Through its Human Rights Department, the Colombian United Workers Federation denounces to national and international public opinion the assault launched by Álvaro Uribe Vélez's government against the Colombian trade union movement.
The specific point of this attack is the attempted criminalisation of the leadership of the Oilworkers Union - Unión Sindical Obrera USO, when today 15th January the National Attorney General took measures against comrade HERNANDO HERNÁNDEZ, USO's Secretary for Foreign Affairs. We remember that comrade recordamos HERNANDO was the First Vice-President of the CUT on its previous Executive Committee.
At the same time we denounce the death threats against comrade RODOLFO GUTIERREZ, USO National President Nacional and against EDGAR MOJICA, another USO national leader.
All this is taken place in the midst of a labour conflict, which will either go forward or be got rid of. USO is presenting a set of demands to the state oil corporation ECOPETROL, concerning the sacking of union leaders and the military occupation of its refineries.
We, with the workers of Colombia, call for an urgent and direct response to the attitude of the government of Álvaro Uribe Vélez.
Director Human Rights Department, CUT
Bogota, D.C. 15 January, 2002
USO Oilworkers Union National Executive Committee
There is a plan in process to assassinate our National President Rodolfo Gutiérrez Niño. We know this from direct threats and information received from other serious sources.
This situation occurs while we are discussing with the government and the administration of Ecopetrol state oil corporation its grave situation including: falls in reserves and production, low refining yields, leasing out of pipelines and the fuel supply system. We are facing the corporation's counter-demands to eliminate trade union rights and the free exercise of union activity through sackings, disciplinary processes and criminalisation. All of these issues have blocked negotation of our demands, presented to renew the Collective Work Agreement that ended on 31 Deecmber last.
Those who are trying to carry out this murderous act seek to unleash violence against the union, and so silence all the protests that we have made against the policies of North American multinationals to take over the hidrocarbon industry, that is being executed through the restructuring of Ecopetrol and official oil policy.
USO rejects and condemns this sinister plan against the president of our organisation. We demand that president Álvaro Uribe Vélez provides guarantees for the functioning of the union, including our right to exercise civilised and democratic opposition to his government's own policies. We reject the security measures taken against comrade Hernando Hernández.
We are in a campaign calling for ACTIVE ABSTENTION against Uribe's referendum *. The same day that we denounced the planned assassination of the union's president, comrade Hernando Hernández Pardo was notified by the National Attorney General that he would be under further security restrictions in the form of house arrest.
To this situation is added the assassination attempt on comrade Alirio Rueda, president of USO's Barrancabermeja section, at the weekend as he was going to Bucaramanga, from which he escaped unhurt. In addition people unkown to the workers entered Cartagena Refinery making comments that they were going to assassinate comrade Edgar Mojica, a member of the National Executive Committee.
We consider that with these incidents there is sufficient evidence of a policy of planned extermination against our organisation and its leaders, coinciding with our protests against the collective agreement, the sackings in Cartagena, the reactivation of disciplinary protests, criminal charges and the process of weakening Ecopetrol.
We denounced the situation at yesterday's meeting with the Health and Labour, Mines and Energy Ministries and Ecopetrol's president. We told them that these are not conditions to enter negotiations and demanded guarantees for the exercise of union activity, without threats and with full right to protest.
In the face of these serious events we have called a NATIONAL 24 HOUR STRIKE in all Ecopetrol installations, starting from 6:00 a.m. today 16th January, and we are calling on the entire workers movement in Colobia to join our protest to categorically reject the agreession that is taking place against our union.
National Executive Committee
"In an attempt to gain legitimacy for his authoritarian and neoliberal programme, Uribe Vélez has arranged a referendum to take place in May. The referendum has no less than 18 issues to vote on, drafts of the voting sheet run to 11 pages. There are two main categories of question, those dealing with constitutional reform and those dealing with economic measures. The referendum will not be an exercise in democracy but in manipulation. No modern democracy has such a complicated arrangement, which is not surprising for there is considerable scope for confusion and misunderstanding in the voting.
Supporters of Uribe have presented his reforms as dealing with corruption and trimming off wasteful branches of the state. But the opposition point out that all the political changes will leave the executive with more power, and the economic changes are disguised cuts in state responsibility for welfare provision.
