summer of resistance - Barcelona

Ein Bericht von den Aktionen in Barcelona

...dieser Bericht erschien zuerst auf indymedia.

Das für Ende Juni in Barcelona geplante Treffen des IWF wurde im Vorfeld abgesagt - die Angst vor Krawallen war der viel zitierte Grund - erneut ein Erfolgfür die "Antiglobalisierungs" diesem Sinne:

>>> Zusammen kämpfen gegen Kapitalismus & Polizeistaat !

global action day in barcelona

The demonstrations on the 25 were outstanding and a clear success. The police restrained from using their shiny, black toys (pressure from above for the tourist who was shot the day before) and a march from the university to the stockmarket exchange and then to the detention centre where the arrested people were held, took place without any bothersome interruptions. All previously held protesters have been released, charges against them remain however. Media coverage concerning the entire event has been quite two-sided (the Spanish media that is), as footage was released that proved beyond doubt that agent provocateurs were in the crowd agitating and escalating the situation. In my opinion, the 25th can be held in memory as a symbolic victory in being able to retake public spaces and use them
purposefully without the authorities dictating the terms. Great stuff, Genoa will be great.

Monday (late):
Tired but fairly satisfied. After last report we found march and it had gone right through Barcelona, apparently getting a very positive reception, there are inevitable problems for a system which can only maintain its authority by shooting at everyone that opposes it. We ended up outside (what we think are) the courts and a few hundred people surrounded it, there were still many riot police present but despite this grafiti was sprayed all around the court proclaiming No World Bank, Police Rob Banks, Freedom for the Arrested, and, perhaps most importantly, another world is possible. Banners were hung stating the police are fascists and the filth stood by these banners quite proudly. We spent some time taunting them, observing there resemblance to the Village People. They really are a bunch of cocks. One day we will kick the fuckers until they are sick. We left the area and prepared ourselves for more autonomous actions which are expected to go throughout the night. Another world is possible. At 5pm last night that was hard to believe but now we can see it bright and clear. Our possibilities have never been more apprent.
We were left in a desperate situation yesterday and doubtless there will be many questions of the plan but those on the streets have done well and will continue fighting, it´s not over yet and the night should be fun. There is a protest against police brutality planned for Sunday. For revolution ,

Monday lunchtime report:
Ended up following samba band for protest outside jail. Very tense as there were shitloads of polis vans in front of and behind us, but a few hundred jumped down into the metro and boarded a train. Very good moment as the metro station was totally filled with demonstrators. We got to the jail and although there was a strong police presence there were no arrests. Perhaps 1500 people enjoyed wine and dinner outside the prison which was good. Couldn´t get home so crashed back in town. Got to Universitat before 9, bu 9.30 there was still only about 100 people and then they went into the convergence center. It looked like taht was it and the police tactics of the previous day had worked. There was a long meeting that got bigger and bigger. Lots of liberal shite about making press conference regarding police violence etc. There is a video that shows the police using agent provocateurs and this is to be released to the media at 5pm. Loads of press around meeting but were not allowed in (that´s a start). It was agreed that there would be an action next sunday against the police violence. Eventually what we are going to do today was discussed. This meeting was dominated by a couple of liberal wankers who liked the sound of their own voices too much. Eventually agreed we would try to do an action in front of the stock exchange as had originally been planned. Then all the white overalls crowd started producing there padding, there was about 100 of them. Soon we had about two thousand outside and this time we were ready for confrontation. This seemed to have arisen and there was a standoff when we were very near the exchange however, we were able to surround it and there was much dancing celebrating etc. At this point I broke off with a small group and some distance from this event we done a little artwork and flung bins behind us to escape the area. Returning to the protest and people were dancing in the fountains spraying water everywhere. Today has been good effort given yesterdays events. Now met up with the others and probably going to get some scran. All fine though
my feet hurt like fuck.

The word going round is that the party tonight will not be attacked by the police because they shot a tourist with a rubber bullet during the afternoon and are not to fire in Placa Catalunya. 16 people still in jail (apparently) but there have been many injuries. During the afternoon the police attacked every mobile movement of people, the only way we could resist them was for people to get very close to police lines to stop them from using their rubber bullet guns. We were quite disheartened because everything quietened down and it looked like it was going to be impossible for us to regroup but now there is a big gathering in Placa Catulunya and there is a sounds system plus samba band and a few thousands people (activists and randoms) listening to music etc. There was a mass meeting and vote to decide if we should go to the jail in solidarity with the arrested but we decided to stay put. So that seems to be it for tonight. Guess tomorow will be rough as fuck because there will not be very many people out and the police will be brutal as fuck. Today, we are told, was the pacifist event. During said event Burger king lost its signs and all its windows, many shops on one side of the road were smashed and banks locks were glued and windows covered in Grafiti. We spent a lot of the afternoon in bars chatting to various people and are now going for some grub. At one point the police came under fire from bottles but responded by shooting fuck out of everyone.
The day has been charcterised by skirmishes and extreme force from the police. Quite a few people have decided they have had enough and have called it a day I think. It is very good that we have been able to regroup etc, given police tactics. When we were able to push lines back and the police on other side of square were attacked with bottles was empowering

