Timeline of the Mobilization against the FTAA

September 9-11: Film Series Against Militarization, as it relates to Plan Colombia and the FTAA (Campamento Internacional). Casa de la Cultura Ecuatoriana, Quito.

September 13-14: Second National Convention Against the FTAA in Cuenca, to elaborate concrete plans for the Continental Days of Resistance (National Campaign Against the FTAA).

September 26-28: National Gathering "El Agua: ¿Derecho o Negocio?" (Water: A business or a right?; Institute for Third World Ecological Studies).

September and October: Four caravans, passing through hundreds of communities, giving workshops on the FTAA, Plan Colombia, art and resistance, and non-violent direct action (CONFEUNASSC-CNC).

October: FENOCIN will organize two marches that will bring people from the Colombian and Peruvian borders to Quito for the days of resistance.

October 12: Grito de los Excluid@s (Cry of the Excluded) day of action, which will have the FTAA as a central theme.

October 26-27: National forum on water issues in the face of neoliberalism and the FTAA (Institute for Third World Ecological Studies).

October 27-28: Continental gathering of campesino organizations under the auspices of the CLOC (Coordinadora Latinoamericana de Organizaciones del Campo): "The impact and consequences of the FTAA in rural communities."

October 27-28: Continental gathering of Friends of the Earth and the Cono Sur Sustentable network, in order to stake out a common position for regional sustainability in the face of globalization and the FTAA (Acción Ecológica).

October 28: Forum with 50 labor leaders from across the Americas (CEOSL).

October 27-30: Continental gathering for reflection and exchange: "Another America is Possible" (World Social Forum - Ecuador Chapter).

October 29-30: Forum for anti-FTAA legislators and members of congress from across the continent (National Campaign Against the FTAA, Pachakutik).

October 27 to November 1: Continental Days of Resistance Against the FTAA in Quito (National and Continental Campaigns Against the FTAA).

October 31 and November 1: Direct action against the FTAA in Quito.

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