The rules of the game are that so long as at least 6 million vote, then Uribe's false consultation with the people will be endorsed constitutionally. Even though he may lose the vote on any individual point this would be a propaganda victory for Uribe. That is why the Polo Democratico political opposition is saying that to simply vote No is not the right tactic, they are calling for active abstention as the best way to counter Uribe's plan.
The three trade union centres (CUT, CGTD and CTC) have all joined the call for people not to go to the polls, and are convening a national conference on 30 and 31 January to plan mobilisations against the referendum in May.
The stage is set for a confrontation between the two sides. Uribe's forces, official and unofficial, and the mass media will be doing everything they can to get people to the polls. In this referendum, supposedly against corruption, the potential for intimidation and corruption is enormous. It is vital that the international community stands with the opposition and accompanies the process."
taken from "DEMOCRATS OPPOSE REFERENDUM FARCE" in Colombia Solidarity bulletin No 9, out this week.
La Central Unitaria de Trabajadores de Colombia CUT, a través del Departamento de Derechos Humanos denuncia ante la opinión publica nacional e internacional la arremetida por parte del gobierno de Álvaro Uribe Vélez contra el movimiento sindical colombiano.
Caso especifico de esta arremetida es el curso de la penalización contra la dirigencia sindical de la Unión Sindical -USO-, donde en el día de hoy 15 de enero la Fiscalia General de la Nación profirió medida de aseguramiento contra el compañero HERNANDO HERNÁNDEZ, Secretario de Asuntos Internacionales de la Unión Sindical Obrera -USO; recordamos que el compañero HERNANDO fue durante el periodo anterior del Comité Ejecutivo de la CUT su Primer Vicepresidente.
De igual forma, estamos denunciando las amenazas de muerte contra el compañero RODOLFO GUTIERREZ, Presidente Nacional de la -USO- y contra el compañero EDGAR MOJICA, Dirigente Nacional de este sindicato.
Todo esto sucede cuando se desarrolla o se libra un conflicto laboral, el cual es la negociación del pliego de peticiones presentado y la respuesta de la empresa -ECOPETROL- ha sido el despido de dirigentes sindicales y militarización de las Refinerías.
Seguiremos llamando a la solidaridad con los Trabajadores Colombianos y en este momento se hace urgente y necesario una respuesta de ustedes a la actitud del Gobierno de Álvaro Uribe Vélez.
Director Dpto. Derechos Humanos CUT
Bogota, D.C. Enero 15 de 2002
USO Junta Directiva Nacional
Por amenazas directas y según información procedente de diversas fuentes serias, se tiene conocimiento de que está en marcha un plan para atentar contra el presidente nacional de la USO, compañero Rodolfo Gutiérrez Niño.
Esta situación se presenta cuando el sindicato discute con el gobierno y la administración de Ecopetrol, la grave situación de la Empresa estatal por la caída de las reservas, la producción, los bajos rendimientos de la refinación y el arrendamiento de los poliductos y el sistema de almacenamiento de combustibles; el contrapliego que elimina derechos de los trabajadores, el libre ejercicio de la actividad sindical, afectada por despidos, procesos disciplinarios y penalización. Todos estos aspectos han impedido la instalación de la negociación del pliego de peticiones, presentado para renovar la Convención Colectiva de Trabajo que venció el pasado 31 de diciembre.
Quienes pretenden consumar este acto criminal, buscan desatar la violencia contra el sindicato, a efecto de acallar las denuncias y protestas adelantadas contra las políticas de las multinacionales norteamericanas por apoderarse de la industria de los hidrocarburos, puesta en ejecución con la reestructuración de la empresa y la política petrolera oficial.
La U.S.O. rechaza y condena este oscuro plan que se pretende contra el presidente de nuestra organización. Exigimos al gobierno del presidenta Álvaro Uribe Vélez garantías para el funcionamiento del sindicato, así como el derecho a ejercer la oposición civilizada y democrática a las políticas gubernamentales.
