ground for - and creates an atmosphere for such machinations. The issues of survival, security, and sovereignty are at the core of varied actions by citizens, may it be struggle or reconstruction.
The rare pro-people legislation such as RTI, NREGA have sought to be diluted or sabotaged. And the promised ST (Recognition of Forest Rights) Bill, 2005 is passed but with many dilutions. The Comprehensive Acts for Unorganised workers as also the displaced are yet to see the light. Within 2 years of election and some pro-poor noises, the UPA Govt. has started following the path of the NDA's "India Shining"... calling it "India Growing" with no agenda of justice. The governments in power, at the centre and the states are being challenged through the struggle between the people & the State with each of its organs, changing face turning against the poor. Death & Displacement takes place at an even more vigorous pace and cruel manner as evidenced by the farmers' suicides in Maharashtra and Kerala, the Salva Judum in Chhattisgarh, Kalinganagar killings in Orissa, atrocities in Singur, forcible evictions as a water war in Narmada.
The need of the hour is that all Peoples' Movements and mass-based organisations bring the Govt. and the policy-makers to account through a strong countering radical mass action on a few basic commonly agreed issues in Delhi and at the State level. Our strategies will have to be novel and effective. Our action is to be indefinite & evolve into a series of responses all over the country. We must not allow State machinery to ignore and sideline our protest as usual.
Activists representing various alliances working with Farmers, Farm-Workers, Fisher people, Un-organized Workers, Dalits, Adivasis, Urban Displaced and prominent individuals met over two days in November 2006 at Delhi, to brain storm and chalk out a continuing agitational Action Plan to resist the onslaught on the poor and toiling masses across the country. The onslaught that has myriad forms and is sought to be perpetrated in multiple locations displaces, dis-employs, dispossesses and dehumanizes the common people to favour a select few. It may be in form of land acquired forcibly at much below market rates for SEZs, or destruction of slum s or removal of vendors in name of JNNURM under the influence of International Funding agencies, be it World Bank or ADB, entry of FDI in Retail sector or the killing of adivasis trying to protect their lands in Kalinganagar or other places. The same is also resulting in the suicides by farmers whose economy as well as dignity is at stake. Same is the situation of dalits & minorities. After much brainstorming and intensive deliberation at Delhi on Nov 14 th-15 th 2006 & otherwise, the following suggestions emerged:
The action is to be focused on areas namely, (i) Securing livelihoods, Right over resources and share in benefits for Agriculturist, Fisher People, Adivasis, Dalits and other working people, (ii) Demand for changes in governance through democratisation of polity-electoral reforms including right to recall (iii) Dignity, Social Justice, rights & privileges to dalits, minorities, women & all those victimized by discrimination, (iv) Indian nation state retaining its sovereignty without submission to global capitalists & imperialist powers.
The concrete suggestions on issues to define our goal of action & become a basis for a Manifesto or Charter of Issues are as follows:
- Primacy of rights over local natural resources to the village community and the right to make village development plans to the Gramsabha. No acquisition of the land & other resources without prior informed consent of the community.
- City Development plans be based on the decisions of a primary unit of basti-sabhas (neighbourhood assemblies of 1000 people each).
- Full implementation of 73rd & 74th Amendments of the Constitution and full compliance with schedule V of the Constitution.
- Repeal of Land Acquisition Act, 1894, and a new law on Development Planning. Minimum displacement and just rehabilitation
- 'NO' to displacement and 'YES' to distribution of investments and the wealth created.
- Immediate manifold increase in prices of agricultural products making those at par with industrial goods to make farming feasible for even small & marginal farmers and initiation of a process for determination of remunerative prices
- Restitution of Urban Land Ceiling Acts in every state (in stead of withdrawal from Maharashtra & West Bengal) and its strict implementation
- Redistribution of land and 1 hectare for every Dalit woman
- Waiver of debts of all small and marginal farmers
- Repeal of SEZ Act and all such demarcated areas as " deemed foreign territories"
- Vacate corporate control over water, land, minerals and execute projects with public-people partnership
- Withdrawal of the River Interlinking plan, instead initiate micro-planning in every river valley
- Priority to native seeds and biodiversity measures, ban on Genetically Modified Crops and strict compliance with the provisions of Environment Protection Act with restitution of .........
- Un conditional with drawl from WTO.
