A Bruxelles (Belgique), deux manifestations ont lieu ce 26, pour ceux qui ne pouvaient aller à Prague. La première a lieu à 12 heures au 10, rue Montoyer à Bruxelles. La seconde a lieu 18h30 devant le Consulat tchèque 154, Av. Adolphe Buyl à 1050 Bruxelles.
Renseignements: Attac Bruxelles (virginia
P. G.In Zagreb we have 3 days of action, and yesterday there was a first street action with some workshops and video projections (one on World Bank demos and another one on WTO demos). Street actions took part in town centre, 200 people showed up and few interventions in McDonalds happened - nothing much, but enough to attract attention from lots of people, media and cops (of course!). Performances and baloons that we printed with big M (just like one that McDonalds have) under which it it said: "This baloon contains deadly virus" had lots of effect.
This morning (s26) there were a series of autonomous banner drops throughout the city of Bath/UK. Issues highlighted included genetix, consumerism, poverty, and to raise awareness about the IMF/WB in general. Directions to PRAGUE also appeared on motorway signposts.
In Bristol/UK, autonomous actions throughout the city on s26. Already on s22 250 cyclists on critical mass causing gridlock in city centre. On s23 local s26 coalition held demo highlighting issues. On s24 Food Not Bombs outside Ministry of Defence, also coach left bristol for prague.
Bristol Resists: Solidarity actions in Bristol, UK
by anarchist606 1:27pm Tue Sep 26 '00
Bristol, UK based activists were involved in actions to by-pass the mainstream media and take the message of the Prague protest directly to the people who it effects - everyone. Banners were hung round the city with a web link containing an article to introduce people to why the actions and issues raised in Prague should matter the them.
25/9/00:Solidarity protests in Bristol, UK continued last night as various autonomous groups undertook action to highlight the action in Prague. Small groups of activists hung banners over road intersections around the main entrance to, and on the ring-road around Bristol city centre. These were aimed at highlighting the happenings in Prague as not just isolated incidents, but part of the global resistance to capitalism and domination by financial interests. Some banners carried a web address as well as slogans, where articles, links and information was posted aimed at informing those outside the protest movement, how the issues effect everyone, whether living in Bristol, the UK or the world.
26/9/00: As of 6pm the banners are still in place. I was reported that one banner that had come loose was seen to being re-attached by an unnamed passer-by.
More actions are planned for the rest of the week and beyond.On S26, a rally of around 100 people was held in Oxford in solidarity with the protests in Prague. A number of speakers detailed gave details about how the World Bank and IMF operate to a lively crowd.
dear all,
the french anti capitalist caravan started two days ago. It aims to visit several cities in France in a combination of information and direct action about captalism, the IMF/WB, and the S26 mobilisation etc.
The first stop was in Marseille (South of France) and involved a colorful event with bicycles, costumes, music and information.
As around 50 people were peacefully gathering on a square, civil cops appeared making provocations and agressively telling people to leave the place.
The situation rapidly escaled and was followed by civil police + 30 riot police beating up people and making several arrests. A mother holding her 4 years old kid asking a policemen what was going on was repeatedly beaten up with a truncheon before being arrested.It seems most people have been released by now and the caravan is riding on.
Video and photo material got confiscated, but some shots could be secured. You can find personal reports (french) and two short real time video footage of the activity and the repression at
www.france.indymedia.organ appetiser of what Prag will be like ?
police partout, justice nulle part !
solidarity with the french anti capitalist caravan !!
la lucha sigue !!for more information about the anti capitalist caravan and Tour updates
le réseau de contre-informations___________________________
N * 02 - 5 septembre 2000
___________________________* AU SOMMAIRE ***********
1. Anecdote itonnante de la caravane anti-capitaliste qui parle d'un ami bien Renseigné Généralement : RoGer
2. Sélection des nouveaux articles
3. Appel de Prague***** Anecdote :
Histoire vraie de la part de la caravane anti-capitaliste :
- J'ai eu un téléphone d'un charmant fonctionnaire de l'Etat français (RoGer) qui voulait savoir en quoi consistait exactement cette caravane et ce qui allait se passer sur Forcalquier, à la demande de "en haut lieu"."Je suis époustouflie par votre demande" dis-je "de mon temps, vos collègues obtenaient leurs renseignements en ouvrant le courrier et en écoutant les téléphones, aujourd'hui, ils captent les fax et les mails, alors, quoi!".