Rechazamos la medida de aseguramiento contra el compañero Hernando Hernández
En medio de la campaña de la ABSTENCIÓN ACTIVA que se adelanta contra el referendo Uribista, el mismo día que hicimos la denuncia del plan para atentar contra la vida del presidente del sindicato, el compañero Hernando Hernández Pardo, fue notificado por parte de la Fiscalía General de la Nación de su decisión de proferirle medida de aseguramiento sin benéfico de excarcelación en la figura de detención domiciliaria.
A esta situación se suma el atentado de que fue objeto el Compañero Alirio Rueda, presidente de la subdirectiva de Barrancabermeja, el fin de semana cuando se desplazaba hacia Bucaramanga, hecho del que salió ileso. Adicionalmente, dentro de las instalaciones de la Refinería de Cartagena, personas desconocidas por los trabajadores hicieron comentarios de cometer un atentado contra el compañero Edgar Mojica, de la Junta Directiva Nacional.
Consideramos que con los hechos aquí denunciados, queda en evidenciada la política de exterminio que se ha trazado contra nuestra organización sindical y los dirigentes, política que coincide con la denuncia de la convención colectiva, los despidos en Cartagena, la reactivación de los procesos disciplinarios, demandas penales y el proceso de debilitamiento de Ecopetrol
En la reunión realizada en el día de ayer con los ministros de Salud - Trabajo, Minas y Energía y el presidente de Ecopetrol, se hizo la denuncia de esta situación, notificando que no hay condiciones para iniciar la negociación del pliego de peticiones y se exigió las garantías para ejercer la actividad sindical, sin amenazas y con pleno derecho a la protesta.
Ante estos graves hechos se ha decidido convocar a los trabajadores a un PARO NACIONAL DE LABORES DE 24 HORAS en todas las instalaciones de Ecopetrol, a partir de la 6:00 a.m. de hoy 16 de enero, y estamos llamando al conjunto del movimiento obrero Nacional a unirse en nuestra protesta rechazando tajantemente la agresión de que viene siendo objeto nuestra organización sindical.
Recommended Actions
1. Send urgent messages of protest to: Presidente de la Republica de Colombia Dr. Alvaro Uribe Velez Palacio de Narino, Carrera 8 No.7-26 Santafe de Bogota, COLOMBIA Fax: 00 57 1 286 74 34/286, 68 42/284 21 86 E-mail: auribepresidencia.gov.co; rdh
presidencia.gov.co Vicepresidente de la Republica de Colombia Francisco Santos Consejeria Presidential de Derechos Humanos Calle 7, No 654, Piso 3 Santafe de Bogota, COLOMBIA Fax: 00 57 1 337 1351 E-mail: mdn
cable.net.co; infprotocol
mindefensa.gov.co; siden
mindefensa.gov.co Ministro del Interior y Justicia Fernando Londono Hoyos Ministerio del Interior y Justicia Palacio Echeverry, Carrera 8a, No.8-09, piso 2o., Santafe de Bogota, Colombia Fax:00 57 1 286 8025 E-mail: mininterior
myrealbox.com; With Copies to: USO NACIONAL - Barrancabermeja Avda. del Ferrocarril No. 28-43. AA. 386 Tel. (976) 22 78 56- 20 99 11- 20 99 12. Fax 22 91 50 E-mail: usocol
col1.telecom.com.co USO NACIONAL - Bogotá Calle 38 No. 13-37 Ofi. 302 Tel. (91) 2 34 47 23 - 2 34 42 63 - 2 34 45 86 E-mail: usopaz
yahoo.com Colombian Embassy (UK): mail
colombianembassy.co.uk Bill Rammell MP Under Secretary of State Foreign Office james.morrison
fco.gov.uk CUT Human Rights Department: derechoshumanoscut
cc-net.net Colombia Solidarity Campaign (UK) colombia_sc
hotmail.com 2. Join the Protest in London PICKET COLOMBIAN EMBASSY 4.30-6.30pm Tuesday 25th February HANDS OFF COLOMBIAN TRADE UNIONS! STOP REPRESSION OF THE SOCIAL MOVEMENT! NO TO URIBE'S COUNTERFEIT REFERENDUM! Colombian Embassy, 3A Hans Crescent (back of Harrods), London SW1 - Knightsbridge tube