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Sat Apr  6 22:32:01 1996

Extract from a statement from the infoshop "Schwarzmarkt" (Black Market):

The Hafenstrasse has come to represent an indispensable strongpoint in our struggle. The squatting movement (in Hamburg and elsewhere) has learnt a lot fron the experiences of the fight for and the history of the Hafenstrasse. For example the New Yearts Eves' demos, which are part of our structures of resistance, wouldn't have been possible without the Hafenstrasse.

And also for every one of us, from whatever historical background we come from, the fight for the Hafenstrasse is a important part in the development of our individual political consciousness. But we're not only united throught the fight for the Hafenstrasse, but also through common experiences in the Hafenstrasse, such as films, exhibitions, parties, and other events. For us, these houses are our homes, our centers, our infoshops, they are the cornerstone of our usually quite diffuse community structure.

Especially at this time, when we have a worldwide change in Relation of powers (reunification, so-called gulf war), we need our cenfiers for discussion and the setwing of new goals, and against neople becoming isolated.
We know that the ongoing attacks against our centres have been carefully planned and coordinated from above, one can see this from the decision by TREVI which says that in a unified, united Europe, squatted houses should not exist.

TREVI is a network of communization, intelligence, coordination and policy making between the police, antiterrorist and security forces of EC states. It has close links with equivalent groups in Sweden, Israel, US. Shrouded in Secrecy, their Official task is to fight against "international terrorism". In reality TREVI has been developed as a weapon
against all anti-state resistance. Most areas of interaction between EC member states are very unorganised, TREVI stands out as being the one area where coordination is almost 100% complete.

One can see from examples from different countries that this decision is implemented by worse. Examples... a year ago in Copenhagen there were five squatted houses, now all have been evicted. The situation in Berlin: either make a contract or be evicted - we have all experienced it. In the context of TREVI, we see the attack on Hafenstrasse as well as the continued attacks on infoshops. We don't think that the attacks on the houses are accidental. The Ruling (men) Powers want to crush our infrastruotures so that they can go through with their corrupt Schemes. From the reunification to the gulf war we see their corrupt schemes in all our daily lives. To do this unhindered they want to break our Structures of resistance. But that's exactly what we're sighting against and we will continue until they have broken all their teeth.

The Hafenstrasse has such an important meaning for us: while for the people who live there it Is living space, it is at the same tine an attempt to live out our ideals practically, even though they can sometimes seen contradictory Just as importantly, the Hafenstrasse is a very backbone for the political structures we do create. If they evict the Hafenstrasse, which has also become the symbol for fights which we have won, then our would-be executioners won't see barriers preventing them from further crushing the movement. This includes all of the houses/centres that our movement has fought for and created. We must ensure that the Hafenstrasse stays with us. There are no easy answers, but what is sure is that even though we have internal differences and difficulties, we must be united so that our lives and living space are not destroyed.