- Withdrawal of proposed changes to RTI law curtailing rights granted therein (& strict & full implementation of the Act)
- Recognition of the Right to Work as Fundamental Right in the Constitution for 365 days, and provision in Budget for it
- An Act for Un-organized Sector Workers including right to work, provision related to employment & Social Security provisions as per agreement with their representatives
- Recognition of Housing as a Fundamental Right in the Constitution
- A law to enforce limit in incomes within a ratio of 1:10
- Urban & Rural infrastructure be dedicated to public purposes at aiming minimum facilities to every citizen: Power / energy, Water, pathways, public transport, sanitation, housing (affordable or plot for self construction)
- Strict enforcement of law dealing with atrocities on Dalits, evolving a special structure & people's committees
- Special facilities to minorities in education and every other sector as per recommendations of Sachar Committee Report
- A law to implement all the recommendations of Mandal Commission
- Reservations to continue till disparity is mitigated and can be extended & beyond what is promised by the Constitution, based on a national dialogue and agreement.
- Enabling reservation for women at 33% to start with, to be extended to 50%
- Ayodhya issue has to be solved by the local people through a dialogue with no interference of political interests
- State funding of election within agreed limit
- Cut back in the perks and emoluments of elected representatives
- Open and transparent public audit of political parties
- Withdrawal of Armed Forced Special Powers Act and Stopping of Military intervention in Jammu & Kashmir and North East
- Ongoing dialogue to resolve all issues across the table. The will of the people of Kashmir in solving their problem must prevail.
- South Asia must be a nuclear-free region, and the elimination of landmines has to be priority.
- Promoting South Asia region as Passport-free and Visa-free zone for achievement of real peace
- Clamp down on BJP/RSS activities that raise communal passions every now and then in their hunt for issues.
DO WRITE AND LET US KNOW THAT YOU WILL BE PARTICIPATING IN THE EVENTS.Action Dates proposed......... for an action... wherever we can .....
- 26th January '07: People's Sovereignty Day: A day of warning to the central & state Governments; pledge for People's rule and withdrawal of SEZ Act
- 30th January '07: Day of Fast: against all division, discrimination, casteism, communalism & towards a National People's Movement through the joint Action in 2007 for transferring the State and the Society. Contribution of saved expense on one day's food (2 meals) towards the common fund for Action 2007.
- 18th March '07: Reach Delhi, Initiation of Action 2007
We invite all critically conscious individuals from all walks of life including artists, literary persons, alternative media persons, poets, theatre artists, scientists etc....
Let us take a step before it's too late. Here & now!! The Country, its people, nature all beckon you!
Ladenge, Jitenge ...Jeevan Bachao, Jeevika Bachao...Desh Bachao, Desh Banao ...
With Regards :
APVVU-Andhra Pardesh, Abhiyan-Jharkhand, Asha Parivar, Ashraya Adhikar Abhiyan, Diyara Jagran Samiti-Bihar, Domestic Workers Union-Karnataka, Delhi Forum, Initiative, ICHRL, Jal Biradari Sanghathan, Jan Sangharsh Vahini-Delhi, Kisan Sangharsh Samiti, Lokshakti Abhiyaan, Mazdoor Kisan Shakti Sangthan-Rajasthan, Narmada Bachao Andolan, National Alliance of People's Movements (NAPM), NFFPW, National Fish Workers Forum, Nadi Ghati Morcha-Chhatisgar, National Hawkers' Federation, National Campaign for Unorganised Workers', National Urban Struggle and Action Committee, National Campaign for Dalit Human Rights(NCDHR), Pennurium Iyakkum-Tamil Nadu, Rashtra Seva Dal, Rashtriya Yuva Sanghathan, Socialist Front, Shoshit Jan Andolan-Maharashtra, NCL, Samajwadi Jan Parishad, Shramik Sangathan-Delhi Samajwadi Jan Parishad, Sarva Seva Sangh, Shahri Mahila Kamgar Sangathan-Delhi, Unorganised Workers' Federation, Ulgulan Manch, Shahar Vikas Manch, Yuva Bharat and others...
Delhi Office: Action 2007, 1-A, Goela Lane, Under Hill Road, Civil Lines, Delhi-54
Mumbai Office: Action 2007, C/o National Alliance of People's Movements, 28-29, First Floor 'A wing' Haji Habib Building, Naigaon Cross Road, Dadar (E) Mumbai - 400014
E-mail: action2007 Contact: 022-24150529, 24931241