archives of global protests2006 G8 Summit in St.Petersburg
July 9-16, Gr8 Eight Days of Resistance in Wash.DC, against G8's Great Greed!
CALL TO ACTION from Farragut Squares Collective (To The G8th Power!)
In Washington, DC, during the week of July 9-16 leading up to and during the 2006 G8 Summit, let's show the world that popular resistance to the G8's neo-liberal "energy security" schemes is active and intense! There ARE limits to capitalist consumption, and we're gonna TEST the G8 energy addicts and their corporate cronies with a detoxifying blast of surprise direct action tactics. Although this year the G8 is meeting thousands of miles away in Russia, there is so much that we can accomplish, in solidarity with protests there and all over the world, here in Washington, DC, the political and economic nerve center of G8 global domination. Join us in DC for the Gr8 Eight Days of Resistance, and visit regularly for updates!
Gr8 Eight Days of Resistance against G8's Great Greed!
July 9-16 leading up to and during the July 15-17 2006 G8 Summit in St. Petersburg, Russia
- No energy security for war criminals,
- No climate chaos leading to ecological crash,
- Flat tires for their gas-guzzling limos,
- We'll claw back at them fat cats!!!
The 2006 G8 Summit that will bring together political heads from eight of the world's largest consumer economies -- United States, Canada, the United Kingdom, France, Germany, Italy, Japan and Russia -- is set to focus on "energy security" this year as its central theme. The leaked G8 "Communique on Energy Security" calls for an unprecedented Global expansion of nuclear power and trillions of dollars in new subsidies to coal, oil and gas corporations worldwide.
What does "energy security" for the G8 mean for the world? Naturally, it encourages an even greater gulf between the Global North and Global South because the G8 countries will have the upper hand in controlling the energy resources at the expense of the rest of the world, especially if "energy security" equates to more nuclear power. That amounts to an economic apartheid system separated on the sheer basis of wealth and military might. The G8 is already responsible for depleting the Earth's fossil fuels, often at the expense of the polluting and impoverishment of the Global South, and this has led to the global warming crisis that is facing us all. Ironically, they'll make that move to nuclear power in order to claim that they'll reduce the global warming that these same jerks are responsible for through their unrestrained burning of coal, oil, and other fossil fuels -- and yet who is most likely to profit from a move to nuclear? Here's a hint. It won't be the Earth, and it won't be more than 6 billion people!
In Washington, DC, during the week of July 9-16 leading up to and during the 2006 G8 Summit, let's show the world that popular resistance to these elite energy schemes is active and intense! Our resistance is as abundant as the G8's greed to devour the Earth's petroleum reserves, and it's as creatively diverse as the countless cultures they invade, colonize and destroy to get that next quick fix of resource extraction on their never-enough road to ever-elusive "energy security." There ARE limits to capitalist consumption, and we're gonna TEST the G8 energy addicts' and their corporate cronies with a detoxifying blast of surprise direct action tactics...
That's right, we've got a multiple-choice quiz!
During the Gr8 Eight Days of Resistance in Washington DC, will we:
- Snake march for mountain justice?
- Drill for oil under Dick Cheney's lawn?
- Crem8 King Coal on the steps of US Congress?
- Rugby riot for human rights and against repression of G8 protesters at Russia's DC embassy? ("Punt out Putin, Kick down the Kremlin's war machine!")
- Throw yellow-cake all over Department of Energy headquarters?
- Shut down city car traffic with a "Bikes Not Black Lungs" Critical Mass?
- Swim out against global warming in Dupont Circle's fountain?
- Or ... something else totally unexpected and outrageously disruptive?
We are Farragut Squares Collective (To The G8th Power!) and we invite YOU to join this historic July 9 - 16, 2006 week of in-your-face theater and dynamic direct action in Washington, DC! Although this year the G8 is meeting thousands of miles away in Russia, there is much that we can accomplish, in solidarity with protests there and all over the world, here in the political nerve center of G8 global domination. And in case y'all haven't already guessed, we might just have some tricks up our collective sleeves that you and your affinity groups won't want to miss (wink wink nudge nudge)...
Farragut Squares Collective (To The G8th Power!) is a local ad hoc group of individuals that draws on members from the DC Anti War Network and Mobilization for Global Justice, amongst many groups. We are individuals fed up with G8 domination and capitalist globalization. We support a collaborative, open, and non-hierarchical organizing relationship with all who wish to join us in taking action. Send any inquiries or shows of support to farragutsquares or join the listserv at: your eye on for updates and details about the July 9-16 Week of Resistance against the G8 in Washington DC, plus information and links about global resistance against the 2006 G8 Summit.
See ya in the streets, eh?
postscript! Farragut Squares Collective (To The G8th Power!) fully endorses:
Network Against G8 (Russia / ex-USSR) - basic principles
- Our initiative is aimed against the G8 states, their current dominating economic system, and all forms of oppression.
- For the participants in NAG8 any discrimination on basis of race, nationality, gender, sexual orientation and age is intolerable.
- We make decisions by consensus. In case of lack of consensus on some questions groups of NAG8 participants may make their own statements and actions not contradicting these basic principles.
- During the preparation of protest actions we are not interested in cooperating with organisations aiming at taking power.
- We approve of any methods of resistance, if they are aimed against the rulers but not against the people of G8 countries. Any member of the network is free to choose his / her own tactics.