BCNI Business Council on National Issues
Founded in 1976 by the CEOs of US-based Imperial Oil and Noranda, the BCNI is Canada's version of the European and US business roundtables. Among its 30 members are the CEOs of several large banks and major Canadian and foreign companies including Air Canada, AT&T, Bechtel, Bombardier, Canadian Pacific, Cargill, Dupont, General Motors, Hewlett-Packard, Loram, MacMillan Bloedel, Mitsubishi, Monsanto, Nestle, Northern Telecom, Petro Canada and Placer Dome.
BIAC Business and Industry Advisory Committee
official voice of business in the OECD
BID - Banco Interamericando de Desarollo (see IADB)
The richness of diversity of stripes in fauna and flora. Areas of highest Biodiveersity are to be found esp. in southern countries. Western corporations are exploiting the Biodiversity by using the WTO's TRIPs agreement. In southern Mexico for example the "bioreserves" are planned to be privatized by agro- pharma and chemistry business within the frame of the PPP
The exploitation of biodiversity in "third world" by western corporation by using the WTO's TRIPs
BITs Bilateral Investment Treaties
the MAI should replace the endles number of BITs
Bretton Woods
After World War II, direct colonialism was replaced with a new globalized economy, set forth by the Bretton Woods conference in 1944, which gave birth to the IMF, the World Bank, and the ITO
- Built-in Agenda
Decided in Marrakesh to continue the inconcluded negotiatons, esp. the GATS, the Agreement on Agriculture (AoA) and the TRIM
- read: The WTO's 'Built-in Agenda'