G8 2007 Heiligendamm - useful things to know
G8 Summit - June 6-8 2007
- Part 1 - Legal Team ! (deutsch)
- Part 2 - Coreography of Summit/Action Holiday !
- Part 3 - Legal Situation or...
- Part 4 - Local Travel around Heiligendamm
- Part 5 - What you need to bring !!
- Part 6 - What it means, autonomy !!
- Part 7 - Your Travel Maps !
Part 1 - Legal Team !
Hello Freedom Fighters and fellow Partivistz,
we will float you now with some information we believe they might be import to you for a safe trip to Germoney and we hope a even safer time you spend there ! .
Let's treat this like a Travelguide through the wonderful world of globalized Resistance against the G8, in a wall - traumatized Country, again confronted with Barriers, Surveillance, Repression; the model of fear and consume, disinformation and political disposal, ......
Some of us are already know what does it mean to deal with a modern Police State, based on laws that shall ensure our security, but mostly they are abused by the state to mass control their citizens, seize democratic rights and turn back again into national thinking é in a so called globalized world.
Some others are supposed to learn to know that with Sarkozy now !
In times like this, a growing repression only leads in a ever more growing resistance !!!
It's about time to prepare yourself for the ultimate "All Inclusive Rave & Resist Holiday" !!
Attention - there is no such thing as travel cancellation insurance !! ;)
Have a safe trip :)
Contact Legal Team:
--- english version / german translation and short multible Lnguage translations below ---
we want to inform you of the number of the legal team (Anwaltlicher Notdienst / Ermittlungsausschuss in german) for the upcoming protests in Heiligendamm, Germany:
038204 - 768111
By this number we will be available from the 28th of Mai onwards.
People are encouraged to call us whenever they get into conflict with police forces or witness police assaults or arrests. We will then try to take care of the persons concerned.
For people taken into custody by the police, the following information should be held ready whenever possible, so we can ask for it at the phone:
- forname and surname
- date of birth (or approximated age, if unknown)
- hometown
- nationality
- the reason--as said by the police!--why the person has been taken into custody
In no case do want want to hear any description of what really happened! Our phones will likely be wiretapped around the clock!
People that are affected by repression either directly or indirectly and have questions may come to our daily consultation-hour at the camp in Reddelich from 7 to 9 pm. The consultation-hour is also the right time and place to write and hand over notes about what has been experienced and seen. (Writing the notes on site will make sure that they will not get into the wrong hands. Also, this way, people may ask questions about how to write notes in a way that they are most helpful to us.)
A few general hints on what to think about when planning for demonstrations or actions may be found on our website
and soon also in printed form at various places around Heiligendamm.
Finally, the legal team is still asking for funds:
Schwarz-Rote-Hilfe Münster e.V.
Account-Nr.: 282 052 468
BLZ: 440 100 46
Postbank Dortmund
Reason for payment: Gipfel-EA 2007
IBAN: DE02 4401 0046 0282 0524 68
BIC: PBNKDEFFWith kind regards,
some person from the G8 2007 legal team---[ deutsche Version / englische Übersetzung oben ]---
das folgende ist die Telefonnummer des Anwaltlichen Notdienstes / EAs (Legal Teams) für die Zeit der Gipfelproteste:
038204 - 768111
Über diese Nummer werden wir vom 28. Mai an erreichbar sein. Menschen, die in Konflikt mit der Staatsgewalt kommen oder entsprechende Übergriffe (insbesondere Ingewahrsamen) mitkriegen, sollten sich bei dieser Nummer melden. Der Anwaltliche Notdienst / EA wird dann versuchen, sich um die Betroffenen zu kümmern.
Bei Ingewahrsamnahmen sollten nach Möglichkeit folgende Daten der Betroffenen Person(en) ermittelt werden, welche dann am Telefon abfragt werden:
- Vor- und Zuname
- Geburtsdatum (wenn nicht bekannt, dann ungefähres Alter)
- Meldeort
- Staatsangehörigkeit
- Tat*vorwurf* (bspw. Landfriedensbruch)
Was wir in keinem Fall am Telefon hören wollen, ist eine Beschreibung dessen, was tatsächlich Vorgefallen ist! Unsere Telefone werden vermutlich rund um die Uhr abgehört.
Menschen, die direkt oder indirekt von Repression betroffen sind und dazu Fragen haben, können sich bei unserer täglichen Sprechstunde von 19:00 bis 21:00 Uhr auf dem Camp in Reddelich informieren. Auch Gedächtnissprotokolle von ZeugInnen und Betroffenen können bei dieser Sprechstunde geschrieben und abgegeben werden. (Das Schreiben der Gedächtnissprotokolle vor Ort ist deshalb erwünscht, weil so verhindert wird, dass sie auf dem Weg zu uns in falsche Hände geraten. Auch können im Vorfeld Fragen zum Verfassen des Gedächtnissprotokolls an die anwesenden Personen gestellt werden.)
Einige allgemeine Tipps zum Verhalten auf Demos und bei Aktionen finden sich auf unserer Website
und bald auch in gedruckter Form um Heiligendamm herum.
