Berlusconi's government is going to promote the financial year law, which has been presented as a "soft" measureBerlusconi's government is going to promote the financial year law, which has been presented as a "soft" measure.
That is false!!
This law is the practical application of the free-trade policy worked out by G8 organization with the aim of destroying the welfare state and canceling the worker rights.
The WTO meeting, planned on next 9th November, will offer a further opportunity of implementing this policy on a world-wide scale.
Italian Parliament, with the consent of opposition parties, voted through the italian participation to the war. But this war is adding new innocent victims on the victims murdered in the dreadful terrorist attack of 11th of September.
And it is going to be used for limitating democratic rights and establishing the "new deal" forwarded by the violent repression of no-global demonstrations in Genoa.
Privatizations, attacks against welfare state and limitations of worker rights, started from the centre-left wing coalition alliance, are enforced now by the financial year law of Mr. Berlusconi and by the special report "White Book" of Mr. Maroni.
In our understanding, the aims of the political program of the italian government can be summarized as follows:
In the meanwhile, the italian government decided to increase remarkably the charges for army
(actually the amount of italian military expense is about 40 thousand billion liras).
CUB, SlaiCobas and Usi announce a
Meeting Point:h. 9.30 della Repubblica
We propose to workers and to worker representatives, to everybody is against the war and the economical policy of government, to support and organize this common struggle promoted jointly by every organization of base trade - unionisism
You can contact us to:...
CUB - Confederazione Unitaria di Base
20131 Milano - V.le Lombardia, 27 - Tel. 02/70631804 - 70634875 Fax 02/70602409 e mail: