
Communiqué from the Clandestine Revolutionary Indigenous Committee

General Command of the Zapatista Army of National Liberation


November of 2005

To the Peoples of the World:

Brothers and Sisters:

Concerning the Intercontinental proposed in the Sixth Declaration of the Selva Lacandona, and in general regarding the international aspects of this statement, the CCRI-CG of the EZLN says its word:

First - The Intergalactic Committee of the EZLN, headed by Lieutenant Colonel Insurgente Moisés, has been named for the coordination and monitoring of the international part of the Sexta. There will be a rotating team of comandantes and comandantas from the CCRI-CG of the EZLN, in addition to help from the EZLN's Sixth Committee.

Second - So that the conception, organization and holding of the Intercontinental Encuentro proposed in the Sexta can be produced with the real participation of supporters throughout the world, and not as a unilateral decision by the EZLN, as of December 1 of this year and at least until June 30, 2006, meetings and preparation consultations, of groups, personal or cyber, will be held so that proposals can be made for the Intercontinental (including the place and times it is to be held). This will be done by agreement of the majority. At the end of this 7 month consultation stage, it will be decided whether the consultation should continue or if the Intercontinental should be held as of July of 2006.

Third - For those personal meetings and consultations which are held in Mexico, the EZLN's Intergalactic Committee has asked the Good Government Junta of the Selva Border region to provide us with space in the Caracol of La Realidad, so that direct meetings with the EZLN can be held there.

Preparation meetings can be held in other countries. If they are advised in sufficient time, the EZLN's Intergalactic Committee will send someone to listen and to take note of everything proposed there, and it will inform the EZLN so it can be aware of it.

Fourth - For the cyber consultation, the Intergalactic Committee will put into operation, as of December 1, 2005, the web page: zeztainternazional.ezln.org.mx (yes, like that, with "z"). This web site will receive international subscribers to the Sixth Declaration as well as proposals and comments concerning the Intercontinental. They will be received, systematized and reported to all supporters by the EZLN's Intergalactic Committee.

Fifth - The zeztainternazional web page will have a very basic design so that it can be completed and improved collectively by those people from the five continents who desire to do so. For now it will just have the main page (which can be changed further along or every so often, according to the proposals) and spaces for support and for proposals for the Intercontinental, the EZLN's positions and information concerning the international, as well as the EZLN's actions and messages in support of struggles and resistances against neoliberalism and for humanity.

Sixth - The EZLN is proposing that, where so accepted and desired, "Intergalactic Committees" be formed on the five continents. Their only work would be to propose, debate and agree on everything related to the Intercontinental Encuentro, as well as disseminating and promoting the participation of the entire spectrum which, below and to the left, is struggling and resisting for humanity.




From the mountains of the Mexican Southeast

Clandestine Revolutionary Indigenous Committee - General Command of the Zapatista Army of National Liberation

By the Sixth Committee of the EZLN
By the Intergalactic Committee of the EZLN

Subcomandante Insurgente Marcos
Lieutenant Colonel Insurgente Moisés
Mexico. November of 2005

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