Zuletzt sind Spenden für die Antirepressionsarbeit weiterhin erwünscht:
Schwarz-Rote-Hilfe Münster e.V.
Konto-Nr.: 282 052 468
BLZ: 440 100 46
Postbank Dortmund
Verwendungszweck: Gipfel-EA 2007
IBAN: DE02 4401 0046 0282 0524 68
BIC: PBNKDEFFMit liebem Gruß,
ein Mensch vom G8 2007 Ermittlungsausschuss
Part 2 - Coreography of Summit/Action Holiday !
As you see below, this Holiday offers you a wide range of activities including incamp and outcamp sport, countryside based events, arts and crafts, workshops and cultural eventrs.
We are sure the program of this centuries "June of Resistance" will please your desire of a exciting and subversive Phantasms.
Instead of fully animated, you can go here a step further and LIVE the Revolution ! The 8 Presidents really are there and the countless officers are also no entertaining staff members - they are for real ! Isn't that exciting ?
The Real Tv effect will even be increased by the attendance of plenty of Photographers and Filmteams.
This amazing diversity of actions provides a perfect basis for group holiday, It's for everyone something to do, no one will be bored, no one will be obliged to participate a activity they don't want. There is a alternative for everyone, but Fascists, they must stay home, we are not afraid.
From biking to hiking around in the beautiful landscape of Mecklenburg'Vorpommern, you can do whatever you wish to do or stay in your Camp to make new friends and find new and interesting things to do. You even can participate a to reach a new and phantastic world record: building the highest barrier with human bodies ever ! ( note editorial staff: we are not sure if highest, widest, strongest, soliariest,. If you want to have further informations click here:
www.block-g8.org )
And even thou the baltic sea is a nice, sand-beached paradise, we must warn you: the coastguard announced a flood of shit for the beaches around Heiligendamm - apparently it's a serious matter, there are reports that the region around the beautiful sea resort has been fenced, obviously quarantine. You have been warned !
disclaimer: we do not take any responsibility for eventual spare time casualties, nor do we provide a avocation insurance.
Have fun and join the time of your life at June of Resistance :)
Regards, your Free4Team
and day by day in the evening....at 8 pm
me meet
- in *Rostock* at the "Neuen Markt"
- in *"Kühlungsborn"* at the "Seebrücke" for:
walking, discussing, dispersing, jouggling,"shopping", having dinner, "hoteling"....
*have fun and see you on the street*
To spread the latest news there will be a PMR-Info-Radio. It´s part of the Infosystem and like Infopoints and Infotelephones it will inform you about the latest news about demonstrations, blockades and actions... Due to norming you can buy the PMR all over Europe for about 20 Euro, better quality for about 40 Euro, usually you get two for that price. Make sure that they have a connection for headphones.
some news about the dissent meeting held at the weekend 5th/6th of may in berlin:
*plan A will be as before with one exception:*
...there is one important move , because the deligates and the presidents will arrive on wednesday (6th of june) and not as expected on tuesday (5th of june), so that means the blockade of Rostock laage (military airport, where the delegates will arrive) will move from tuesday to wednesday, on tuesday will be still the global action day of antimilitaristic around Rostock and there will be planed other actions...
[more information and last schedule for the days...http://dissentnetzwerk.org/node/2569]
*Programme outline of the G8 summit*
Chancellor Angela Merkel has invited the heads of state and government of the G8 states to meet in Heiligendamm from 6 to 8 June. Here is an initial overview of the programme.
*Monday, 21 May 2007*
*Opening Convergence Spaces Berlin*
*Friday, 25 May 2007*
*Opening Convergence Center Rostock*
*Saturday, 26 May 2007*
*Opening Convergence Center Hamburg*
*Thursday, 31 May 2007*
*Opening of the anti-G8 camps*
*camp "Rostock"*
*camp "Redelich"*
*Friday, 1 June 2007*http://dissentnetzwerk.org/node/2206
*Information about the Bombodrom action day*http://dissentnetzwerk.org/node/2879* on June 1st, 2007*
As perviously announced, we plan to settle in the Bombodrom area in the Kyritz-Ruppin Heathlands on June 1st, 2007 in an action of civil desobedience. It is our aim to clearly show our rejection of war and training for war. In case the police should try a strategy of escalation, we will not take part in that. We have our own script. The whole thing is to happen in a cool, committed and very pink way. You find the call for action and important background information underwww.g8andwar.de
Squatting the Bombodrom (a planned military training territory)
ex bombingrange which wants the nato activate again / meeting point of byciclecaravanes coming from eastern europe, westerneurope, berlin, etc.
*Saturday, 2 June 2007]*
*Call to International Demonstration in Rostock, Saturday, June 2nd 2007*http://dissentnetzwerk.org/node/1998
*Another World is Possible!*
At the beginning of June 2007, the governments of the seven most important industrialised countries and Russia will meet for the 'G8 Summit' at the Baltic seaside resort of Heiligendamm. The 'Group of 8' (G8) is an institution without legitimacy.
