PGA European conference newsletter #1, 22th of may 2002

 Dear people,

 We invite you all to get involved in the preperation of the 2e European PGA
 conference that will take place from 31th of August till the 5th of
 September 2002.

 Join the prepreation:

 First of all we invite people to join the conference preparation
 email-lists. These lists are a communication-tool for those who would like
 to participate in preparing the content of the conference. For practical
 reasons we devided the conference organising around 7 thematic areas These
 tthematic areas are explained in the conference call and in this email,
 below. Every thematic email-list will have one or two coordinators, which
 are in direct contact with the PGA/Eurodusnie workinggroup, coordiators of
 the conference.
 An overview of all the conference preperation emaillists, and an
 explanation on how to subscribe, can be found at:

 The PGA/Eurodusnie workinggroup, co-convenors for Europe, will will be
 focussing mostly on hosting/facilitating the conference and not so much on
 the content (beside the overall coordination). We trust on you, PGA minded
 people, to provide input for the content of the conference, to take
 initiative and make the thematic areas inclusive and flexible. The
 PGA/Eurodusnie workinggroup, the conference coordination, can be reached

 Contribute to the discussion FORUM on the conference website.

 Secondly, we invite people as of now to post their contributions for
 discussion on the 7 thematic areas on the multilingual and mulit topic
 conference FORUM ;. This forum is open
 for everyone to visit and to contribute, also for those who arn't preparing
 (parts of) the conference.
 It is likely that we will prepare a reader for the conference based on the
 articles contributed on the conference FORUM.

 PGA #Chat

 An easy way to get in contact with conference-organisers from acros the
 continent is by visiting the PGAconference #chat. More info on this can be
 found at:

 The conferencewebsite:
 About the thematic conference areas
 We will organise the upcoming conference around the following thematic areas:
 1) migration and racism
 anti - racism, migration
 2) autonomy and self-organisation
 squatting, social centres, media/communication
 3) economy
 WTO/IMF/WorldBank, WEF (World Economic Forum), collective provisions,
 education, public services/privitisation of such services, situation in
 Argentina, North/South - relations
 4) ecology and conservation
 climate-change, GMO (Genetically Modified Organisms), conservation of
 nature, animal welfare, biodiversity
 5) militarisation and repression
 peace - movement, religious fundamentalism, solidarity movement, Palestina
 6) PGA structure
 organisational structure of the PGA, convenors for the next PGA - conference
 7) strategies and tactics

 As proposed during the first European PGA conference we ask all paricipants
 to look at the gender aspects of each thematic area. It is now likely that
 their will also be a seperate gender workinggroup.

European PGA Conference Leiden | PGA