"Eh, mais c'est bien le problème, avec les restrictions budgétaires, on n'est toujours pas équipés d'ordinateurs, alors, on sait plus rien, alors soyez gentilles, dites moi"
"Rassurez-vous mon bon monsieur, il n'y a rien à Forcalquier, juste le départ pour Marseille"
"Ah! Et que ce passe-t-il à Marseille"
"C'est pas bien de vouloir piquer le boulot des collègues, laissez donc ceux de Marseille s'en occuper"
"Oui, bon d'accord"
"Au revoir..."
***** Silection des articles publiés sur France.indymedia.Org
1/ La caravane interviewée par radio Zinzine (à écouter absolument)
La Caravane passe
"Ca les reprend. Du 26 au 28 septembre prochains, le FMI et la Banque Mondiale tiendront sommet à Prague. Pas moins de 20.000 importants y seront, sous bonne garde, pour causer de nos conjonctures. Au menu, toujours le même plat, la déréglementation, et la même sauce, la libérale dégraissante.;
2/ Pour les radios vraiment libre : 2 bandes annonces sur la caravane à télécharger au format MP3.
3/ Un squat a été ouvert à Montreuil (région parisienne) pour reloger des familles : Sans Logis contre Mairie de Montreuil : Le Brard de Fer !
"Six cellules familiales, quatorze personnes dans la mouise, sans logement, parfois sans papiers. Le choix de leur a été vite fait : en parfait état puisque loué jusqu'en début juillet, le 41 de la rue François Arago à Montreuil était libre et ouvert. 200m2 habitables, et un petit jardin en enfilade... avec " vue imprenable sur la lutte des classes " : Le pavillon -jardin construit par des ouvriers du front populaire donne sur les deux nouvelles résidences de la ZAC de M. le maire !"
4/ Un message indymedia-Australie en anglais pour nous prévenir de suivre les Jo à partir du site : " on va publier les vérités que la reste du média ignore"
5/ Un excellent reportage vidéo sur une manifestation devant l'ambassade de Birmanie par info-Birmanie.
"La Birmanie vit sous une dictature militaire soutenue par la France alors que d'autres pays d'Europe refusent de collaborer avec le pouvoir en place. Les transnationales dont Elf-Total-Fina se partagent les richesses naturelles. Les militaires font régner l'ordre sous la répression et tirent leur principale ressource du trafic de drogue.; real video 24 mm
6/ Et enfin une pétition et un appel à soutenir la résistance, en France, des Roms lancés de Strasbourg en soutien à leur demande du statut de réfugié politique.
"Vous qui jtes sensibles à la défense des Droits de l'Homme, les familles Roms de ZAMOLY s'adressent à vous : " Notre situation, à nous, roms de ZAMOLY, n'est pas isolée. Bien au contraire, selon l'ONU, les roms figurent parmi les principales victimes des actes racistes en recrudescence dans toute l'Europe (le Monde du 20 et 21 ao{t) ' savoir [...];
Enfin, n'oubliez le rendez-vous de toutes les rédactions d'Indymedia à Prague le 26 septembre pour couvrir les manifestations contre la réunion du FMI et de la Banque Mondiale.
"Position ginirale de l'Initiative contre la globalisation économique-Prague 2000, réalisée en prévision du sommet de la Banque Mondiale et du Fonds Monitaire International à Prague.
Environ 20.000 banquiers, économistes et investisseurs du monde entier seront à Prague du 26 au 28 septembre 2000 pour participer à la 55hme réunion annuelle de la Banque Mondiale (BM) et au conseil des gouverneurs du Fond Monitaire International (FMI).
Cet événement prestigieux de l'élite économique mondiale, le premier en Europe centrale ou orientale, revjt une importance spéciale. Les délégués se réuniront pour proposer un schéma de libéralisation totale de l'économie mondiale, qu'ils présentent comme le seul instrument pour résoudre les problèmes du monde.
Nous ne sommes pas d'accord [...]"
Gilles Klein
T 06 60 46 67 37
T 01 73 33 70 00
ICQ : 72991699
Action anti-capitaliste 23/09/2000 Guingamp (22)
by Collectif Du Ru Ty 2:54am Thu Sep 28 '00
Action de soutien aux manifestations contre le sommet du FMI et de la BM a Prague.