Information about the International Demonstration at 2nd of June in the city Rostock in Germany and about the mobilisation to the Leftradical, Antifascist and Revolutionary Blocs in the center of Rostock.
*Stop the nazi demonstration - 2. June 2007
Schwerin*http://dissentnetzwerk.org/node/1737 While thousands of anti-G8 activists will held a mass demonstration in Rostock at the 2th of June, the fascist party NPD announced that at the same time they are going to demonstrate in Schwerin. Up to 1500 neo-nazis will try to present themselfes as the "only real anticapitalists" to media and population. That has to be averted.
*Sunday, 3 June 2007*
*Action day global agriculture 3rd of June in Rostock*http://dissentnetzwerk.org/node/2262*
Resistance is fertile*
Every year, 30 million people all over the world die from starvation or malnutrition. Diverse processes like the forced opening of markets, price dictation by supermarket chains, or the export subsidies for food production systematically destroy the existences of numerous small farmers, especially in poor countries. Monocultures and factory farming have catastrophic consequences for natural resources like the soil, water, or biodiversity.
international networking meeting of migrants in rostock rally with stops on supermarkets, laboratories for genetical modified animals and crops on bikes, skaters, cars - east of Rostock
*Monday, 4 June 2007*
Day of Action on Migration
*Antiracist G8 action and event calendar you will find*
*freedom of movement is everybodys right*
morning: blockade of the foreigner Office in Rostock near City Harbour
18 h: demonstration in rostock
followed by a panel discussion on migration in the evening.http://nolager.de/
*Tuesday, 5 June 2007*
The "actionday Against Militarism, War and Torture - Blockade the G8 - Stop the Wars!" will now take place on two days.
*Actions Against Militarism, War, Torture and the Global State of Exception.
decentral blockades and antimilitaristic action in Rostock
*Wednesday, 6 June 2007*
*decentralized blockades - blockade of rostock laage airport - "Block G8" move, block, stay*
*(BLACK) BLOCK MECKPOMM*http://dissentnetzwerk.org/node/561
A december paper from P.A.U.L.A in answer to october an november papers and an idea, how it also could be in Heiligendamm next year"Welcome to our last demonstration in Heiligendamm 2007. With a bewildered gaze we are looking at the sea, the hotel isn't obstructing the view anymore. The revolution has started. Though there are a lot of things to do now - let's look back for a moment. While we were waiting for the Air Force One and the other bosses of the world, we blocked and smashed the military airport at Rostock Laage. Now we know - because of the massive demonstrations all over the world, the bosses had to stay at home. Some of the delegates had tried to get through our street blockades but they failed. Nevertheless there was enough time to discuss the issues of the counter-summit and destroy the genetically modifi ed crops, because the cops most time blocked themselves. The genetic companies are smashed, the hotels are open to everyone. Allover Germany the quarters of the rich and the fi nance centers are burning - the people who stayed at home weren't idle. Some of us are now recovering at the Bombodrom, where some built up a revolutionary, international camp. Because it is now that we are really getting ready to rock."
[read more...http://dissentnetzwerk.org/node/561]
*Block G8! - move, block, stay*
At the beginning of June 2007, the heads of state and government of the eight largest economic powers will come together for the G8 Summit in Heiligendamm near Rostock.
[read more...http://dissentnetzwerk.org/node/2038]
*Call for Action - 40 Years of Occupation in Palestine - June 6-12*
*5. May, 2007*
The second week of June will mark forty years since the occupation of the West Bank and Gaza in the 1967 Six Day war. This is now the longest enduring military occupation in the world. While the Israeli government evades negotiations that would end the occupation and lead to a just peace, the lives of Palestinians continue to be crushed daily by closures and economic strangulation, their land confiscated for settlements and their communities made into prisons by the Segregation Wall.
[read more...http://dissentnetzwerk.org/node/2267]
*Thursday, 7 June 2007*
*starmarch to Heiligendamm, from Nienhagen, Kühlungsborn, Bad Doberan, Kröpelin*
*decentralized blockades - blockade of rostock laage airport - "Block G8" move, block, stay*
*Friday, 8 June 2007*
*friday 8th June 2007 International Day of Direct Action against Climate Change and the G8.*
*Direct Action for Climate Justice - Resistance is Self Defense!*
We all know the terrifying statistics: a million species extinct by 2050, 19 of the 20 hottest years on record since 1980, Greenland and Antarctica melting, droughts, floods, famines … the G8 have had over 30 years to address climate change and only succeeded in providing trillions in subsidies to the very industries that are destroying our planet and our future. And while the G8 continues to line their pockets, island states disappear and hundreds of thousands die as a result of the freak weather conditions caused by their irrational and uncontrollable obsession with never ending economic growth.
*International G8-alternative-summit 5.06 - 7.06.2007*
Part 3 - Legal Situation or...
...what to know when making Holiday in a country with a declared emergency state !
your exciting action Holiday will be even more adventurous due the fact that Germany called the emergency state, sort of.
