Kutsu Pohjoismaiden Peoples' Global Action -verkoston tapaamiseen Tukholmaan 25.-27. huhtikuuta. We, Globalization from Below, call for the second meeting of the Nordic network. The meeting will take place 25-27 April in Stockholm. The first meeting of the network was held in Copenhagen in October 2002. Then it was called the Nordic PGA-forum. The network is based on the 5 hallmarks of the People's Global Action (www.agp.org). With the summit protests a temporary rise for the left was created. This power has been difficult to convey on a local level to the gray conflicts of every day life. We think that we must try to generalize the summit struggle out to the entire society. How can we politicize peoples invisible struggles? How can already existing struggles be strengthened, coordinated and connected? How can we reach beyond the reactivity, and instead set our own agenda? These are some questions we believe are important to discuss end develop. We want a broad co-operation for the future struggle and therefore we invite a multitude of groups working with everything from environmental issues to feminist struggle. This is a first invitation with the most important information in this very moment. More information is to come. Everyone that agrees with the hallmarks are welcome! For more information or questions:
Appendix 1 - The PGA Hallmarks
Appendix 2 - Discussion paperWHAT IS TO BE DONE?The globalization movement and summit protests have created a global rise for the leftwing. Seattle, Genua and Gothenburg opened up for social forums and now most recent the global day of action with twelve million people participating in demonstrations against the war. But there are signs that the leftwing upsurge is flattening out. The summitprotest doesn't make the same headlines in media and the governing powers have learned how to counter the protests. Our problem has been to transfer the mobilization to other areas, and bring them back to the gray conflicts of everyday life. How do we "generalize" the summit protests to the whole of society? CIRCULATION OF STRUGGLESWe are today standing in front of the same project as before the summit protests broke out:
Issues we should discuss (please send us your own suggestions):
LESSONS There is a lot to learn from the summit protests that we should use in other struggles. It was the extraparliamentary left that created this upsurge, through several methods:
OPENESS & COMMUNICATION One of the importent goals we must reach in our struggles is to make them expand, circulate and spread. The "openess" is here an important part. The struggles must:
LABORATORIES & ENQUIRES The globalization movement has shown us that we can't repeat a winning concept again and again. The movement must be kept in motion. We must always be moving to new areas and cross boundaries and limits. Also the development of our struggles demands that were participating and investigating - even in our research we must keep moving and take part as activists. We must create laboratories that produces activity. Struggles must be developed out of our needs and demands. But we must also make sure that we don't get stuck in local reactive narrow struggles and be able to plan more further ahead, expand, move beyond everyday struggles to build a anti-capitalist movement. RE/ACTIVITY Struggle takes several forms. For example purely reactive: as a confrontative struggle against being subordinate, to limit exploatation. But also an active setting of the agenda: it's a fleeing struggle that is keeps itself away from the manegment and exploatation of capital. When we develop struggles we must make sure that we consider both of these forms and build on an actual existing struggle, even if it's invisible, individualised, isolated and spontaneous._ The left wing has traditionally had a perspective on power that state and capital has been seen as active, and the working class and the social movements as reactive. We have been subject to use of power and oppression from above, which has created a resistance from below that has confronted the powers. With this perspective, we haven't chosen the struggles by ourselves, but have only been forced to react on the oppression we have been subjected to. According to this perspective the power from above functions negative and limiting for our needs and desires. Other people in the left have with Foucalt turned the perspective and see the working class as active and the capital as reactive. Our needs and desires are productive, they result in self-activity and a "constituant power" from below. The capital reacts on this productivity, "captures" and exploits it. In this perspective capital is functioning as a parasite. The struggles takes the form of one who flees, a "flight" where we set the agenda and a refusal to put our productivity in the favor of capital. "Flight is not about isolating ourselves from the world in the wilderness, but an active refusal of work, border crossings, refusal to pay for public transportation, and different kinds of "auto-valorizations". When we talk about concepts as "disobedience" or "resistance" we don' t meen merely the negative part, the refusal to obey - but also the active one who flees: to find new forms outside of the controll of capital to use our creativity to satisfy our needs. We can choose confrontation when the conditions of power are right or we can turn our weakness to our advantage. With the "flight" we flee repression and decide for ourselves how to act. QUESTIONS
TEXTS You can find texts for the meeting on: