From: hanboss
Subject: People's Int'l Conference in Seoul
People's International Conference in Seoul
People Challenging the IMF: Neoliberalism, the IMF and International Solidarity
September 9 - 12, 1998 Seoul, Korea
People Challenging the IMF: Neoliberalism, the IMF and International Solidarity
September 9 - 12, 1998The Convenors Committee
5th Fl. Woosung Blg. 1578-3 Shillim 1-dong, Kwanak-gu, SeoulKorea // e-mail: hanboss // tel. +822-837-2853// fax. +822-839-4359
July 15, 1998
Solidarity greetings from south Korea.
Trade union movement and other people's organisations have, midst the devastation of the IMF regime and ongoing struggle, are organising an international conference to bring together various people's struggles against the IMF programmes and the neo-liberal attacks against people's rights and welfare.
The conference, a small step towards building cross-border and cross-sectoral alliances among various people's movements, focuses on the following specific aims:
Sharing experience: bring together various people's organizations and networks from around the world to share experiences, analyses, actions, and strategies in confronting the various impact of globalisation and neo-liberal attacks — through the IMF structural adjustment policies, liberalisation drive of the WTO, MAI, and free trade agreements - on people, society, and environment, labor.
Enhancing our understanding of the programme and the impact of the IMF regime: bring together experiences of different sectors and different countries impacted by the IMF structural adjustment programmes.
Building common vision and strategy: begin the work to prepare a common ground of understanding, action, and strategy in response to a new round of neo-liberal offensive, taking form in the negotiation on the Multilateral Agreement on Investment (MAI).
Working together: provide a venue and mechanism for strengthening linkages among progressive movements to lay a foundation for solidarity among specific local struggles (migrant workers, environment, progressive political parties, unemployed people, urban poor, etc.).
Your participation and contribution will be important in providing the Korean people a better understanding of the various struggles going on throughout the world. The sharing and mutual contribution will energise the common efforts to build better links amongst different struggles and to draft a clear common vision and strategy.
The eight separate workshops on different issues and sectors — unemployment, privatization, migrant workers, environmental issues, the urban poor — will provide an opportunity for people of the same sectors or people who have similar concerns to develop in-depth exchange.
The Conference will culminate on September 12, 1998 with a national rally against unemployment, organised by trade unions and other people's organisations, and the network of unemployed workers.
We advise you either arrive in time for a Conference-Eve cultural programme scheduled for September 8 or send ahead video and other audio-visual materials introducing your struggle and organisation for showing and exhibition in the Eve programme.
Hoping that this conference provides the Korean progressive organisations an opportunity to develop a greater international consciousness and to work together with all other people's struggles all over the world,
In solidarity
People's International Conference in Seoul Convenors' Committee
People's International Conference in Seoul
Korean people's movement will hold an international conference on Sep. 9-12, in Seoul. The convenors committee of the "People's International Conference in Seoul" is composed of some 30 people's organizations, including trade unions and other grassroots movements groups.
Korea, sandwiched between the Third World and advanced industrial nations, has become a new flashpoint in the ongoing battle between the people and neo-liberal offensive. Korean people's struggle against the IMF's neo-liberal policy prescriptions is an integral part of the broader struggle of people all over the world against the destructive impact of the neo-liberal globalisation.
The "People's International Conference in Seoul" will provide a valuable opportunity for Korean people's movement to share the experiences of other movements in other countries, instilling an international dimension and consciousness. It is also an opportunity for different struggles in the various corners of the world to gather together to strengthen unity and solidarity.
It will enable Korean people to learn that we are not alone in this struggle. It will also give Korean people an inspiration to begin to organise a strong response to the new round of liberalisation taking shape in the name of MAI.
-- Provisional Programme --
(subject to changes).
Sept. 8 (Tue)
afternoon: Workshop
evening: Conference-Eve Programme cultural program (video and songs)
Sept. 9 (Wed) Plenary 1 :
- Welcome note and introduction
- Keynote Presentation 1: Neoliberalism, the IMF and People's strategy
- Keynote Presentation 2: The IMF SAPs and Korean People's movement
Case 1 Zapatista Movement (Mexico)
Case 2 Forum of the Poor (Thailand)
Case 3 (Chile: Decades of IMF Regime)
Case 4 (Indonesia)evening: Workshops
Sept. 10 (Thur.) Continuation of Plenary 1
Case 5 EuroMarch
Case 6 Anti-Nike action Network
Case 7 HanYoung Trade Union (Mexico)afternoon: Workshops
evening: Workshops
Sept. 11 (Fri.) Plenary 2:
Exploring people's strategies on the international scale
- Presentation: "Visions for People's Agenda in Creating Global Economic and Social Norms"
- Presentation: "Trade Union Response to the MAI & Free Trade Agreements"- Learning about different Action Networks:
Case 1: Peoples' Global Action
Case 2: Anti-Apec Networks
Case 3: STOP IMF network
Case 4: Anti-NFTA network
Case 5: Asian Conference ( be confirmed.......)Adoption of Conference Communique
Sept. 12 (Sat)
Morning: press interview
Afternoon: International People's Action Day
(Convenors' Committee will organize the action on the global scale against the IMF SAPs, MAI, privatization and unemployment with many global (regional) people's networks. In Korea, rally of workers and unemployed will be organized.)
-- Workshops --
Workshop 1: Unemployment
Workshop 2: Privatization
Workshop 3: Neoliberalism and Healthcare
Workshop 4: Neoliberalism and Environment.
Workshop 5: Neoliberalism and Migrant workers
Workshop 6: Neoliberalism and Student movements
Workshop 7: Neoliberalism and the role of Political Parties
Workshop 8:Neoliberalism and the Urban PoorContact Person :
Chang-geun, Lee, PICIS(Policy & Information Center for Int'l Solidarity)
Tel.: +82 2 837 2853
Fax.: +82 2 839 4359
Name: ( Mrs. Ms. Mr.)
Name of Organization:
I will attend the Conference / I will not
For Conference Attendees
Please give details below if you have special dietary requirements (i.e. vegetarian):
Anticipated travel route:
Anticipated cost of ticket:
Contribution of your organization:
Amount requested for reimbursement:
*note 1: Conference participants from the global north are expected to cover at least their travel costs, and if their situation allows, contributions are welcome to help enable those from the global south to be reimbursed for their tickets.
*note 2: Resistration fee - The North(100US$), The South(70US$), It includes accomodation, food, booklet.
PLEASE FAX (+822-839-4359), MAIL (5/F Wonsung B/G, 1578-3 Shillim 1-dong, Kwanak-gu, Seoul, Korea) OR E-MAIL (hanboss TO THE SEOUL INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE BY AUGUST 17, 1998