We can only guess that it might have to do with the Problem flood of shit at Heiligendamm, even thou it might be strange that this has even influence on the entire country but since it is to our all security, we do fully trust the state that it has it's rightness, don't we ?
You will be benefit of this in any way, because this situation will provide you even more adventure and action games, the so called cat and mouse game. It is therefore up to you to decide whether to be the cat or the mouse ! But at the end of the day we know that no one really want to spend this few days in a german prison cell, even thou the lodging is not so bad and in case of rain you can be placed comfortable in good company with fellow passengers in a warm, dry prison cell. Not to speak about the extra prison story you can tell to your friends and family after your trip. Believe us, this carries weight in your travel report !!
Print this informations and the one you find in the links, they will be a nice lecture for your trip to Germoney and will put you in the mood for your further Adventures abroad:
Legal Situation
*Police powers and presence for the G8 summit *
What to expect and how to protect yourself
In 2006, the regional parliament of the German state of Mecklenburg Vorpommern (hereafter M-V), where the G8 will take place, passed a new Security and Public Order Act which increased the powers of the police during protests. Officially, the Act was passed in the name of the fight against terrorism and organised crime, but as the timing of this legislation as well as Genoa, Gleneagles and the World Cup have shown, these legal and executive powers are predominantly used to police demonstrations at summits and football events. They include: red zones, restriction of movement, huge police presence, police encircling of demonstration, mass arrests and arbitrary banning order issued against individuals from public places for the duration of the protests.
Given this proliferation of police instruments and strategies, it is important that anyone planning to come to the G8 protests informs him/herself and takes these into account when preparing actions, travel and communication before, during and after the summit. Not all of the following police practices will necessarily be applied (to you); exaggerated security laws are also literally a power game, so please do not be intimidated by the list below. Past summits, from Genoa to Gleneagles, have shown that successful protest actions are always possible, even under martial-law-type police presence.
At the end of this text you will find various guides on how to deal creatively with police repression and what you should (not) do in case you get arrested. Please use the links at the end of this page to the various self-help and solidarity booklets in English. The symbol § following each heading in the text below refers to the relevant Article of the Security and Public Order Act from M-V, detailing the relevant measure.
1. Identity checks (§29)
... mean that you have to show your identity document (ID card, passport).
They can be carried out by the police "to prevent immanent danger in a particular situation". As the police can decide what an "immanent danger" is, identity checks have become a routine measure, particularly at police control spots, "hot spots", areas around hospitals, official buildings and on public transport systems. If you cannot show an identity card, you will be taken to the police station.
2. Fingerprinting etc. (§31)
The verification of an alleged culprit's identity and collection of personal data through photo and fingerprinting is called 'Erkennungsdienstliche Behandlung' in Germany. According to existing law, this includes: handprints, fingerprints, photos, measuring external features and making voice recordings. However, the police usually only take photos and make fingerprints.
3. Interrogations and the information you have to provide (§28)
As in the whole of Germany, persons have to give the following and NO OTHER information to the police:
- first and last name,
- date of birth
- place of birth
- place of residency
- nationality.
If you refuse to give this information you'll be fined.
4. Police stop and search (§27a)
The police can stop persons and vehicles
- within 30 km of the external border (e.g. in Heiligendamm and Rostock)
- at international travel spots (e.g. train stations and airports)
- and "for the preventative fight against crime of considerable importance" (e.g. breach of the police, bodily harm etc.)
5. Searching persons (§53-54)
The police can search you in order to confiscate objects, giving the reason that the search is intended to protect yourself (!) or the police officer, the definition of 'protection' is at the discretion of the police. They are allowed to search on your body, through your clothes as well as all other objects worn by you, such as rucksacks. Usually, the search can only be carried out by a same-sex officer, unless there is an "immanent danger", in which case any officer can carry out the search.
6. Searching objects (§57-58)
Pretty much all objects carried by you, near you or near official buildings can be searched.
5. Banning orders (§52)
This is an annoying measures which the police can use widely. In M-V, orders that ban people from certain places can be given with regard to a place, for a region within a local authority or even for a whole district.
They can last up to 10 weeks. IT IS POSSIBLE THAT BANNING ORDERS WILL BE PASSED FOR A WHOLE CITY SUCH AS BAD DOBERAN DURING THE G8. The order does not have to be given in writing, the only restriction is that the banning order cannot restrict access to your own home. If you do not follow the order, you can be taken into police custody.
6. Police custody (§55-56)
Next to issuing banning orders, the police can take people into custody if they "are in a condition that is visibly outside their own control" (e.g. drunk) or if there is "an immanent danger for security or public order" (which can be very widely defined indeed). So-called preventative arrests can be made to "prevent" criminal offences, also if a person invites others to commit these in form of BANNERS or FLYERS. They can also arrest you if you are carrying weapons or OBJECTS that the police believe can be used as weapons or for committing criminal offences.
Further, MINORS (YOUNGER THAN 18) can be taken into custody if they have "eluded the person in charge of the custody" and be "transferred to the youth welfare office" (in German: 'Jugendamt').
