MDB Water and Power Pipeline
Estimad@s, en esta lista solo estan incluidos los proyectos que tienen que ver con Mesoamerica. m * MDB Water and Power Pipeline 6th Issue August 2002 Below is a list of energy and water projects that have, in August 2002, been added to or removed from the project pipeline of the World Bank, Asian Development Bank, African Development Bank, and Inter-American Development Bank. For previously published lists of proposed projects being considered by these institutions, please go to NICARAGUA Power (N) Off-Grid Rural Electrification (PERZA): The objective of the project is to provide selected rural sites with sustainable electricity services and the associated social and economic benefits. This would be accomplished by assisting the government in designing and implementing its national rural electrification strategy; deploying innovative public/private off-grid electricity delivery mechanisms in several pilot sites for later national replication; and demonstrating in the pilot areas the potential of sustainable targeted rural micro-finance and business development services to enhance significantly the development impact of rural electrification. Negotiations are tentatively scheduled for 20 January 2003. Environmental Assessment Category B. US$ 5.6/4.0 (IDA/GEF). Consultants will be required for project preparation. National Energy Commission, PO Box CJ-159, Complejo de Cooperacion Externa, Managua, Nicaragua ----------------------PROJECTS RECENTLY DROPPED------------------------- MEXICO Environment Off-Grid Rural Electrification GEF: The project will test private-sector implemented mechanisms for sustainable electrification of off-grid rural areas, using conventional and renewable energy technologies, as feasible. A LIL of up to US$ 5.0 million is envisioned to finance pilot operations in selected sites that will later be replicated all over the country in a follow-up operation. The project is no longer in the lending program. Further reporting will be discontinued. Environmental Assessment Category C. PID: MXGE68390. US$ 1.5 (GEF). Consulting services to be determined. Secretaría de Energia Insurgentes Sur 552, 3 Piso, Col. Roma Sur, México, DF, 06769, Mexico, Tel: (52-5) 564-9789, Fax: (52-5) 564-9769 MEXICO Environment Off-Grid Rural Electrification: This learning and innovation loan will test private-sector implemented mechanisms for sustainable electrification of off-grid rural areas, using conventional and renewable energy technologies, as feasible. The project is no longer in the lending program. Further reporting will be discontinued. Environmental Assessment Category C. PID: MXPE64848. US$ 5.0 (IBRD). Consulting services to be determined. Secretaría de Energia Insurgentes Sur 552, 3er Piso, Col. Roma Sur, México 06769, DF, Mexico, Tel: (52-5) 564-9789, Fax: (52-5) 564-9769 INTER-AMERICAN DEVELOPMENT BANK August 2002 **************************************************** -----------------------NEW PROJECTS PROPOSED------------------------ BRAZIL (BR-0395): Termo Norte Thermoelectric Power Project For more information: BRAZIL (BR-0398): Novatrans Energia Transmission Project For more information: GUATEMALA (GU-0171) Interconexion Electrica entre Guatemala y Mexico For more information: (NOTE: This project appears to be part of the Plan Puebla-Panama (PPP ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Monti Aguirre Latin American Campaigns International Rivers Network
Plan Puebla Panama | Mexico | Water Campaign | |