some 40 people arrested and injured by the police. Today´s demonstration involved something around 50.000 people (this is a number I have heard from numerous sources including a traffic warden). There was a march down the Passeig de Gracia, one of the principal avenues that lead into the city´s centre, Plaça de Catalunya. The sheer diversity of organisations, collectives and unions that participated in the march was impressive (over 500). Banners of all colours and sizes, thousands of bohemian costumes and of course music from all corners of the march made the event extremely enjoyable and exiting At the end of the march there was a large congregation in Plaça de Catalunya with dancing, some speeches and some juggling acts. Amazingly, no one seemed to have been too annoyed by our presence until then. Police, as far as I could see, kept a respectful distance, although there was a protective line of the
bastards in front of the stockmarket. Around 14:00 - 14:15 events became fuzzy. There was a sudden volley of gunfire (rubber bullets apparently) from one side of the Plaça de Catalunya and people ran over to the other side. Warnings by some of the people on the speaker platform said that people were being arrested and shot, and that leaving the place was recommended. Soon afterwards police began to swarm en masse into Plaça de Catalunya and there was a general melee with crowds and individuals racing to escape the police´s clutches. Apparently it all started when they grabbed a masked youth, shoving him into a nearby police van. This set off a minor scuffle between demonstrators and cops, which was quickly resolved by the use of rubber bullets. A force of some hundred demonstrators remained near Plaça de Catalunya, trying to make a second stand against the police. Chants like "
Policia assesino (Police are assassins)" or " Si disparais, sois nada (if you shoot, you´re nothing)made occasion quite pleasant and memorable. At some point though the police made asecond attack. The bastard went for simply everyone, regardless of the fact that there were a lot of tourists and other people that didn´t have anything to do with the demonstration present. Batons and truncheons were favoured tools of choice to deal with the demonstrators. I hung around for a bit after that, dodging those bastards in the labyrintine maze of narrow roads, one way streets and what have you. Last I heard and saw, the police are still pursuing demonstrators all over the place. More later

March very big, we walked alongside it looking at all the different groups and ending up reasonably near the front. When we arrived in the square, we stood about for a bit and then as others were still filing into the square, we set off for lunch awaiting the next action. Meanwhile, unknown to us, people towards the tail of the march (which was many tens of thousands)totally fucking wrecked many of the banks. Anyway, then people are gathered in the square (where we were to spend much time doing different actions, agent provocateurs started trouble (a popular tactic of the Spanish police) and very quickly the police have turned the place into the fucking wild bunch. So we are sitting in a bar a few minutes from the square and all of a sudden there are hundreds of people running past us, police vans racing everywhere. We stayed in the bar until the situation had stabilised then joined one of many groups confronting lines of riot police. Police are using very many rubber bullets and baton charges. People were getting close to lines so that police cannot use guns and we were repeatedly pushing them back amid cheers and celebrations. Soon more riot police arrive and again crowds is chased away. Just now we are taking a bit to recover and are hoping to get
back involved as soon as people can regroup. We went to attend the anarchist demonstration but it was attacked and dispersed before we even got there (before its scheduled starting time. Apparently the fighting here was very fierce. Just now people are meeting to decide what to do next there are many people in hospital and we are wondering what to do. You know I don´t think there is any point in complaining about police violence etc, but the way this has been policed is unlike anything I´ve ever seen. The tactics used are very alien to someone from the UK and it is very difficult for us to know what to do. We are permenantly crapping our pants, but I´m hoping to get back involved soon. There are many people walking about with injuries and there is a constant sound of rubber bullets being fired. I have just heard that while I´m writing this, a big anarchist gathering has been fired on and they have run back
towards placa catalunya, it appears the police may be starting to try and arrest people. Anyway, suppose I´d better finish up and go and get shot at. We are all fine if a little shook up for a bit. . You can edit the report and spread about if you have the time. People here have shown some bravery but it is very difficult.