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Tampere: EU-summit in Finland on immigration - demo


Information about the Tampere counter-summit >From the beginning of July to the end of December, Finland will serve as president of the European Union. One central aim on this period is re- definition of EU's immigrant policies. For this reason there will be held a special European Council meeting (so called EU summit) on immigrant policies and internal security in Tampere, 15th-16th of October. The finnish movement will organize as reaction against EU policies on immigration items an European counter-summit. We hope that Tampere will be a part of a larger campaign against borders and in support of the sans-papiers all around Europe. We propose to start the campaign with an European demo in Belgium in the Semira Adamu memorial day (26.9). The demo will be very important as a moment of rupture against the eurofortress. We propose also the continuation of the campaign during the following weeks with for example a European action day (15.10) and in final the Tampere demonstration (16.10). At the moment we have received clear expression of interest in participating in the Tampere demo from the european movement, in particular from Italy and Germany. In the organization of the counter-summit are involved at the moment the Finnish Anarchist League (SAL), the syndacalist organization Solidaarisuus, the Finnish revolutionary socialist organization Sosialistiliitto. Also autonomists are involved (at the moment not in a official way – but in a few days the participation will be officialized). The contact with European movements and organizations will be carried out by single organization through own international networks. Also contacts with refugee and immigrate organization are in progress. The Finnish Communist Party (SKP) have also published in the newspaper Tiedonantaja information regarding the countersummit. The home-page of Tampere event function at the site . Regarding the site we need urgently materials,documents, expressions of solidarity and in particular help for the french pages (translation of english and italian texts in french). Regarding the campaign in general and regarding Tampere in particular our point of view is that the eurofortress have to pay an high price for some events of the last year as the murder of Semira Adamu, as the closing of the French border in occasion of the demo of Paris in March, as the aggressive policy of German Police against the antifa block in the demo of Köln, as the way to act against demonstrations in Bruxelles and so. All this event have a political price and now is time for fortress europe to pay. Regarding the technical aspect of the Tampere event the situation is under control and information regarding all the detail will be avalaible at the end of August. For further information contact us .


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