G8 Flags Burn - Alternative Proposed
Flexi, 03.06.2003 18:39

Tues 03 06

A small skit mounted on the edge of the protest against police brutality in the centre of Lausanne this morning.

We read out Chirac's welcome speach, translating it into plain english as we went: we the elites...expand our capitalist empire....forbid dissent and maintain world domination....profit from the aids crisis....selling peoples' water....quick, shred the documents!....display an ethical image....increase the militarisation....roll back civil liberties.... control immigration....refuse to address the root couses of terrorism....impose false democracy....ignore the people when they scream 'no more war', 'no more G8', and 'democracy now'....remember, Security Smiles on You!

Once the G8 delegates had been suitably beaten up, we read out our own alternative vision, and burned the 8 national flags. Heres the texts...

Welcome to the New World!

Yes! Another world is possible, in fact, a better world is inevitable when the people join together and rise up against illegitimate authority like the G8.

Here is our vision:

In solidarity with people and the earth suffering from the G8's global agenda, and in the spirit of resistance - It's time to burn the flags!!

Bienvenue au nouveau monde!

Oui! Un autre monde est possible, en fait, un monde meilleur va de soi quand les gens s'unissent et se soulèvent contre l'authorite illegitime comme celle du G8.

La vision est la suivant:

Il est temps de créer un monde dans lequel nous puissions vivre et sourire a ses reflets.

Dans un esprit de solidarite avec les personnes et la terre qui souffrent de l'agenda global du G8.

Resistons! Il est temps de brûler les drapeaux!

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