archives: WTO Info

IGTN/Gender and Trade Network for Africa

For immediate release: 17.12.2005

Draft ministerial text negates development

While a quick reading of the revised text would lead one to believe that the demands of the Grouping of 110 developing, least developing, African, ACP and small economy countries have been integrated - the truth is that these concessions are consistently linked with expanded developed country market access to developing country markets. The current draft text will have significant and adverse implications for women and marginalized groups.

Economic globalization and market liberalization has and will continue to exacerbate inequalities. It has led to the feminization of employment, intensified the exploitation of women's unpaid work in the care economy and has undermined the livelihood strategies of poor women, including migrant and farming women. The draft text, as currently written, will continue this devastating trend. A real development round must have women's rights and development central to the drafting, implementation, and outcomes.

We believe the current draft text negates development, including women's development. Specifically:

"Developing countries, can no longer lay our futures on the altar of the free market excesses of the North" - Liepollo Lebohang Pheko, Gender and Trade Network Africa, December 17, 2005.

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