"Hess" Nazi Activities in Sweden and Denmark
August 17th is the day many Scandinavian nazis commemorate the death
of Rudolf Hess. In the past few years, attempts of nazis to hold Hess
commemorations in Sweden and Denmark have resulted in massive
anti-fascist mobilisation. This year, because of conflicts within
their movement, Scandinavian nazis were unable to organise one, single
co-ordinated event.
In fact, because of the fear of anti-fascist mobilisation, many "Hess"
activities occurred as early as Saturday the 7th of August! Eric
Blücher and his Blood&Honor group organised a small demonstration in
the village of Svendborg on the Danish island of Fyn. Blood&Honor have
a "bunker" nearby. According to the nazis’ own account they were 100
participants. Our experience says that they’re exaggerating.
During the same weekend, Sweden's National Socialist Front, NSF,
organised what they described as "Political Party Days" - a
combination of political meetings and beer-drinking. NSF held two
demonstrations on Saturday, first in the town of Vaxjö where circa 50
nazis marched for ten minutes and then later in the village of Nybro,
where they were circa 40 demonstrators.
All three of these events were closely scrutinised by anti-fascists.
The Danish National Socialist Movement, DNSB, announced a
demonstration scheduled for Saturday the 14th of August, in an area on
the outskirts of southern Copenhagen. This demonstration was never
actualised as the DNSB activists in their bunker in the Copenhagen
suburb of Greve, never totalled more than 15 individuals. At the same
time 400 anti-fascists stood outside the bunker walls just in-case the
nazis had other plans.
The largest nazi activity in Scandinavia was by far the music festival
"Holmgång 99" held outside of the small Swedish town of Borås. 400
nazis, nazi boneheads and a few of their redneck compatriots gathered
to listen to two days of white-power music which included bands from
Germany and England, as well as Sweden. On Saturday the 14th an
anti-racist demonstration was held in the town of Borås with circa 400
participants of which 50 went in an Anti-Fascist Action, AFA, block.
Disturbances occurred as many nazis were in the city to watch and
harass the demonstration. Three anti-fascists were arrested and one
policeman injured.
On a similar note, in Stockholm, nazi street-violence has dramatically
increased during the summer months. An anti-fascist demonstration
under the banner of “Stop Nazi Violence” was arranged on Friday the
13th – which proved to indeed be an unlucky day – for the nazis. Circa
300 demonstrators strayed from the planned demonstration route and
ended up in the middle of a traditional nazi gathering place on the
wharf of the Old Town island in Stockholm's centre. The nazis who were
there were then given free swimming lessons and anti-fascists cheered
them on as they most probably broke Olympic records!
AntiFascistisk Aktion-Stockholm
Box 38196
100 64 Stockholm
+46-([0]70)-566 5135
PG 4849894-3
Mot sexism, rasism, kapitalism och homofobi.