7. Access to property and house searches (§59-60)
As a preventative public order measure, the police can enter your home. Officially, they need a search warrant issued by a judge, but in case of "immanent danger" this judicial sanction can be given retrospectively. During searches, you have the right to
- be present (in every room, so they can only search one room at a time in your presence)
- be told the reason for the search
- receive instructions by the police about your available legal remedies
- receive a signed notice by the police IF YOU ASK FOR IT, detailing the responsible authority, reason, time and date of the search as well as all the names of all persons present.
8. Informants, undercover officers, observation, secret surveillance (§33)
The use of informants (people who are not the police but are paid to pass on information to them) and undercover officers (police who use a false identity to find out about political scenes) is legal in M-V. The police can also put you under observation, follow you around and use undercover observation technology (microphones, cameras).
9. Equipment and weapons of the police (§102)
Police "equipment" includes in particular shackles, water cannons, technical barriers, dogs, horses, vehicles, gas (CN, CS and pepperspray) and explosives (which may not be used against persons). Weapons include batons, pistols, revolvers, shotguns and machine guns. The typical weapons used are batons, but Gothenburg and Genoa have shown that the state is also prepared to use guns.
10. Police officers duty to identify themselves? (--)
Nope: in M-V there is no obligation for the police to identify themselves, which makes it difficult to link criminal acts to specific police officers.
New police powers introduced for the G8 in June 2006:
11. CCTV (camera) surveillance of public places (§32)
...is legal if it is necessary for the police to fulfil its duties or at places where at least 2 criminal acts (ANY offence) have taken place. Therefore, EXPECT TO BE FILMED.
12. Automatic car number plate recognition (§43a)
Will take place, in particular at motorway exits and slip roads, access roads etc. EXPECT YOUR CAR NUMBER PLATE TO BE RECORDED IF YOU ENTER THE PROTEST REGION IN A CAR. The regional government has announced that it wants to collect this information to COMPARE THE DATA with existing databases, such as the "violent offenders" data bases which are notoriously arbitrary, we should expect this data to be compared with the Schengen Information System as well.
13. Preventative interception of telecommunications (§34a)
EVERYONE can be intercepted in the name of prevention. This includes content (telephone conversations, SMS text messages, mailbox recordings, e-mails, saved e-mails) and so-called traffic data (numbers of other people you have been in contact with). This is not a simple log of who we've called and when we called them, but police uses this data to CREATE A MAP OF HUMAN ASSOCIATIONS and more importantly, a map of human ACTIVITY AND INTENTION.
Further, the police in M-V now has the technological capability to use so- called IMSI (International Mobile Subscriber Identity) catcher, which simulates a mobile base station and thereby puts itself in the path between your phone and your real GSM network, recoding ALL MOBILE PHONE COMMUNICATION. The police can therefore collect numbers you phone, numbers that phone you, the number of the phone itself, the SIM card number, the length of time of the call. Telecommunications Service Providers in Germany ARE OBLIGED PASS ON TRAFFIC DATA OF THE PAST 6 MONTHS TO THE POLICE. IMSI catchers can also INTERRUPT PHONE COMMUNICATION. The police apparently applied this method during the anti-nuclear Castor protests to stop people from communicating with each other, when they encircled by police, for example.
The police can ascertain your location without IMSI catchers as well, by using so-called "silent SMS text messages". The only safe way to circumvent mobile phone surveillance therefore remains to SWITCH OFF THE PHONE AND TAKE THE SIM CARD AND THE BATTERY OUT, preferably before entering a new GSM area. This way the police can only ascertain your last location at which your phone was switched on.
(Mobile) phone - yes or no?
Because of the high surveillance risks connected to (mobile) phones, you should ask yourself how you will use the (mobile) phone in the run-up to the summit. Although PGP might provide some privacy in e-mail contact, there are only the two extremes of NO PHONE AT ALL or EXPECT TO BE INTERCEPTED EVERYWHERE. Most people will choose a path inbetween, but please abstain from using the phone to discuss political issues or to make appointments.
14. 'Profiling': data comparisons with public institutions (§44)
Under Germany's anti-terrorist legislation, law enforcement can demand from public and private authorities (e.g. universities, but also e-bay!) to disclose all personal data relating to a 'profile' of suspects (e.g. above 24 years-old, male, of Arab origin). They can then compare this data with police data banks.
15. Compulsory blood samples (§53, 4)
Under the name of HIV prevention, the M-V police can now take blood samples, in case of "immanent danger", again, the danger is defined by police, judge's orders given retrospectively. It is LIKELY THAT POLICE WILL TAKE BLOOD SAMPLES IN CASE OF INJURIES involving bodily fluid, that means also in cases of demonstrators being beaten up by the police. We can expect that the DNA will be taken up in the German DNA databank, IF YOU HAVE A BLOOD SAMPLE TAKEN AND YOU HAVE HIV OR HEPATITIS, THIS INFORMATION WILL MOST LIKELY BE TAKEN UP IN THE GERMAN FEDERAL POLICE DATABANK INPOL.
