arquivos dos protestos globais
archives of global protests

Date: Thu, 01 Feb 2001


Appel à mobilisation contre l'OMC concernant la législation brésilienne
sur les brevets :
Call for mobilisation against WTO, on USA dispute with Brazil's over the
latter's intellectual property rights regimen :

A 10 heures ce matin, dans les bureaux de l'OMC à Genève : meeting
initiant le mecanisme de solution de conflit entre les USA et le Bresil
devant l'OMC. La delegation des Etats-Unis va y demander pour la seconde
fois la composition d'un Panel d'arbitrage pour mettre en question la loi
brésilienne sur la propriété intellectuelle, par consequent, le droit de
ce pays à produire ses propres
medicaments anti-retroviraux generiques. Le Secretariat de l"OMC va ce
jour-là, en constituant un tribunal ad hoc sur la question, créer

At today's meeting, the US will make its second request for the
establishment of a Dispute Settlement Panel, which, under WTO rules,
meaning that a panel will automatically be set up.  The US delegates will
ask for a rewiewal of brazilian intellectual property law, and
consequently, question the right of that country to produce its own
generic antiviral treatments. The WTO secretariat will today, by
constituing a specific panel on the question, make a first decisive
legislative step in favour of US position.

Nous vous invitons à réagir pour défendre le droit de produire, importer
exporter ces médicaments génériques dont le coût réduit permet de sauver
des centaines de milliers de vies, en écrivant, sur le modèle ci-dessus,
une lettre de protestation aux institutions suivantes :

We strongly invit you to react and defend the right to produce, import,
export those generic medicines. Their law cost can save hundred thousands
lifes. Write a protest letter on the model below to the following
institutions :

Questions on or opinions about U.S. foreign policy:

Public Communication Division
U.S. Department of State

World Trade Organization
Centre William Rappard,
Rue de Lausanne 154,
CH-1211 Geneva 21,
Tel: 0041.22-739-5111
Fax: 004122-739-5458

US Mission for European Office of the United Nations and
other Organizations
Tel: 004122-749-4111
Fax: 004122-749-4880

Vous invitant à faire circuler cet appel, nous sommes à votre disposition
pour d'éventuelles précisions.
 We invite you to circulate this call widely, and keep in touch for more

"WTO Drug Patent Panel

The United States will request the establishment of a WTO panel on the
grounds that the Brazilian industrial property law is inconsistent with
TRIPS Agreement.  We, as members of the organised civil society  strongly
feel that this measure goes against the basic needs of the people  living
with HIV/AIDS and we urge the United States to reconsider its position in
order to respect and protect a essential human right which is the right to

Marie de Cenival
Act Up-Paris
Commission Nord/Sud
tel (33) 04 95 08 29 94
fax (33) 01 48 06 16 74

Brasil | IMF/WB | AGP/PGA