NBA update: Narmada overfolws/ satyagrahas planed
B-13 Shivam Flats, Ellora Park, Vadodara - 390023, Gujarat; Telefax: 0265-2282232, 62
M.G. Marg, Badwani, Madhya Pradesh -451551 Telefax: 07290-222464
Maitri Niwas, Tembewadi, Dhadgaon, Nandurbar, Mah.Ph: 02595-220620URGENT:
- Sardar Sarovar dam overflows and villages are being submerged...
- Two Jeevanshalas (NBA schools) submerged in Bhadal and Dhanel (Maharashtra)
- Manibeli marooned, jeevanshala threatened
The Narmada valley beckons you again - NO MORE DESTRUCTION
Satyagraha in the Valley from 5th August
Aug 5: Rajghat (Dist.Badwani, Nimaad, Madhya Pradesh)
Aug 6: Bhitada (Dist.Alirajpur, Madhya Pradesh)
Aug 7: Chimalkhedi (Dist Nandurbar, Maharashtra)Dear Friends,
Despite the betrayal by almost all the arms of the State, the farmers, Adivasis, labourers, workers in the Narmada valley, are still determined to face the challenge posed by the Government.
Even after the historic 20 day fast by Medha Patkar, Bhagwatibehen and Jamsinghbhai in March-April, 2006, the Central government of India had agreed to allow the increase in the height of the dam, despite the violation of every letter and spirit of law, order of the Narmada Water Dispute Tribunal (NWDT) and judgments of the Supreme Court. It thus decided to sacrifice the lives, lands and rights of over 35,000 families for the sake of illegal increase in the height of the dam up to 122 meters.
The Shunglu committee appointed by the PM, to 'complete the rehabilitation' of over 35,000 families in the Narmada valley, that too before monsoon of 2006, all that the committee could come up is a weak, distorted and totally unprofessional report on the status of the displacement and resettlement in the valley - that too only about the oustees in the Madhya Pradesh state. The terms of reference of the Shunglu committee were basically flawed, its modus operendi was biased and half hazard. It had surveyed only a few villages and some families, arrogantly brushing aside the reality of the resettlement the villagers themselves were pointing out. Atrociously, it has taken the Action Taken Report (ATR) by the Madhya Pradesh government - against which the NBA had gone to the court and which had violated the basic stipulations of the Tribunal order and Supreme Court rulings, as a starting point!! The ATR had violated the basic principle of resettlement of land for land and it fraudulently shown the 'complete' rehabilitation by giving ex-parte cash compensation to thousands of families, which is totally illegal.
Instead of questioning this serious breach of law and rights of people, the PM's committee took this as the basis of its survey. The Committee of Prime Minister has been used to legitimize the illegal and unjust policy. And, the Prime Minister also endorses the breach of law, propriety and rights of the tribals and farmers of his own country, while he welcomes the billionaire corporates in his office and offers them all the concessions and subsidies ñvirtually handing them the land, water and forests of our country. This is the human face of development of India's governing class. How can the rights of the people be secure when the protectors are themselves killers?
Even the Supreme Court has connived in this crime against the law, against the Constitution of India and against every percept of Human rights. It has the illegal construction of the dam beyond 110.64 meters unfettered, by evidently playing sheer delaying tactics. The Indian Supreme Court, for last many years, has become a suppressing mechanism of the rights of workers, Dalits, workers, Adivasis while facilitating the interests of the corporate powers like Ambanis. In Narmada case also, the Court has turned against its own rulings that the height of the dam cannot be increased till all the oustees below that height are resettled with land for land. The Court has not only betrayed the people but also the Constitution, which it is supposed to protect.
This joint offensive by the Prime Minister's Office (PMO), the corporate powers and multilateral financial agencies, encouraged by the unconstitutional attitude of the Supreme Court, to defeat the struggle by the Narmada valley's people, was necessary to push forward the larger neo-liberal agenda. The powerholders in India is aiming at the corporatization of water, land and forests, including the controversial projects like river interlinking and the special economic zones. For this power-clique, the Narmada struggle is an obstacle in their march; hence they have decided to crush it by resorting to illegal and unconstitutional means.
However, the people have decided to protect the democracy, Constitution and the people's rights and their sovereignty- the basis of the existence of Indian state, born out of the values of our freedom struggle. The people's existence cannot be subjugated and suppressed.
The Adivasis, farmers, workers and activists in the Narmada valley would wait and confront for the submergence in three places; we are awaiting what the Central government or Supreme Court can do. Beyond all that, they are determined not to leave their land, villages and beautiful, bountiful Narmada Valley.
Therefore, we are starting the indefinite Satyagraha at three places :
Rajghat ( on Aug 5, near Badwani), Bhitada (Alirajpur tehsil, tribal village in M.P. on Aug 6 ) and at Chimalkhedi (Maharasthra, on Aug 7).On 5th the Satyagraha will start with a massive rally in Badwani.
You have been with the people in the Narmada valley - and this time too you will be with us Come to the Narmada valley. You would see the valley, its beauty and horrible nature of impending submergence and the people's determination...
In Solidarity,
Noorji Padvi Bawabhai Kamala Yadav Mohan Patidar
Yogini Rohan Ashish Mandloi Medha Patkar and colleaguesContact : Narmada Bachao Andolan, M. Gandhi Marg, Badwani (Madhya Pradesh)
Phone & Fax No. : 07290-222464 ; 9425479254 (Ashish/Umesh),
Badwani is at approx. 5 hrs.journey by road from Dhule, Indore, Khandawa (M.P) and, Baroda.
Other contacts: Mumbai : Pervin Jehangir : 022-22185832, 9820636335 Pune : Sanjay Sangvai : 020-25450870, 9890025479; Dhule : Shyam Patil : 02562-246419, 9423496020 Indore: SPS (0731) 2401083
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