16. Video recording from within police vehicles (§32, 4)
The police can film you when stopping you or your vehicle, although they are supposed to delete this film material after the event, this is not the case if it can be used to 'solve crimes'.
17. Cross-border police cooperation (EU law)
During the last decade, we have seen the development of an informal European police apparatus that has legalised the (almost) limitless exchange of personal data between police forces and dubious judicial cooperation methods that weaken the rights of the accused (applied, for example, during the Genoa and Gothenburg trials). International protesters will therefore face a particular arsenal of data collection and travel restriction methods: from the Schengen Information System to the reinstitution of internal border controls, travel bans and the Eurodac fingerprint database, BEWARE of anyone planning to cross your travel plans. The measures that can be expected to be applied (also) for this summit, can be summarised as follows:
Before the summit
- Exit and entry bans
- personal visits or phone calls by the police to let you know they are watching
- reporting obligations (at the police station) for potential suspects
- confiscation of passports
- observation activities
- preventative arrest
- internal border controls (the suspension of the Schengen agreement)
- data exchange between German and other EU or non-EU police forces
During the summit we can expect:
- Police controls long before the actual summit region
- mobile and stationary video surveillance with a zoom function
- telephone interception
- presence of foreign police forces at the summit to help German police to identify foreign activists but foreign police will also observe and can even arrest activists from their countries
- banning orders
- preventative arrests (for the duration of the relevant police regulations)
- speed trials, in particular in the case of international protesters
- the use of (stricter) foreigner regulations in case of international protestors (deportations)
And what will actually happen?
Only the next few months will show how the new police arsenal will actually be applied in practice. It remains important that even under this 'brave new world' order, we should not refrain from protesting and resisting. Please do not only read this section about methods of repression, but also read that on creative protest, including the guidelines on how to deal with police aggression.
The above is a summary and free translation of a legal advice booklet written in August 2006 by:
Rote Hilfe Greifswald
c/o Klex
Lange Straße 14
17489 Greifswald
German full-text version:http://www.gipfelsoli.org/Repression/RH_Greifswald_Flyer_SOG.pdf
Other English language sources on (anti)-repression:
Pepperspray, CS & Other "Less-Lethal" Weapons Used by Rioting Police to Suppress Dissent when Politricks & Television fail to do so:
'Solidarity : A Rough Guide' by Starhawk
(Organiser la solidarité en cas de répression www.starhawk.org):http://gipfelsoli.org/Repression/solidarity_starhawk.html
A small glossary of (criminal) legal terms for solidarity campaigns:
Red Aid
The police have announced that they will prevent all blockades and obstructions of the G8 summit. The federal government will repeal the system of open borders as specified in the Schengen Convention and conduct controls all along German borders. As it is possible that activists may be denied entry, we should prepare ourselves for obstructions by the police and find out about alternate travel possibilities.
Anyway: no one should be intimidated by the announcements of the police or be scared off from participating in the protests in Heiligendamm. Everybody should find out about his/her rights vis-á-vis the police beforehand.
You can find legal information about dealing with police excesses, in case of detention or other harassments here: Red Aid Antirepression Guide: "Was tun wenn's brennt" ("What to do in case of fire")
Booklets in various languages informing demonstrators of their legal rights, local and national laws and police regualtions
english [update]
* *|* * dutchhttp://www.rote-hilfe.de/media/files/red_aid_antirepression_guide_dutch|
*NEW: *polish
G8: When the going gets rough (Supplement to the Red Aid Antirepression Guide)What foreigners need to know about the German police and laws as Anti-G8-Demonstrators in Heiligendamm, Germany.
englishhttp://www.rote-hilfe.de/media/files/g8_when_we_going_gets_rough |
G8 '07 UK Visitor Winner's Guide
- G8 07 UK Visitor Winner's Guide
ERMITTLUNGSAUSSCHUSS (Legalteam - finds out the whereabouts of arrested people - gets lawers):
Preparing for the demonstration
Translation of Legal Terms
french - english - german - spanish - greek (RTF)
- *NEW:* Legal Information
Border Points
- Dresden (
- *Bordercrossing G8 from the Netherlands*
*Many people want to resist the G8-summit in Heiligendamm. The authorities will not hesitate to combat this resistance with repression. This can already start at the moment that you try to enter Germany. Our weapon against this consists of solidarity, good information and communal action!If you meet any control or check at the border, or other incidents, please warn fellow activists via telephonenumber (+31) 06-49702887
Information about the situation on the border will be given on a special website:
Also we have supportpoints at some border crossings (especially Nijmegen and Groningen). In case you get into trouble or are being sent back, you can go there to get help and more information. In Nijmegen the adress is: Van Broeckhuysenstr 46. The information about other places we will give if needed via phone.
In case you get into juridical problems during or after the G8-summit in the Netherlands, then do not hesitate to contact Linkse Hulp <info
linksehulp.nl> for assistance.*
Important Links
www.gipfelsoli.org/Antirepression(Legal information in English and other languages)
-http://dissentnetzwerk.org(Legal information in different languages)
Part 4 - Local Travel around Heiligendamm
As you have chosen a unorthodox way of spending your Holiday, you have here the opportunity support the happenings active !