Action contre les banques du centre-ville de Guingamp.Le samedi 23 septembre 2000, le Collectif Du Ru Ty (approximativement, maison noire et rouge en breton) et le CAC 40 (Collectif Anti- Capitaliste 40) ont assiege les banques du centre-ville de Guingamp (22)durant plus d'une heure.
Une vingtaine d'individuEs décontractéEs ont collé plus de 300 affiches et autocollants sur 8 grosses banques. Aux cris de "Banquiers=affameurs, exploiteurs, voleurs...", "Banque Mondiale, FMI= affameurs, voleurs..." , "Les interets des banquiers ne sont pas les notres..." et "C'est pas les chomeurs/ses qu'il faut sanctionner, c'est les banquiers qu'il faut supprimer..." .
De nombreux autocollants et tracts ont ete distribues afin d'apporter notre soutien aux manifestantEs de Prague. Des billets de banque de zero dollar comportant au recto la liste des principaux benefices des banques francaises ont ete diffuses ...
Le tout etant de montrer qu'a l'heure ou l'on tente de culpabiliser les chomeurs/ses (Refondation sociale et PARE) en les sanctionnant, il y a des moyens de faire vivre toute la population ayant un boulot ou non, en repartissant de maniere plus egalitaire les richesses. Du pognon, il y en suffit juste de savoir ou le chercher.
Ceci bien entendu etait une action sur les banques a l'echelle locale mais qui forment le terreau de base du FMI et de la BM a l'echelon international.
Nikopol pour le collectif
S26 Actions in Frankfurt, Germany In Bankfurt/Main, capital of Germany's money dealers and location of European Central Bank, German Federal Bank, Deutsche Bank and hundreds of other financial institutions, several actions took place during the IMF and World Bank meeting in Prague. On September 26, about 30 protesters gathered in front of the university, 200 metres away from local World Bank headquarters which is part of the giant building complex of "Kreditanstalt fuer Wiederaufbau" (Credit Institution for Reconstruction, a kind of German WB/IMF). The demo was led by a colourful banner, about 6 metres wide: "Against a world of hunger, exploitation, suppression, and racism... for a world of freedom, equality, and justice for all- without hierarchies" read some of the slogans. Two "businessmen" handing out blood-stained World Bank Dollars (they later turned into Bill Clinton and Gerhard Schroeder), and several skeletons in chains (denouncing the policy of poverty and famine of IMF/WB) marched through the streets, carrying a coffin symbolizing "Freedom" and "Democracy". Rush hour traffic was blocked in front of the World Bank branch and other parts of the city. Leaflets were handed out to pedestrians and automobilists, and speeches delivered through a mobile sound system. Neoliberalism in all its shades stood in the centre of protest, but global restistance, from Bolivia to Prague, from Sydney to Seattle was celebrated. Police only intervened smoothly, preventing demonstrators from blocking the main road along Frankfurts trade fair. The demo moved on for almost two hours, ending at 6 pm with more street theatre and background infos about global S26 and Prague being delivered to cheering bystanders. Almost all reactions of people watching and listening were really positive- a full success! Already in the morning of S26, banners could be seen above several major motorways leading into town declaring "Global Resistance against World Bank and IMF!" and "IMF - Murderers Meeting!". Even public radio opened its first reports about Prague with a hint at these banners. On Friday, S22, a smaller protest was held in front of the Czech consulate, demanding the opening of all borders around the Czech Republic, for both migrants moving out and protesters trying to get to Prague. A declaration was handed over to the consul to let EVERYBODY cross the borders. Solidarity messages with the bike caravan blocked at the border and the Italian Ya Basta train were spread by megaphone, and leaflets handed out to inform passers-by about WB/IMF protests. A nice little demo towards Frankfurt's Central Station concluded this first action. Now info about S26 world-wide, anti-neoliberal resistance, but also about repression in Prague is gathered at Frankfurt's infoshop and presented to the local people (presentation window etc.). Solidarity actions for the prisoners have to be decided yet.
contact fzs (freier zusammenschluss von studentInnenschaften) fzs
Dear comrades, As our comrades participating to the mobilization in Prague have already informed you, we have organized as Christian Rakovsky Center and EEK together with other forces of the Front of Radical Left in Athens a demonstration on September 26 where hundreds of youth and trade unionists took part. The same day two other demonstrations were organized: one by the Communist Party of Greece and anotherby the Prague 2000 Initiative Christian Rakovsky Center
another report
The Christian Rakovsky Center together with the EEK (Workers revolutionary Party of Greece) sent a strong delegation to Prague and participated int he whole week of anti-IMF mobilizations.
