SPJB's plans/Planned Qatar Actions in Asia

A new e-mail list was set up today following the decision to creat one in Cochabamba: pga-asia@cupboard.org.

SPJB West Java Peasant Union Qatar Action   Photos from former SPJB Actions

Acctually, we have two big plans. First, we want to make an action to counter the WTO. And another one is we mix the Day of Action with SPJB Birth Day Celebration.

SPJB interest in counter WTO issues since tree years ago. As well as you know, WTO bring many problems for us, especially AoA. As you know, We have been trying to stop Jatigede dam building in Sumedang, west java since 1986. Jatigede dams fund come from world Bank. We educate the peasant about organisations, GMO's bad impacts, dam bad impacts, AoA's bad impacts, etc. we also created some actions. In Human Rights Day on 1999, we plant a field on the street in front of United Nation office in Jakarta. On 18 Feb 1999, we throw the stinky eggs through Michael Comdessus when he came to Bandung.We made many other actions.

We plan many event in 9 - 13 November 2001, as same WTO meeting time, in counter WTO issues.

We separated our plan to two big apart as :

  1. Mass action
    It means the event will involve a big mass. We plan to make mass action through Jakarta Stock Exchange, World Bank office (use the same building with Jakarta Stock exchange), State Palace, and House Representative of Indonesia).
  2. Mass Education Action
    Most of Indonesian didn't know about WTO and what's the bad effect too. So, we want to make Indonesian understand, also in our perspective. We will spread the leaflets about 100.000 or more.

Photos from former SPJB Actions
Global Action against WTO
List of Actions
The PGA call to action against the WTO