The following are the minutes of a two day international meeting to co-ordinate radical resistance to the 2005 G8 Summit to be held in the UK. The meeting took place in Tuebingen, Germany and was hosted by the Tuebingen Infoladen. The meeting was organised by the Dissent! International Networking Group.
To contact the Dissent! International Networking Group for comments upon, or corrections to, these minutes, email: info-g82005
For more information about Dissent! see: or email the above address.
Note: the original agenda and the invitation to the meeting, in English, German, Spanish, Italian, French and Greek, can be found on the Dissent! website:
Introductory Note
The weekend's agenda was put together by the Dissent! International Networking Group in early January 2005 and circulated for comments. An open meeting was held on Friday February 25, 2005, the night before the meeting began to incorporate comments into the agenda. The final agenda was as follows:
Saturday February 26, 2005
Sunday February 27, 2005