Police say 7000; local media say 4000! It was utterly astonishing, all the more so on a weekday morning, in a town of 300,000, its economy largely dependent on its naval military base. Even if CBC TV The national 10 pm news didn't report this historic rally, the significance for Prime Minister Paul Martin has to be deafening.
by Janet M Eaton and Sheila Zurbrigg, December 1st, 2004
The Halifax Peace Coalition (HPC) organized a highly successful and peaceful rally, in downtown Halifax today, to protest the visit of George W Bush and to send a message to Prime Minister Martin and his Government that Canadians do not want further military and deep integration with the United States. According to police and HPC estimates, from 7, 000 to 10,000 people, turned out, to protest at the rally.
They came to call for global peace and justice and to condemn President Bush's dangerous unilateral policies and actions. They chanted their slogans Bush Go Home, Thanks but No Thanks and carried their messages on a sea of signs as they flowed down Barrington Street to Cornwallis park, near Pier 21: UN Yes - US No! Block the Empire, No More War, Warmongers Not Welcome, War is Costly -Peace is Priceless; We Don't Like War; Why did You Come Here Bush, I am an American and I live Here now because of you, Drop Bush, Not Bombs http://hfxpeace.chebucto.org/_galleries/gallery_d01/gallery/index.htm
Just before 10:00 a.m the massive numbers of protestors converged in the Grand Parade Square next to City Hall, overflowed into the surrounding streets and the speeches began.
Carolyn van Gurp, an HPC facilitator who welcomed the crowd, was visibly moved by the vast numbers, as far as her eye could see, and emphasized the diversity of the protestors, some of whom came from neighbouring Atlantic Canada, and even Quebec and Ontario. She spoke of the hundreds of e-mails HPC had received from Americans expressing their appreciation and solidarity with the HPC actions in opposing the visit of George Bush and in condemning his government's foreign polices.
Tamara Lorincz , an organizer with the HPC explained the foremost reasons that peace activists in Nova Scotia and beyond reject the presence of Mr. Bush. These included his brutal war on Iraq, his violations of international laws and conventions, his abrogation of the vital Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty, his relentless promotion of missile defence program which weaponises space, and his persistent failure to sign significant and crucial conventions and treaties on the environment, and human rights.
And she reported that yesterday the Halifax Peace Coalition put George Bush on Trial and the public court of Halifax citizens found him Guilty of criminal charges for the death of thousands of Iraqis and for irreparable damage done to the environment during this war . See photo of banner 'Bush on Trial for War Crimes - Verdict guilty' http://hfxpeace.chebucto.org/_archives/11.30.04bushtrial.html
Janet M Eaton, is with the Halifax Peace Coalition and a Co-Chair of the Canadian Voice of Women for Peace jmeaton
Sheila Zurgrigg, is with the Halifax Peace Coalition Sheila Zurbrigg szurbrig
More reports follow from the Halifax Peace Coalition Website