spreading Bullshit indoors AND outdoors

WEF Davos: spreading Bullshit indoors AND outdoors
Date: Thu, 25 Jan 2001

It's not enough that Klaus Schwab and his men are spreading bullshit in the halls of the World Economic Forum at Davos: Now they plan to also spread bullshit outside on the streets — quite literally: Liquid manure against violent protesters. After all, liquid manure combines the functionality of water cannons and tear gas: a cheap bulky liquid with an icky smell. And it suits the rural character of Davos.

But the local farmers had to inform the WEF leaders that under Swiss environmental regulations, it is illegal to bring out liquid manure during winter. Well, looks like another incentive for global leaders to abolish environmental regulations !

This wasn't the only reason for the local farmers to refuse to provide the manure: Farmers are also among the losers of globalization, the spokesman of the organic farmers association "Bio Grischun" said.

Even the corporate press was poking fun at the idea: "The Spirit of Davos is getting smelly — a bad smell", a commentator wrote on the front page of the regional "Südostschweiz" newspaper.

WEF Davos
Chemical Weapons against Demonstrators