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March 1 CAFTA in El Salvador - implementation, protests, a challenge in the courts
Here are a bunch of articles on CAFTA being inaugurated today in El Salvador, mostly in Spanish. Protests continued for the second day in a row, and the FMLN presented a case before the Supreme Court challenging the constitutionality of CAFTA (as Saca and some ministers had a big ceremony and patted each other on the back.) Meanwhile there were some attacks by the police and injuries to protesters yesterday, but today's actions were mostly peaceful, from what we've heard.
CAFTA Protest in El Salvador - Feb 28 - Mar 1
Protestan contra TLC en El Salvador (1/3/2006)
- Nueva protesta contra TLC en la capital (1/3/2006)
- Protestas contra CAFTA en El Salvador (28/2/2006)
- Salvadorans Protest Trade Deal With U.S. (28/2/2006)
Articles about the FMLN's challenge to CAFTA's constitutionality:
- FMLN presenta recurso de inconstitucionalidad contra TLC (El Diario de Hoy | 1/3/2006)
- FMLN presenta recurso de inconstitucionalidad contra TLC (Diario Co Latino | 1/3/2006)
Articles on the implementation:
- Desde hoy rigen nuevas reglas (1/3/2006)
- El Salvador inicia aplicación del TLC (1/3/2006)
El Salvador deposita Instrumento de Ratificación del CAFTA (28/2/2006)