Should you have a driver licence and motivation to carry around fellow passangers, then you are engaged to a even more important role in the APG ( Adventure-Protest-Game ).
It may be a bit late now to get in touch by mail but you can always offer your help to the Infopoints you can find on any Camp site, in the City of Rostock at the Train Station.
In a further mail you will get additional Infos for role play actions in several other ways - don't wait for the Revolution - JUST DO IT !!
Taking care of an extremely essential part of the protests infrastructure a transnational transport working group was founded in warsaw. The AG wants to organize transports of all kinds of camp-, protest- and convergence center materials before the summit as well as during the summit itself:
To bring materials, water & food to the activists and to bring the activists themselves from convergence centers and train stations to the relevant regions as well as immidiatelly to the actions.
To achieve these goals the Transport AG is looking for 20 to 30 drivers owning absolutelly legal drivers licences, at best also for driving bigger trucks.
Additionally there is the need for more people to help out sometimes, as well as for some mechanics willing to offer their skills. Another possibility to join the group is to help organizing and coordinating transports.
The Transport AG moreover is calling for vehicles of all kind: busses, trucks, cars...
If you know sympathetic bus companies willing to give us smaller or bigger buses for a cheaper tarif or even for free - or if you can think of other ways to contribute to the concept, please do it. Maybe you could also lend your car to others or to the transport group sometimes.
e-mail-list: transportprotest [at] lists.riseup.
contact: transportprotest [at] riseup.netLocal Travel Around The G8, - Practical Info
Many people going to Germany next week (and there seem to be many, really ) were concerned about how to travel between camps and other locations in the area. There seem to be an easy answer fro that now:
Rostock's public transportation company seems to be somewhat friendly towards the protests. They are announcing a ticket for the whole region from June 2-9 for 15 Euro.
(That mean a 1 week travel card for 10 Pounds !!!)
This includes the trains to the Camps in Reddelich and Wichmannsdorf and the airport Rostock Laage. Tickets can be bought in the ticket selling counters, in regional busses and trains.
Also additional trains are running.
The regional train passing by the camp in Reddelich will be running also at night every hour (takes approx. 30 min from Rostock train station), trains from Rostock centre to Warnemuende, passing by Evershagen school with media center and convergence center, will be going:
from 10:00 to 20:00 every 10 minutes
from 20:00 to 24:00 every 15 minutes
after midnight regular schedule, ending around 1:30, starting around 4.
There are night busses in between.
Part 5 - What you need to bring !!
Dear Vacationist,
Of course in a action Holiday you can't pretend to have everything served like a all inclusive standard holiday. We can't supply you with luxury, in fact to be fair, we can't supply you with much but we guess you knew this before, didnt you ?
But we thought this will increase the sensation of a real adventure and even tho we may not have showers, we hope we do so at least from monday up, it's not so bad cause we will stink in community !!
Also we will be stinking so much until the blockades start that we have a high chance not to be touched by police officers ? Let's try that !!
we believe that most of you know or can imagine what to bring, but to help you in your planing and to be sure not to forget something; here a list with basics you would need to bring:
*Those things are a MUST:*
- Valid Passport/ID card and Health Assurance card (if you have)
- Driving Licence (if you have)
- Tent, sleeping pad and sleeping bag
- Good shoes/outdoor shoes
- Clothes to change yourself
- Weatherproof clothes
- Washbag
- Medicine you need
- Combat ration
- Rucksack
*Those things would be good to have:*
- Camping stove
- Dinnerware ( plate, cutlery, cup )
- Towel
- Earplug - if it is to loud in the night
- Plastic bags - to protect something or someone from rain and for many other things
- Current tap
- Adapterplug for stranger plugs
- electric torch
- Walkie Talkie - PMR-Funk UHF-Frequency 446,000–446,100 MHz
- Normal Radio
- CB Funke
- Kompass
- Maps (closups or bicycle maps Mecklenburg Vorpommern)
- Pen and writing pad
- Repair kid for bikes
*And this stuff would be really wicked you could bring it:*
- Binocular
- Covers
- First Aid Kit
- Sewing Kit
- Candles and Marmalade cans
- Extinguisher
- Water canister
- Tool Kit
- Gardening Tools
- Bucket
- Big tents / Solar sail / Pavillons
- Extra Sleeping bags, sleeping pads and tents
- Generatoren
- Car / Bus / Van
cheers, your Free4 tRAVEl Agents
Part 6 - What it means, autonomy !!
"Autonomy and DIY" - or how to get started - Your Action-Training-Camp-Guide !!
The mission Statement of your Action Holiday
In order to show that we can overcome our dependency on the systems we are living in, we want to give a little impression that it can work if we all work hard enough for it.
In our times we are to much used to have everything provided and ready to use. what for us means basic necessities, for a 3rd world country means luxury !!
We KNOW autonomy and self-determination works and our aim is to proof it and to give the message that this can be expanded, which for us is a important step to understand - not only for us but for people who are scared about a change and the deprivation of this luxury.
