- neue Liberalisierungagenda - zu wessen Diensten? (Marianne Hochuli)
- The Doha debacle (S.P. Shukla, Frontline, 24.11.)
- A New Trade Round, Virtually (24.11.)
- Turn round an unequal world (Caroline Lucas, 23.11.01)
- Unravelling the Doha puzzle (C.P. Chandrasakhar - 23.11)
- The Trade-Based Organisation of the World continues (Raoul Marc JENNAR, 21.11.)
- Malgré des freins, l'Organisation commerciale du monde se poursuit Raoul Marc Jennar (Résistance Verte, 21.11.)
- WTO in Doha : Neue Welthandelsrunde (de.indymedia, 20.11.)
- CAFOD Analysis of WTO Doha Declarations (Duncan Green, 20/11/01)
- Qatar reveals impact of Sept 11 on trade battle (Judy Rebick, 17.11.)
- WTO= "We Take Over" (Biotech Activists, 17.11.)
- The Meaning of Doha by Walden Bello and Anuradha Mittal (imc global, 15.11.)
- Trade Superpowers turn on Heat as WTO Ministerial opens (Walden Bello, 11/01)
- WTO fails again (report from Coalition of Civil Society groups in Doha, 15.11.)
- The Doha Report by Anuradha Mittal (Focus on the Global South, 10.11.01)
- official documents:
- some reports & analysis on the WTO in general
ante Doha reports
Issue focused reports

Non Govermental Organization demonstraters hold anti-WTO banners before a U.S. news conference Saturday, Nov. 10, 2001, the second day of meetings of the WTO in Doha, Qatar. China was admitted to the World Trade Organization at the conference currently underway in the Qatari capital. (AP PHOTO/Hasan Jamali)