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June 18th in Mexico City

June 18th in Mexico City was more an informative manifestation than a riot not so much people attending but a very conscientious group of people from groups like JAR (Juventud Antiautoritaria Revolucionaria) UPL (Union Punk Libertaria) RIVAL (Red de Información de Voces Autónomas Libertarias) MVC (Mejor Vida Corp.) and some other people attended the offices of the World Bank, there was an important security display: agents, patrols, cops, with a clear attitude to provoke the manifestors.
A play was represented.

Some of the banners displayed had slogans like:

After the World Bank manifestors went to the BMV (Bolsa Mexicana de Valores) where there was also a special security display, thousands of leaflets were distributed to people passing by and inside banks.

From there manifestors went to the nearest subway station "Insurgentes" followed by patrols and cops riding horses, on the streets (very commercial area almost every store had a cop in front of it. Some bystanders joined the march.

Manifestors represented again a play on a street theatre.



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