Still many people haven't understood that Do It Yourself, finding alternatives on our own and starting to be self-dependent will be needful in the future !!
In your Holiday you can help us in this common aim and you find a lot of opportunities to exchange knowledge, tips and tricks and try with your fellow vacationists the new found skills in the training camp !
There are many things to do that we will describe you below, yet there are also many things to bring to support the infrastructure of a camp you will first of all have to build on your own with us.
So if may have thought that this will be a picnic with full-time service you booked the wrong holiday :P
- Arriving/Get involved/Be Free4...:
- Arriving in your camp you will, hopefully from the beginning, but surely Sunday, find a InfoPoint.
- This Info point meant to be THE Point you have to go for any matter, questions and ideas !
- Thats also is the point were you first say hello - briefly !
- We would be really Happy about a donation if you wish to, but we do not ask a entry fee ! It's Free !!
Then in case you brought something for the collective that can be useful, drop it there and be sure that you marked it with your name, so that after, eventually, you can have it back :)
We will have lists for different services for what we need volunteers. This is starting from helping to dig our own toilets and ending at helping in the kitchen. In between all what you can imagine a Action-Training-Camp must provide !!
We want to remind you a thing that we pay attention to: The Camp is a community in a Temporary Autonomous Zone but we are still in a way depending - on each others !
We need to be in Trust and Solidarity to each others if we want to succeed and therefor we ask you - for only this time that you want to help - to really appear and do so !
Rome wasn't build in a day, neither will be our Camp !
But it surely will be more fun :)
At this point we do fully trust and believe in each one of you to know the score !
Building a Camp:
what do we need first: right, that must be the toilets. It would be rather uncomfortable if people started to use possible tent-space as toilet, because it's a undeniable must, but not always clear where it makes no sense to wee/crap. As Dixie Toilets are rather unfit, at least after 8 hours of using them, the fact people are going to shit wild will be a actual matter of fact.
We will be building organic toilets on our own: digging holes, mounting wood, bend privacy camouflage.
Depending on the amount of people helping, this can be done in few hours. You have the opportunity to subscribe to a list of volunteers which will take care about the toilets, to see if they need to be filled back with earth and digging some more..etc etc etc...yes, we are quite sure it will be a Problem to fill this list ;)
The next thing we will want to have is something to eat and drink. There will be a kitchen to use and we hope there will be a lot of people willing to help !
The Situation with the water is unclear, clear is there will be but we don't know yet how it will be. If pipes or tanks or in the worst case canisters. Sure is that in any case we need people who are able to use tools, work with wood or construct things. Mostly this in case of rain we need to construct places to be, but as well for actions and activities we will want to have "room".
Well, you see and can imagine that there are plenty of things to do, as well the Soundsystems and Artists are happy if they get a helping hand to mount their stuff.
Then for the way you install yourself you are pretty free to do as you wish like, respecting your neighbor :)
You will have the chance to learn many things that are necessary in a independent community of people, you will learn how to screw and to cut wood, how to sew and how to dig, how to motivate others to do so...
Here a list of things that will be useful and if you have a opportunity to bring them - do it !!
To construct:
- Wood, as much as possible in any form
- Tools
- Screw
- Thick Plastic foil
- Foulards
- Carpets
- Strings
- Ropes
- Tape
- Gardening Tools
- Current Plugs
To live:
- Tables
- chairs
- seats
- pillows
- candles/lights
- bulbs
- trash bags
Specials - To hire from you:
- pc's
- telephones
- cars+drivers
- bikes
- rollers
- rucksacks
Always good to have and you may not think of and we forgot int he last mail:
toilet paper
let's keep it minimalistic :)
What is AbSoLuTe Necessary :
bring a good vibe and respect !!!
respect et bon delir'
respect and good rave
your tRAVEl agents :)
Part 7 - Your Travel Maps !
Dear Active Camper,
with this mail finally we send you some maps of the region that will be useful for you.
As most of you dont have the opportunity to buy close up maps of the region beforehand, you might print yourself this ones until you have the opportunity to buy a good one in Germany. The best and more useful would be a bike map, a real close up of the region that you will need for your outcamp action trainings and to play the cat and mouse game. It' extremely important if you want to have a chance to win the game, that you know the region.
- Google Earth Heiligendamm
- Google Earth Actionmap
- Bad Doberan and surroundings, 1:25.000 and 1:50.000
http://www.gipfelsoli.org/rcms_repos/Tools/maps_scanned.zip (scanned as jpg; zip-Archive)
- Actionmap
- Accompany Aktionskarte
Talking is over:
North Of Mecklenburg:
Bad Doberan and surroundings:
Wismar - Bad Doberan - Rostock - Road Map:
Kuehlungsborn - Bad Doberan - Rostock - Road Map:
Police Headquarters:
Fence inner and outer circle:
Police Map:
Again inner and outer circle:
Delegates, refugee camps...:
more Maps:
best regards,
your Free4 tRAVEl Agentsg8 | www.agp.org (archives) | www.all4all.org