From: Accion Ecologica To: Amigos del Ecuador Date sent: Tue, 25 Jan 2000 16:27:47 +0000 Subject: Problems unresolved in Ecuador, arrest order requested for Indig Dear Friends, this is just to bring you all up to date on the situation here in Ecuador. On the surface things appear to have returned to normal after the occupation on Friday of the Congress and Presidential Palace by indigenous people, social movements, and sympathetic military, and the declaration of a Popular Salvation Government. However, things are not quite what they seem. The new government formed by Gustavo Noboa, gives every indication of wanting to blindly follow the same economic policies that lead to last Friday's uprising. The government has also asked the supreme court to issue warrents for the arrest of Indigenous Leader Antonio Vargas, and Carlos Solorzano who together with General Mendoza were to form the governing triumvirate of the popular government. Arrest warrents have also been requested for two memebrs of the Popular Front, who took over the Supreme court. At the same time the Congress is about to expell five members for siding with the popular governement, amongst whom are Generals Paco Moncayo, an honest and well respected hero of the war with Peru, and Rene Yandun. The expulsion will probably lead to the arrest of the ex congressmen, who maintain their position in favour of the colonels who sided with the indigenous people. In an interview today, Antonio Vargas the leader of CONAIE, stated that if the government wanted to arrest him, they only had to make the telephone call and he was ready to present himself, "I a not a corrupt Banker who leaves the country with the money of the Ecuadorian people in his pocke. The indigenous people are fighting afgainst corruption and for justice. If they want to arrest me I will be here waiting" However, he stated that if they arrested him, the government would have to arest all the indigneous people and all the members of the social groups who formed part of the movement to install the popular government. Vargas also stated that the indigenous people now, as before, planned a peacefull protest, and would maintain the state of alert given that the government gave no signs of wanting a dialogue to achieve fundamental changes in the system. Salvador Quishpe, the leader of Ecuarunari (Quichua peoples organisation) also denounced the new Minister of State, saying that he had been a part of the development of policies for the Popular Parliament. According to sources the Minister, Huerta, had participated on the condition that a total change be achieved.