luneAC - statement of intent
============================================================================Lancaster J18 Collective has moved onwards and upwards and will henceforth be known as luneAC lune is for the lune valley and the river lune which runs through it giving us a more ecological, socially inclusive and interconnected basis to everything we do AC is to serve whatever mischevious purpose most suits what we are doing at any particular time - eg. autonomous council, amateur cycling, anarchist collective, against capital, artivist community, anglican church..........?
we will very shortly establish an autonomous space(as a residence, resource centre, meeting place, workshop/practice/performance area, cafe, creche etc) and a regular newsletter (paper and email), as well as continuing to produce a local directory of research/contacts, put on regular benefit nights and expand our website.
it is our aim to stimulate, organise connect and assist all sorts of local activities aimed at resisting damage to our environments and communities AND promoting alternatives to greed driven consumer society ALSO to make strong links with as many similar initiatives as possible - regionally, nationally and globally - to learn from and inspire each other and really make our resistance as transnational as capital
as far as internationally coordinated days of action are concerned - on september 22nd 1999 we will be assissting our local authorities in making car free day a great success. We will use this event to consolidate our activities locally and as a springboard to the November the 30th Day of Action Any groups interested in coordinating actions on car free day, please get in touch as soon as possible. It seems unlikely that websites/lists need to be set up for this - if we actually DO all the things we were discussing pre June 18 like dealing with each others media, and being able to clearly show that this is a coordinated action, on the day.
will post to the envirolink list with the cities in britain participating in car free day on 22/9/99 - if any one/group wants the (limited) info we have on car free day at present, please contact us.
we fully support the concept of a global day of action on nov 30th and will endeavour to respond to thomas' proposal as soon as we can. we are prepared to assist in the coordination of this action
web: you for your earnest attention
lune Announcement Catapult