Bogotá - Colombia, 30 th March 2003
The Association Centro Nacional Salud, Ambiente y Trabajo, CENSAT AGUA VIVA - Friends of the Earth Colombia, an environmentalist organisation and member of the largest international federation of environmentalists (Friends of the Earth International - FOEI), informs the international community that:
These actions have taken place in a particular context marked by the new government, with public officials openly questioning the role of environmental NGOs and indirectly marking them as likely targets of para-military factions. The Ministry of Interior and Justice, Fernando Londoño, has expressed publicly at the beginning of the current administration that 'the environmentalists are the communists of today, and therefore they are very dangerous'.
For obvious reasons, the government policies have worsened the environmental situation in Colombia, evidenced in the disfiguration of environmental licences requirements in favour of transnational corporations, as also the intensification of aerial sprayings, both in quantity and quality (doubling the doses) or the approval of genetically manipulated crops, like cotton BT of Monsanto, amongst other issues.
Confronted with this situation, CENSAT Agua Viva has performed inquiries with official protection and control bodies to clarify the reasons behind the screening of our institution by the government. Also it has requested the necessary means to guarantee our work and the integrity of the people that work in it.
For the facts that motivated this public denouncement, we would like to urge the international community to request the Colombian government:
CENSAT AGUA VIVA - Friends of the Earth - Colombia
Bogotá - Colombia
The association Centro Nacional Salud, Ambiente y Trabajo - CENSAT "Agua Viva" is a nonprofit organization conformed in 1989, member of Friends of the Earth International - FOEI. The organization was established on an institutional mission to empower socially disadvantaged groups of the Colombian society in their struggle for improved working and living conditions in harmony with diverse and healthy ecosystems. This goal has been pursued through a multi-tool approach based on communication, research, education, public participation and social networking.
CENSAT has developed projects with international organizations which include: Fundación Heinrich Boll (Germany), CAFOD- England, OXFAM- UK, Save the Children - England, Novib - Holland, it has also developed investigation work with the Ministries of Environment, Agriculture, Health, National Planning Department and some Regional corporations in Colombia, and coordinated actions with international bodies of the United Nations which include OIT, UNICEF, amongst others.
Doctor Alvaro Uribe Vélez
President of Republic of Colombia
Honourable President:
We have received information in which members of CENSAT Agua Viva - Association Centro Nacional Salud, Ambiente y Trabajo, CENSAT AGUA VIVA - Friends of the Earth Colombia, an environmentalist organisation and member of the largest international federation of environmentalists as well as other important networks such as the Energy Project, Global Forest Coalition, International Movement for Forests, Oilwatch, Globalizing Principles, have received telephone threats in their private homes by people who have identified themselves as members of the AUC (right wing paramilitary group).
Also, the 25th of March 2003, three men wearing plain clothes arrived in a public taxi to the main office of CENSAT Agua Viva, requesting to see the owner of the building in order to proceed with a 'house inspection'. They identified themselves as agents of the SIJIN (the intelligence unit of the Metropolitan Police of Bogota). Furthermore, during the month of February unidentified people illegally entered the offices and archives of CENSAT Agua Viva. All these events have been denounced immediately to the appropriate national authorities.
As well, we have knowledge that social organisations and Colombian NGO's, including among them CENSAT Agua Viva, have appeared in reports of the General Prosecutor Office based on vague and nonsense arguments, making false claims to their links with illegal armed groups.
Acknowledging the dramatic Human Rights situation in Colombia and for the above mentioned situation, respectfully we want to ask that your Government takes the necessary actions so that CENSAT Agua Viva has sufficient guarantees to continue developing their important work, and to guarantee the lives and integrity of its members. Also, we require that the events of the 25th of March are fully clarified, and that the General Prosecutor of the Nation reviews the false accusations that are held against CENSAT Agua Viva.
Colombia as a democratic nation must guarantee the diverse and democratic expressions of its society. We thank you for your attention to this matter.
PLEASE SEND LETTERS TO: Presidente de la Republica de Colombia Dr. ALVARO URIBE VELEZ Palacio de Nariño, Carrera 8 No.7-26 Bogota, COLOMBIA Fax: 00 57 1 286 74 34/286, 68 42/284 21 86 E-mail:; rdh Vicepresidente de la Republica de Colombia Dr. FRANCISCO SANTOS Conserjería Presidencial de Derechos Humanos Calle 7, No 654, Piso 3 Bogota, COLOMBIA Fax: 00 57 1 337 1351 E-mail: mdn; infprotocol; siden Ministro del Interior y Justicia Dr. FERNANDO LONDOÑO HOYOS Ministerio del Interior y Justicia Palacio Echeverri, Carrera 8a, No.8-09, piso 2o., Bogota, Colombia Fax: 00 57 1 286 8025 E-mail: mininterior; Programa de Protección del Ministerio del Interior Dr. RAFAEL BUSTAMANTE Dr. CARMEN MARIA LASSO Tel: 5662477 0 5662478 E-mail: dhasesoresdir Procurador General de la Nación Dr. EDGARDO JOSE MAYA VILLAZON Carrera 5. 15-80, Bogota Fax: (+57 1) 284 0472;(+57 1) 342 97 23; E-mail: reygon Fiscal General de la Nación Dr. LUIS CAMILO OSORIO Diagonal 22 B. 52-01, Bogota. Fax: (+57 1) 570 20 08; (+57 1) 570 20 00; E-mail: contacto; denuncie; webmaster Defensor del Pueblo DR LUIS EDUARDO CIFUENTES Calle 55 No. 10-32 Bogotá Fax: (+57 1) 346 12 25 E-mail: secretaria_privada; ecifuentes with copies to : todos Colombian Embassies in your countries Colombian Embassy (UK): mail Bill Rammell MP Under Secretary of State Foreign Office james.morrison and to colombia_sc