Personal account from the WTO/antirepression demo yesterday
IMC Dispatch Geneva, 03.06.2003 11:15

WTO demo turned antirep

something for the summary 02.06.03


15:30 The bulk of 100 demonstrators leaving Annemasse for the water privatization demo at the WTO have been delayed. It is now 10 minutes after the train was scheduled to depart, but it is still sitting there. Police have reportedly been seen talking to the train operators. On the bright side, the train workers, who are scheduled to go on strike tonight at midnight, have spontaneously given all of the demonstrators half-price tickets for the ride. If it does leave...

16.15 - 50 riot police with dogs have just shown up on the platform and have entered the train, searching people's belongings. They have made one arrest so far. The demonstrators are still on the train. The police that one shows the road to evian blockade yesterday police make every protestors go out the train and controll them there is dogs, flashballs, and everything, but they just controll everyone.

16:30 50 riot police have just shown up on the platform and have entered the train, searching people's belongings. They have made one arrest so far. The demonstrators are still on the train.

16:50 Cops locked every exits and started to pull people off the train one by one They controlled every one, took some stuffs and let people get on the train again The train is now on its way to geneva.


16:45 the deomonstration agains the water_privatisation is near the wto-building. 3 ppl arrestest by civil-police near the demonstration. ca 300-400 ppl.are there, the atmosphere is peacefull and happy... About 17:30 300 - 400 people are in front of the WTO in Genova. 100 policeman in front of the WTO blocked the demonstartion with two water cannons.

18:12 in geneve nothing riot is happened still. the pink block is dancing in front of the wto, but no troubles. from eyewitness

18:00 demonstration coming to support them from the Gare, which had come from Annemasse. People coming from Annemasse are blocked at rue de Lausanne by police two simultaneous demonstrations one in front of the WTO: static surrounded loads of cops 7 army style green vans black and blue lights. one a kilometre the street: 1 german water cannon couple of vans maybe 30 riot cops

18:08 People from Annemasse are surounded by cops it seems to be german cops at rue de Lausanne people are lying on the ground

18:15 the group of demonstrators from annemasse in geneve are still blocked by police. police wants to escort the march, and asks for no windows to be trashed.

18:22 update on situation in geneva 400 ppl surroundet only german police armed with gas dispensers in backpacks fire extinguisher-style cs gas dispensers also police are also fully armed with what appears to be pistols for live ammunition the situation in front of the wto seems very peaceful, though

18:00 Antirepression demonstration supposed to start now at place neuve, Geneva.

17:00 at a checkpoint us miltary declared they'd shoot on the people unless they move away people sat down they charged by force them on a truck

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