latinamerica, asia pga process, gsf in asia and cancun call


just a small report about how things are going with the process in other regions, as we agreed in Dijon, and a petition to the pga europe about the cancun mobilizations.

Latin America:

Confeunassc and MIP (Movimiento Indigena de Panama) are finalizing the agenda and the call for the pga latin american conference, that it will take place in a kuna community in Comarca Kuna Yala (Ustupu), in the Republic of Panama, on 7-11 July. We expect to have everything ready and being able to send the call out in a couple of days. From Chiapas a bus will be organize to pick up the people from Centro America to Panama. I will write the rest of datails when the consensus about agenda and so on is ready. We are also busy to find some funds for supporting some organizations. Till the moment this is also a discussion, since mostly the opinion is that most of the organizations should do an effort and pay the entire or at least part of their tickets. But the Global Social forum make people to get used to have every paid, maybe there will be less delegates, but we think that it will be worth since then the organizations will make the process part of them. We are still disscussing this. There will be a gender day of workshop (Nor Women Neither Men, just the Opposite process) and the idea is that gender will be one of the transversal issues in the entire agenda. We will see.

Good news from Ecuador. The gender work of Nor Women Neither Men, Just the Opposite is being disscussed inside of Pachakutik . It has being introduced in their agenda by CONFEUNASSC-CNC and accepted by Pachakutik. I don't know exactly the details, but we will disscuss this also in Kuna Yala.

We are working also in a proposal for acompanhamiento to communities in high risk in Colombia, with indigenous and farmer organizations. This is a very slow process, since the "times" of the organization there are quite slow, and this is a very complicated issue. We will organize a tour in Europe with a delegate from ONIC, ANUC-UR and arhuacos. But this is something we are still discussing. Even the dates or the people that will come are not sure yet. We think we have more clear scope at the end of May. But the work is going on, slow but on. As soon as we have got concrete things I will write to the list about it.


About Asia, we are still working in getting funds for the conference in september. It is almost clear that the tours will not take place for lack of funds. Till the moment all the answers of NGOs have been negative. We will see whether we will have more luck with the conference.

There will be a gender workshop day at beginning of the conference. We will try to contact women working in rural areas in Asia to help with the agenda of this day.

But Jonhatan will know better about this conference and the entire process.

Global Social Forum:

I was speaking with Badrul from Bangladesh (convenors of Asia pga) about the muldial social forum. During the social forum in India it was organized the People Movement Encounter. There were also a lot of critics to the social forum in India because of being funding my multinationals and "foreign" NGOs. So I understood that it was decided that the next social forum in Asia will not receive money from such organizations and they will do it by their own resourses. We will see.

But then we were speaking about the possibility of doing other People Movement Encounter, this time globally during the MSF. Badrul thinks that it is possible and he agreed with the necessity. He commits himself to speak with other asian organization, specially with the ones, which organized the PME. But he is asking for some one wrote the ideas and the reasons for it from other regions, with the analisis of GSF and so on.

Ministerial Conference of WTO in Cancun.

I understood that from Chiapas are sending to Cancun around 4 buses from the civil society, but the work is more done in descentralize movilization. Also Ecuador is working very hard in the base.

The call from PGA (copy at the end of the message) is for descentralize movilizations, since cancun is in the end of the world and a very expensive place. We also spoke about this with Badrul. The dates of the conference in Bangladesh were chosen because of the meeting in the cancun, giving the possibility of demonstration in Bangladesh against it during the conference.

The question now is making a global call for descentralize actions against the WTO meeting.

So we wonder whether the european convenors can write a global call for that. We think that this is very important.

I copy below the call from Latin America, that it is already in the pga web. This will also be disscussed depeer in Kuna Yala.

PGA Call for WTO in Cancun
Quito, 13th of October 2002

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