In Athens on September 26, the radical Left Front ( including EEK) has organized a 300-strong demonstration in solidarity to the Global Day of Action against Capitalist Globalization.
On October 4, we participated in a demonstration to the Czech Embassy in Athens to protest State repression and demand the liberation of the prisoners/Protesters in Prague.Irland, IAB: Bank In A Panic (Cork)
From Ainriail - the Irish Anarchist list
*************************************************"Oon Da Maall"
Despite bad weather about 60 people marched from Daunt Square in Cork along Grand Parade and down South Mall to protest against capitalism and the 'deaths from Debt' today. The march was led by a large wooden coffin to symbolised the massive misery and death that has been caused by capitalism throughout the world. The coffin was followed by a series of banners proclaiming, 'Reclaim The World' and drawing attention to the poverty, inequality and the spread of environmental destruction that is going on now in the name of 'globalisation'. Red and Black colours were also prominent in attendance.
The Cork protest brought a major stoppage to traffic in the centre of the city, but apart from a number of minor exceptions motorists and lorry drivers took leaflets and appreciated the importance of the protest. The Cork march stopped for speeches and loud chanting outside three banks on the Mall (or "oon da Maall" as they say in banking circles here) - Ulster Bank, Bank of Ireland and AIB. Speakers drew attention to the role that Irish banks play in 'world banking policies' and to the role of these policies in causing death, misery and inequality. Speakers also highlighted the role that these banks have played in the scandal of corruption that is rife in Irish political life.
The march closed with a symbolic occupation of the foyer of the imposing AIB bank on the Mall. Security and management at AIB seemed aghast at the sight of a very large coffin in their midst. When challenged about their bank's role in causing misery and exploitation, they responded "We have no comment. The Guards are on their way..."
The next event is tomorrow night at the Spailpin Fanac - don't miss it!
Workers Solidarity Movement - Cork
Write: PO Box 31, Cork
Visit our web site at*********************************************
From Ainriail, the Irish anarchist list - For more info see Ireland, Belfast - S26 protest in solidarity with Prague, outside the Ulster Bank beside City Hall. Protest at other multinationals in Belfast City Centre - rallye in Cornmarket Derry - another outside First Trust Bank.
Anti Worldbank action in Utrecht, The Netherlands (english)
by Gerbrand Oudenaarden 10:50am Tue Sep 26 '00
500 young people were protesting in the town center of medieval Utrecht, The Netherlands.
They walked and protested against the World Bank, IMF and the expansion of Global Capitalism in general. The protestors stopped at banks, demanding employees tot take responsibility and think of social and ecological consequences of the banks' investments.
Watch a 9 minute realvideo report on the action on
Engage! Tactical Media is also relaying the Radio Jeleni audio feed in MP3 format. Check
Solidarity actions in Stavanger, Norway (english)
by Tord Austdal 5:17pm Tue Sep 26 '00
At 19.00 hours, S26 close to 150 demonstrators walked through the streets of Stavanger.
Marching against the exploitation of developing countries, the IMF's rape of our environment and in SOLIDARITY with the demonstrators in Prague!At 19.00 hours, S26 close to 120 demonstrators walked through the streets of Stavanger.
Marching against the exploitation of developing countries, the IMF's rape of our environment and in SOLIDARITY with the demonstrators in Prague!We gathered at the City Park at seven o'clock, where a speech was given by Margaret Sanner, a well known feminist and politician. We then proceeded to march around the park, with jugglers, flambeaus ghettoblasters, megaphones and banners, turning quite a few heads. To finally end up in the town square.
In contrast to Prague, Stockholm and several other places, we were given a police escort throughout the demonstration.The last words of the demonstration were an appeal to not let the fight end here, and to support the demonstrators in Prague!
Finally the tables are staring to turn!
Solidarity S26 picket in Wroclaw (english)
by Adam Mrozowicki 4:26pm Tue Sep 26 '00
At 19.00 a picket, which aim was the protest against the policy of WB and IMF, took place at the Market Square in Wroclaw.
At 19.00 a small (about 25-30 people) group of Wroclaw's anarchist and autonomous activists organized a picket at the Market Square in Wroclaw (Poland). The most of our group take part in the main protest in Prague, but also here, in Wroclaw we tried to make clear, that we don't agree with the policy of WB and IMF. Some of us made fire - show, some danced, some others - played bongo. We made quite good atmosphere and tried the persuade the passers-by, why we support the protest in Prague. About 100 pople stood around us, listened to our speaches, took our leaflets and gereraly agreed with us. So - it seemed, that also our local protest made some sense.
