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Genua: Infos zum G8 Gipfel

Recently the Prefect of Genoa delivered a decree concerning security in the
city detailing two security zones, Red and Yellow. The map is available on
the Genoa Social Forum web site.
The Red zone comprises the centre of the city to the tourist port area and
will be accessible only to residents. Through the east-west axis, the area
goes from the ferry boat station to the fish market, in "Piazza Cavour".
The yellow zone is a buffer area around the Red zone: in this zone it is
forbidden to march, gather or hand out leaflets and access is very limited.
The city is effectively divided in two parts: the east side and the west
side, and connections between the two are almost impossible; in fact the
only way is a narrow road through the hills over Genoa.
The limitations take effect from 18th July 7 a.m. to 22nd July, 8 p.m. The
airport closing is shifted to 19th July 7 a.m.
During the same time the port and the airport will be closed. The ferry boat
will be divert to Vado port (one km from Savona, 45 from Genoa).

No official news on highways and railway station practicableness.
If roads and railroads will be blocks, for people coming from south Italy
and from Islands, the easy way to reach Genoa will be the ferry boat links.
(actually Savona- 45km from Genoa).
We also asked for facilities and welcomes to the city of Savona and La

The Genoa County and Council are planning the welcome plan using schools,
gymnasiums and opens spaces in general for camping. These chooses are
related to the security master plan.
The census inside GSF on the private availability of flats, clubs, etc..
goes on, while in the green area around the social centre Terra di Nessuno
there will be in any case an open-air camping from the first week of july.
please communicate your arrival at at

A meeting with Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi and Home Secretary Claudio
Scajola have been requested. We receive no official answers as yet.

We quickly remind you the official appointments:
15th /22nd July: Public Forum.
19th July: International activities on the issue of Migrant People (Path:
Piazza Principe to Marassi Stadium)
20th July: Disobedience and argument actions surrounding Red zone.
21st July: Grand March. (Path: Corso Europa, corso Italia, Marassi Stadium)


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