Posted on Saturday, June 01 @ 12:52:40 PDT
Originally published in Spanish by Enlace Civil, A.C.
Translated by irlandesa
From: Enlace Civil, A.C. Date: Thursday, May 30 2002 19:37:40 —0500 To Enlace Civil To the National and International Press To the Fray Bartolomé de las Casas Center We are denouncing, in the Lázaro Cárdenas Ejido of Huituipán, Chiapas, on May 29, 2002. The Federal Army has again come to our community, intimidating the population. We no longer have any hope of living in peace. They are intimidating us every day, because they are coming day and night, at different times. The population no longer sleeps peacefully, they are treating us like criminals, but we still do not know what it is we owe the government. Could it be that it is a crime to organize community work? That is why we are asking the government if it provides us with the right to organize work collectively, or if it is depriving us of that right? We know that there are laws for rights for organizing collective work.The army comes and asks us why the population is so poor, as if the government is unaware, or is ignoring it, and it orders the army to supervise, and they act as if it is an auspicious gesture. This is not true, because it is a military strategy by the government for counterinsurgency, intimidating the civil population. Could this be the change that the Fox government made? We only voted for death, the government is only using us as a stepping stone in order to reach the heralded power, for a change to a better Mexico, with democracy, liberty and justice. This is not true. We see that it is worse every day, because we are living the government's lies as indigenous who are discriminated against. We are asking that our denuncia be heard. There have been many accounts from other communities, telling us that there are arrest warrants against us. We doubt that, because we are not criminals. Everything that we are demanding is just, that the San Andrés de Larráinzar Accords be fulfilled. The government does not listen to any of our denuncias. We do not wish to respond to provocations, we know to respect the laws of the proper authorities, and we wish to live in peace as good citizens.