the protest against the wef-european summit (1.-3-july)

state on preparations on protests against wef-european summit july 1st till 3rd in salzburg

one month before the planned protests preparations have got a clear shape and we want to inform you about circumstances under which preparations have been worked out, about what activities are planned in connection with the summit and what will be going on in salzburg. we hope to hand out to you a bundle of solid informatins to help with your individual preparations and mobilizing for can look for latest infos regularly in newsletter of the antiwef-mailinglist which can be found on various homepages.

see you in salzburg! wipe out wef!

to begin with we want to point out facts we have to face in connection withpreparing protests against the european summit of wef. this seems important to us and will help in finding out about the strength and power we can have as well as our week points.

many different political groups are mobilizing to the protests against the wef-summit - reaching from the anti-wef-coordination (net of autonomous groups), the network of global resistance (socialist youth, linkswende,...), communist organisations to reformistic groups like attac and labor unions.

information and contact:




dates, actions, infratsructure:

starting on wednesday 27th of june: infopoint

the first place for all who want to come earlier with all the information about actions, legal-help, citymap,... this infopoint is open till sunday 1st of july from 10a.m. to 10p.m.

where: elisabethstraße 11 (near the main trainstation, you have to go out of the station, turn left go straight ahead untill f.-porsche-straße, turn right there and follow till elisabethstraße (on the left) after a few hundreds meters you'll find the infopoint on the right side)

friday 29th of june: streetparty and creative actions in public space with the NOborder-NOnation-caravan, street theater, sound system, information desks,...
information about the caravan:

saturday 30th of june: attac "counter"-summit

with the main theme "globalisation from under" in the brunnauerzentrum/salzburg. the problem we see about attac is not only their reformistic strategy but also their position to other political groups. even before the bourgeois press started with criminalizing all protests against the wef-summit attac dissociated from from the "violent" demonstrations - they didn't mean the police! Attac doesn't even want a symbolic protest, they made clear, that they don't think of disturbing the wef-summit

sunday 1st of july: demonstration

the route of the demonstration is not fixed till now, the one we wanted was not allowed. at this time there are negotiations with the police. we have to wait for the fixed route till this day of action. It could be possible that police won't allow a rout which passes the wef-summit in congress-center nearly. nevertheless the diferent groups are mobilizing for sunday 4p.m. to the main train station.


for independent journalists equiped with computers, internet-connection, communicationrooms,... this will be prepared and attended by local groups of the free media and culture scene. just like the free radio "radiowerkstatt" or "subnet". till the start of the protests indymedia austria will be prepared and will serve as independent information platform for independend journalists.


till now our main problem. it ain't clear yet if it is possible to find a place for this (but we're working hard on it) alternatives could be the building up of tents. anyway there will be a place for the public citchen, for workshops, first aid station,... vegan food will be prepared!

first aid:

to protect the activists during the actions against the summit there is build up a structure of first aid. in the next weeks workshops on first aid will take place all over austria like on saturday the 30th of june. we appeal to you all to prepare yourself and build up affinity groups with at least one person who nows about first aid. to get enough medica stuff we're collecting things and we need your help: what's needed: gauze bandage, swabs (10cm x 10cm), oneway-gloves, plaster (with different sizes), adhesive tapes, oneway-tweezers, compression bandage,... NO MEDICAMENTES!! all the stuff gets collected in vienna, infoladen10 (EKH:wielandgasse 2-4, 1100 wien), or you collect it local (please inform us about bigger quantities) and take it to the first-aid-station in salzburg.

infos you will find at and at; at this page you'll find the basics.

any questions: write to demosani AT

legal aid:

during the days of action in salzburg the legal aid-group will work all the time; the telephone-numbers will be presented one week before the beginning of the resistance-actions. this numbers will be spread all around by flyers in different languages, they will also contain informations about arrests and dealing with the police. be informed about your rights, the legal situation at demonstrations and about possible negative effects of the expression of your opinion.

the legal-aid-manual you can find in the web under

some legal stuff:

we are working on a leaflet for people who come from other countries. informations about passports, visa and bilateral agreements can be found on the homepage of the ministry for external affairs. notice that it is not allowed to import animal products because of the foot- and mouth-decease.

for passports, IDs, visa:

social security:

legal observer:

during the actiondays in salzburg there should also exist a legal observerteam, a group of people who will observe and document the proceedure of the authority of the state. some of these observers will be equipped with video - or photo cameras. for that there will take place a special workshop on saturday afternoon.

journey there:

we recommend to come to salzburg a few days before the 1st of july, not only to support the actions but to be sure to arrive secure. probably it will be much more difficult to come through at the 1st of july. 5000 cops or more are announced, among them the riot police from vienna and graz with whom many of us have already made painful acquaintance. the police plans three close offs around the congress centre ( the police of salzburg learned from the experience of the swiss authority) to go by train to salzburg is possible from several direccions, from the north over nürnberg-regensburg-passau-wels, from the east over vienna-st.poelten-linz-wels, from the south over klagenfurt-villach, from the west either over munic-rosenheim or innsbruck-zell am see. all trains arrive at the main station where the protest will start. Links about public transportation and the borders will be found on our homepage. to consider the beginning of the summer holidays in parts of austria andg germany the journey to salzburg by car or bus can be delayed because of traffic jams (via the westautobahn _ A1, in germany it is the A8; or via the tauernautobahn A10). both highways meet each other at knoten salzburg. not to be recommended will be the exit salzburg west / wals and the exit flughafen on sunday. these ways to the centre will be used by some global leaders and the police) there will also be a "border-telephone" in case to help with problems at the borders and to coordinate actions if the authorities refuse the entry. (the schengen _contract will cease to be in force during the weekend of protests).

individual preparation:

enough food and water should be taken with in case of delays. supermarkets close in austria at 5pm on saturdays and are generally closed on sundays. there will be only few places to sleep, a list of campgrounds can be found on

minimum equipment:

what should be left at home in any case:

WEF Salzburg 2001 | photos | Actions 2001 |