Introducing EYFA Degree Zero 0°

European Youth for(est) Action, EYFA, is an ever changing Non Governmental Organization a self defining network of people and projects working for social and environmental justice. For around 14 years now, EYFA has been a platform for a full range of projects, from sustainable and alternative ways of living and working, to cultural activism and alternative media. EYFA is build on and changes through non-hierarchical consensus decision making.

Degree Zero 0° is, since November 1999, the cultural expression of EYFA, a network of activists, artists and independent media that integrates social and environmental analysis with community activism and artistic practices. Degree Zero has been organizing Political Art events (Rome 200, before the IMF/WB meeting in Prague and in The Hague during COP6, together with the Rising Tide coalition ) to show the possibilities of cultural and interdisciplinary connections not rooted in homogeneity and hegemony.

Our aims are:

for contacts:
Degree Zero
Overtoom 301 1054HW Amsterdam

No patents on life, either intellectual, cultural or biological.

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