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Greece: Information about the anti-imperialist protest


Information about the anti-imperialist protest in Greece on the occasion of Clinton´s visit 20 November 1999 The visit of Clinton in Greece was eventful. Three elements are indicative of this: 1. The visit was reported for one week, and it was cut down to one day from the initial planning of a three days' visit. This "rearrangement" of the program was due to the following reasons: (a) There is a sound anti-imperialist and anti-yankee sentiment among the Greek people. This anti-USA sentiment had been increased by the provokative attitude and humiliating demands of the US administration before Clinton's visit, and by the submissive response of the Greek government and state services. The "security measures" that were taken under the direct orders of US agents were a pure negation of any sense of national sovereignty. (b) The antagonism between US and European imperialists has been clearly expressed in Greece before the visit through the quarrels that broke out between their local representatives in the political, financial and media world. (c) The USA were asking too much from the Greek government. They were asking an unconditional compromise with the demands of the regime of Ankara as far as the problems of Cyprus and of the Aegean Sea are concerned. 2. The days before the visit of Clinton the anti-imperialist climate developed further. On 13 November, the day that Clinton should come in Greece according to the initial plan, a big anti-imperialist demonstration took place in Athens, as well as in other cities of Greece. Four days later, on 17 November (anniversary of the 1973 anti-fascist anti-imperialist revolt), a huge march traversed the city of Athens and arrived in the US embassy. It was the biggest and most militant demonstration of the last years, with the participation of tens of thousands of people. Similar demonstrations, with equally strong anti-imperialist orientation, took place the same day in most Greek cities. Fearing a further increase of the combativity and anger of the masses, the government decided to forbid for 24 hours all mobilizations in Athens, during the visit of Clinton. 3. Despite the interdiction, the manifestation took place in Athens, as well as in all big cities of Greece. On 19 and 20 November, all over Greece tens of thousands of people manifested against imperialism. Of course, the most important protest took place in Athens, the time that Clinton was arriving in the airport. Thousands of demonstrators marched against the special forces which blocked the way to the US embassy. The government gave to the special forces the order to attack the protesters. The anti-riot police and the secret services agents tranformed the whole city in a battle field. They used thousands of tear gas and chemicals in order to disperse the protesters, they wounded hundreds of them, and they arrested 30 militants. Among them are four members of our organization and of the Anti-war Anti-imperialist Movement (an anti- imperialist front constructed this year by the Revolutionary Marxist Organization A/synechia, the Marxist Leninist Communist Party of Greece, the Workers Anti-imperialist Front and independent militants of the left). Three of our comrades, together with seven members of the youth of the "Communist Party of Greece" and three members of the New Left Current, are under heavy charges, accused as "terrorists" - while it is known to everybody that they had nothing to do with the destructions perpetrated by provocators and agents in order to defame the anti-imperialist movement. The arrests and the heavy charges against the young militants are part of the government's plan to terrorize the people, and especially the youth. Our organization and the Anti-war Anti-imperialist Movement (AAM) played an important part in the mobilizations against Clinton. Since October, they prepared in Athens, Thessaloniki, Patra and many other cities to "welcome" Clinton. Tens of thousands of posters and leaflets distributed by the AAM called the people to demonstrate against imperialism and the Greek government. Many preparatory public meetings were organized by the AAM all over Greece. The blocs of the AAM rallied hundreds of militants in Athens, Thessaloniki and Patra during all the manifestations. Now Clinton left - but our struggle continues. Actually we are fighting against the attempt of the government and the media to terrorize the people. As the demonstrators are scanding all over Greece: The terrorism will not pass - the struggle of the people will smash it! Imperialists, murderers of the peoples, out of Greece! Clinton-fascist-murderer! +++ Follows a Communiqué of the Revolutionary Marxist Organization A/synechia: COMMUNIQUÉ OF THE REVOLUTIONARY MARXIST ORGANIZATION A/SYNECHIA 20 November 1999 The Revolutionary Marxist Organization A/synechia salutes the great anti-imperialist demonstrations against Clinton and his lical supporters, which took place in tens of cities all over Greece. During the recent days the anti-imperialist, anti-yankee morale of the Greek people, of the working masses and of the youth, has been expressed in a multitude of ways. This anti-imperialist stand of our people obliged the government to change the date of the visit of the murderer Clinton, and at the same time to apply an extensive plan of terrorization of the people. The Revolutionary Marxist Organization A/synechia salutes the determined attitude of the people, who defied the state terror and the interdiction to demonstrate. We salute the resolute stand of the people, who teared the sickening propaganda of the government and the media to tatters, and gave a sound and militant answer through the protests which took place in Athens and all the big Greek cities. The government is accountable in the eyes of all progressive people for the terrorist pogrom it launched under the direct order of the USA, showing once more its subjugation to imperialism. The government transformed the centre of Athens in an arena for the special repressive forces, which thrashed thousands of demonstrators and sent tens of them in the hospitals. The Revolutionary Marxist Organization A/synechia condemns the government of Simitis: This government confirmed once more that it is an unscrupulous one. This government dared to bring in effect "laws" dating from the years of the fascist dictatorship in order to forbid the demonstration to the US embassy. It steeped in blood a peaceful march of thousands of people in the centre of Athens. Once more, it is confirmed that the policy of dependance by the imperialism goes along with the most cynical terrorism and the violation of the most elementary democratic rights. This policy of dependance transforms our country in a huge military base used by the NATO imperialists in order to conduct their aggressions in the Balkans and elsewhere. This policy of dependance leads to the partition of Cyprus. This policy of dependance brings to the people the unemployment, the poverty, the sordidness, and increases the marginalization of the youth. The government, having the alliance of the media barons, is attempting to reverse the negative disposition of the people for its policy, by overpromoting the damages provoked by the "anarchists" and by hiding the orgy of violence and terror of the special forces, which dominated for hours in a huge area of Athens. The anti-riot police and the special forces during hours tried to disperse any gathering of protesters, even in the streets where the demonstration was finally permitted. The reality is that the government has the whole responability for the events - and this government must realize that: The terrorism will not pass - the struggle of the people will smash it! The Revolutionary Marxist Organization A/synechia denounces the arrest of tens of protesters and their committal to trial with heavy accusations. Between them are four members of our organization and of the Anti-war Anti-imperialist Movement. It is known to everybody that the anti-imperialist movement and its organizations have nothing to do with the accusations attributed to them by the black propaganda of the media and the government. We demand the immediate release of the arrested militants and the cessation of all prosecutions against them. DOWN WITH THE POLICY OF DEPENDANCE, SUBJUGATION AND SERVITUDE - STRUGGLE FOR INDEPENDENCE! THE TERRORISM WILL NOT PASS - THE STRUGGLE OF THE PEOPLE WILL SMASH IT! Revolutionary Marxist Organization A/synechia


Revolutionary Marxist Organization A/synechia    Zurück zur Übersicht

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