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Bradford/UK: (Antifascist-) Action speaks louder than words

Nach Oldham, Leeds und Burnley ist Bradford die vierte britische Stadt in der Jugendliche, aus einer asiatischen Community, militant gegen den alltäglichen Rassismus kämpften. Auslöser der Riots in Bradford war, wie schon in den anderen Städten, ein geplanter Aufmarsch der neofaschistischen National Front (NF). Der Aufmarsch der am 7.06. geplant war konnten die NF und ihre Freunde bei der britischen Polizei nicht durchsetzen. Mehr als tausend Jugendliche taten das einzig Richtige - sie fegten den braunen Mob von der Straße. Wir dokumentieren die Erklärung eines/ einer Beteiligten. Taken from UK-Indymedia

by Anonymous Bradford 4:58am Sun Jul 8 '01

For fear of sure retaliation I cannot provide details of
myself or others. I hope this is understood?

What a scorcher in Bradford! The most spetacular community uprising to date. The people of Bradford, as is widely known by now, last night took direct action against the nazi's/facists who were attempting to gather in our centre. The police who took on the role as usual (and as expected) of protecting the facists from the justice of a risen community and as usual also attacked us for defending our community. We include the cops under the title nazi's/facists. They are the enemy of the people (regardless of what skin colour cops are, they are all the same, more "non-white" cops obviously changes nothing). Our community has had a sweeping victory against the state and the facists. The ANL "protestors" were predominantly only interested in that, "protesting. We pleaded to no "leaders", we took direct action ourselves, never again will we be pushed of our own streets, forced into hiding in our houses, keeping our heads down, "community leaders" have always sold us out. We're fighting back and wo'nt be betrayed. This is "anti-capitalism" at it's most vocal, a community in revolt. We must build on this, in every town and every city we must do our utmost to fight the racist/facist situation we live under and take the fight directly against the State aparatus, driving the police off our streets and liberate our communities, one by one, the dominoe effect.
We do not need to wait until the nazi's decide they want to march because
everyday the police are carrying out their intimidation and harrassment of
working class people. We can fight back ourselves.
No more "resisting" but going on the offensive.
In solidarity with all people fighting against this society.


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