School Without Walls 480 Broadway Rochester 14614
Andy or Ben or Mary
adillonfrontiernet.net or Ishiputam
585-464-8965 http://rochesterimc.org/social-forum/
2 day event (Friday Sept 12- Sat Sept. 13)
Multi-style forum jointly organized by a broad spectrum of Rochester area groups. Events will address corporate globalization, militarism and local resistance and social activism.
Plans underway for Saturday (Sep 13) demonstration and evening social event, along with ongoing educational, arts and organizing forums throughout the Friday and Saturday Forum.
Rochester joins with movements throughout the world in opposition to corporate greed and war. Groups will gather in Rochester to learn, network and move toward actions that "will make another worlds possible."
Let's show each other how to live in a world where people are more important than profits.
Let's learn together and demand that our voices be heard in decisions that affect our lives.
Let's enjoy each other and build bridges in our community.
Recently 200,000 people gathered in the French countryside in that same spirit, to strategize for a Fall campaign against commercialization and privatization associated with WTO policies. More than twice as many people as anticipated showed up, and organizers were forced to close the event to new arrivals.
In the U.S., many are organizing local events to clarify and oppose WTO policies. United for Peace and Justice and Global Exchange for example, both have websites calling for international days of action against the WTO to coincide with the Cancun meetings.
The WTO embodies the policies of corporate domination and control that lead to social injustice and poverty for millions here in the United States and throughout the world. It is a critical component in the web of elites who divert our much needed resources to militarism, imprisonment, displacement and war.
Rochester joins with movements throughout the world in opposition to corporate greed and war. Groups will gather in Rochester to learn, network and move toward actions that "make other worlds possible."
The forum will include themes relating to:
Working together, we can demand a more democratic global economy where:
*From "Ten Ways to Democratize the Global Economy" (for more info on social forums go to http://www.nycsocialforum.org/whatis2.html).
Activities are being planned by various groups and individuals from the Rochester area. In addition there will be room for spontaneous discussion/planning to occur. We hope to have a wide variety of groups and philosophies represented at the forum.
In order for this to work well we need your help. This could mean anything from showing up and letting people know that your group exists to giving a presentation to being part of the planning of the forum itself. Basically, any way that you could contribute would be very appreciated. If a decent amount of groups sign on and put in only a minimal amount of time, we can expect a very good forum. If a wide variety of groups want to take an active role in planning and executing the forum, we can expect something great.
While the world elites are forcing their vision of the future onto the world, lets work together to build ours.
come to a planning meeting, EVERY THURSDAY AT 5:45PM
Ben Dean IshiPutnamhotpop.com 442-6301
Andy Dillon adillonfrontiernet.net 442-1418
Mary Shoemaker mary_shoemakerurmc.rochester.edu 464-8965
Earthman earthmanindymedia.org