We invite you to add you and/or your organisation's name to this Open Letter which has been circulated by the José Alvear Restrepo human rights lawyers collective in Colombia. The Colombia Solidarity Campaign will be handing this letter with a list of UK signatories to the Colombian Embassy in London from our picket 4-6pm on 30th October. To include your name on the list please get back to me by 12 noon on 30th.
Honourable Alvaro Uribe Vélez,
President of Colombia
Dear President Uribe:
It is public knowledge that broad and diverse popular sectors have planned a national strike for October 30, 2002 with the goal of demanding substantial improvements in their difficult conditions of life and to express their opposition to the most recent economic, social and political measures designed by your government, measures which in the opinion of those that are calling this strike day, have made the situation of these sectors even more precarious.
As individuals, institutions and organizations that represent a wide diversity of positions and perspectives in the international community we are gravely concerned about what might happen to popular organizations, their leaders and the civilian population who participate in this strike. Our attitude cannot be any different after learning about the multitude of denouncements and testimonies of the consequences of the way in which your government responded to the most basic and just demands of the sectors that mobilized in a peaceful way on and since this past September 16. During the organization and development of the events that were part of this peaceful citizen protest, your government reacted with decrees that declared most mobilizations illegal and followed these with widespread repression- including the large youth march from Tunja to Bogotá.
International observers and citizens have also become a target of repression and criminalization by Colombian authorities. Such is the case of the Belgians Jacques Brovekaert, Jam Verike y Mirielle Barletta, Adriana Borrego, Hugo Tapias, who became victims of such criminalization and repression in-spite of their compliance with the requirements established within the "State of Emergency" legislation mandating them to notify the Governor of Cauca, Floro Tunubala of their presence.
International presence has been shown to be effective in protecting the lives of popular leaders, contributing to the protection of organizations, movements and popular processes that make demands within the constitutional framework, in the context of repression and war. Due to the aforesaid Mister President, the least we can do is express our profound dissatisfaction with the implementation of measures that go against our international solidarity towards democratic citizen actions.
Further, we must denounce your government's development and implementation of a project against international solidarity, one whose purpose is to "pick a fight" with such solidarity efforts -as Vice President Francisco Santos has said. Santos also announced that the Colombian Ambassador to Canada, Fanny Kertzman, would design this fight against solidarity efforts outside of the country.
We are convinced that the restrictions on entry, freedom of movement and lengths of stay of foreigners in Colombia, the unfounded accusations of individual and organizational connections with terrorist organizations and the stigmatization propaganda all result in the criminalization of international solidarity. The principal result is that of closing spaces of legal and peaceful citizen participation, thereby contributing to an increase in both the impunity and illegitimacy of Colombian state institutions. At the same time, it -directly and indirectly- promotes an increase in violence and human rights violations in Colombia.
Those of us who support the respect of Colombians' fundamental human and citizen rights, including their right to protest, to forge peace and to achieve a just life, are not about to renounce our moral obligation to continue in this work geared towards supporting and accompanying their just struggles.
As a result, Mr President we respectfully ask:
Finally, Mr President, it is in the spirit of this communication that we ask all governments of the world, all multilateral organizations (such as the United Nations and the OAS) and international solidarity organizations to mobilize their resources to demand that the Government of Colombia guarantee and respect the democratic right to peaceful process during the strike called for October 30, and that they send International Delegations of Observation and Accompaniment.
ALVARO URIBE VELEZ Presidente de la República, Presidencia de la República Carrera 8 n. 7-26 Palacio de Nariño, Santa Fe de Bogotá Teléfono. +57.1.5629300 ext. 3550 (571 ) 284 33 00 Fax (571 ) 286 74 34 - 286, 68 42 -284 21 86 e-mail auribepresidencia.gov.co FERNANDO LONDOÑO HOYOS Ministro del Interior y Justicia Carrera 8 # 8-09 - Bogotá Fax: 0057-1-286.80.25 e-mail mininterior
myrealbox.com MARTHA LUCÍA RAMíREZ DE RINCÓN Ministra de la Defensa, Ministerio de Defensa Nacional Avenida El Dorado con carrera 52 CAN Santa Fe de Bogotá Télex: 42411 INPRE CO; 44561 CFAC CO Tel-fax: + e-mail mdn
cable.net.co infprotocol
mindefensa.gov.co LUIS CAMILO OSORIO Fiscal General de la Nación Diagonal 22 B n. 52-01 Santa Fe de Bogotá. Tel fax: +57.1.570.2022 EDUARDO CIFUENTES MUÑOZ Defensoría del Pueblo Calle 55 n. 10-32 Santa Fe de Bogotá Fax: +57.1.346.1225 e-mail secretaria_privada
hotmail.com FRANCISCO SANTOS Vicepresidente de la República Consejería Presidencial de Derechos Humanos Calle 7 No 6-54 Piso 3 Santa Fe de Bogotá, D. C. Telefax: +57.1.337.1351 e-mail fsantos
presidencia.gov.co Gral (RE) TEODORO CAMPO Director General Policía Nacional Santafé de Bogotá Fax: +57.1.428.7634 - +57.1.315.9527 CAROLINA BARCO Ministra de Relaciones Exteriores Fax: +57-1-341.6777 JUAN LUIS LONDOÑO Ministro de Trabajo y Salud Fax: +57-1-285.7091 JORGE ENRIQUE MORA RANGEL Comandante de las Fuerzas Militares Avenida el Dorado con Carrera 52 Santa Fe de Bogotá Telefax. 57-1-2222935 CARLOS ALBERTO OSPINA OVALLE Comandante del Ejército Nacional Santafé de Bogotá Fax: + LUIS CARLOS RESTREPO Alto Comisionado para la Paz Fax: +57.1.560.9946 LUIS HOYO (Gerente) Red de Solidaridad Social Calle 7 No 6-54 piso 3 Bogotá, DC - Colombia Fax: (571) 336 22 16 PRESIDENCIA DE LA UE: Per Poulsen-Hansen Ambassador, Diplomatic Adviser (Head of Foreign, European and Defense policy) e-mail: pph
stm.dk Oficina Alto Comisionado Naciones Unidas para los DDHH oacnudh
hchr.org.com Jeppe Tranholm-Mikkelsen Chief Adviser (EU Policy) e-mail: jtm
stm.dk Michael Borg-Hansen Senior Adviser (EU Foreign and Security Policy) e-mail: mbh
stm.dk WITH COPIES TO Colombian Embassy (UK): mail
colombianembassy.co.uk Denis MacShane Foreign Office (UK):macshaned
parliament.uk CUT Human Rights Department: derechoshumanoscut
cc-net.net Colombia Solidarity Campaign (UK) colombia_sc
hotmail.com PICKET THE COLOMBIAN EMBASSY Wednesday 30th October 4.00 - 6.00pm 3 Hans Crescent, London SW1 (back of Harrods, Knightsbridge tube) No to Criminalisation and Repression! End the State of Internal Unrest! For the Right of Social Protest!