As the vast majority of people fall ever deeper into debt and poverty, the eight most powerful men in the world gather in their lavish hotel to maintain their fragile hold upon power and wealth through never-ending war. Thousands of people unders the banners of Live8, Make Poverty History, and Dissent are gathering to march to end poverty, climate change and other global problems. The question is not whether or not the G8 will listen. The G8 will not since the G8 is not the solution. The G8 itself is the problem.
The G8 will not solve the problem of poverty: the wealth of the G8 exists because it has systematically exploited the rest of the world. To ask the G8 to solve world poverty is like asking a pedophile to take care of your child, since their wealth comes from their colonial pillage of the "developing world." The G8 also impoverishes their own people in "developed countries." Credit card bills pile higher, the dole gets cut, hospitals shut down. As the oil runs out and climate change threatens our lives, the situation is only going to get worse. The only way to reverse the rising tide is through protest and resistance. We support everyone who seeks to Make Poverty History instead of welcoming the G8 to Scotland.
Marching is not enough. As the marches, and popular opposition against the Iraq war has shown us, only direct action can stop the G8. Go after the real solution to poverty - take control back over own lives. Wealth is not money in your pocket, but freedom to have power over your own life. It is us who store our money at the banks that keep us in debt, who join their armies to fight their wars over oil, and who fill our cars with petrol in order to work at jobs we don't even like. Ordinary people created this world, and it is within our power to change it. We must seize the power back from the G8 to solve the world's problems, and take matters into our own hands. Poverty can only be made history if the G8 and capitalism are made history. After the Make Poverty History march we call on everyone to join the blockades against the G8 in order to physically stop the G8 leaders from meeting.
The G8 make plans, people make history. What better place than Edinburgh, what better time than July 2nd. Look for the giant black and red "Make the G8 History Banner" gathering in Bristo Place with a festive marching band. Also, in order to expose as many people to radical politics and direct action, it is absolutely necessary for people to come prepared to diffuse throughout the march in order to spread information. It's people versus power, and we're not going to beg the G8 any favors. Make capitalism history! Make the G8 history!
To endorse this call, offer ideas, make suggestions: e-mail: maketheg8history