Wintermeeting Agenda

1. PGA process points:

The next European conference
Do we have a new convenor or will we have to organise the next conference in another way?

Infopoints infopoint list

What will be the role of the infopoints in the European PGA and in the run up to the next conference?

Web stuff

Unfinished process points from Leiden process outcomes

We left some process points undecided at the conference in Leiden, you can find an overview of these in the document attached

The global process.

What is our role as European part of the PGA network in organising the next global conference?

Sustained campaigns sustained campaigns

Point proposed by Phil: at the global conference in Cochabamba was decided to start sustained PGA campaigns, but until now nothing much has happened.

Shall we start long term PGA campaigns in Europe?

Have a small introduction by phil, working on a campaign on water, followed by a discussion.

2. PGA process related points:

The next European Social Forum (ESF) in France and how PGA Europe relates to it

In November the next ESF takes place in France, organised by Attac and the Communist party.

How do we see this whole phenomena of the social forums and how do we react to it?

Presentation by the people that want to organise the HUB at the next ESF in Paris.

Upcoming anti-G8 protests in France G8 info

Already it has been announced that on the 1st of March in Geneva there is a big meeting to discuss to either parade or blockade at the G8. So I guess some feedback from this meeting, and from people of the French network NoPasaran that propose to organise the VAAG (anti-capitalist village) Depending on the time left, people specifically interested in this should find their own place, time and means of communication to take this further.

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