S26 in Lisbon Portugal (english)
by Coletivo S-26 12:24pm Tue Sep 26 '00
address: --- phone: 351+919436029
More than 200 people gathered and are demonstrating in Lisbon in solidarity with the actions on Praha.
More than 200 people (including anarchists, left wingers, animal rigths, environmental and anti-racism activists among others) joined in a colective entitled "Colectivo S-26" to organize a demonstration against the IMF and WB.
They gathered at 18h (17h Lisbon time) in one of the downtown streets near major banks and multinationals, bringing some banners with anti-capitalist globalization sentences and joy to the streets with some performers and jogglers.
Leaflets where distribuited to the passing crowd.
Some reporters are on the site as well as police (some undercover). About 150 riot police wait nearby.
Demonstrators have been kept updated with the situation in Praha and expressed their solidarity with the victims of arrests and police brutality.26 em Lisboa
às 17.00h começou a juntar-se gente por baixo do arco da Rua Augusta. Nós chegamos por volta das 17.30h. O primeiro impacto foi o de ver pouca gente e muita, muita polícia. A simpatia era a habitual.
às 18.00, iniciou-se uma marcha que percorreu toda a Rua Augusta, até próximo do Coliseu (desculpem a ignorância; é que, de facto, não sabemos o nome das ruas e das praças de Lisboa). Como a marcha e o seu percurso estavam autorizados, a obstrução das vias públicas não foi uma questão problemática.
Durante a marcha, sempre acompanhada pelos agentes da ordem, decorreu sempre em clima de festa, amplamente recheada de discursos e palavras de ordem que tentavam desmistificar as verdades oficiais do capitalismo.
Uma das grandes belezas da festa foi, para nós, ver uma tão grande diversidade de tendências políticas, desde grupos maoístas a movimentos de defesa dos animais, de ambientalistas a anarquistas. A união contra o capitalismo era o mais importante e, depois, havia todo o respeito pelo direito de cada um vender o seu peixinho.
O McDonald's foi, como habitualmente, a maior vítima de maus tratos que se ficaram, desta vez, pela parte sonora, apesar de algumas provocações dos clientes que se banqueteavam nas esplanadas desta multinacional. A polícia sabe como estas coisas se passam e, ao chegar perto do McDonald's, montaram um cordão de segurança. Ou seja, cumpriram a sua função: a protecção do previlégio.
No local de chegada, a conversa era animada, os malabaristas começavam a aproveitar o anoitecer para umas brincadeiras pirómanas e esperava-se pela peça teatral que acabaria com a parte organizada da coisa para depois, juntos, se continuar as conversas, partilhar os sorrisos e esperar pelo apetite.
De repente, um polícia aparece a dizer que atiraram uma garrafa e uma pedra contra um carro que ia a passar. O rapaz do megafone apressou-se a pedir calma e concentração no verdadeiro inimigo que não era, bem entendido, ninguém que passava de carro. As vozes que se ouviram depois foram todas de repúdio pela atitude. Aparentemente (e esta é só uma divagação nossa) a nossa reacção não foi a que a polícia desejava e, de repente, uma das pessoas que se manifestavam era arrastada para a esquadra. De uma ignorância completa acerca do indivíduo que lançara a garrafa e a pedra, a polícia aparece com um culpado.
Num instante, toda a gente se dirigiu para a esquadra e a pessoa em questão foi libertada rapidamente. A dispersão da manifestação não foi conseguida, a violência, que nos pareceu que tentaram provocar, não foi o caminho escolhido e tudo continuou sem outros casos.
Para nós foi um prazer. Sem a adrenalina de Praga (de cujos desenvolvimentos fomos mantidos a par), a forma de passar a mensagem de cada uma das sensibilidades foi óptima e a atitude dos manifestantes da mais inteligente que já vimos.
É esta a nossa visão do S26 em Lisboa
Authorities banned planned concert against capitalism and Bretton woods institutions, so Moscow scene had to improvise another approach. Concept was a noisy demonstration with many separate meeting places to confuse authorities. Fliers and stickers were made to invite people to Engels statue near metro station Kropotkinskaya, media was asked to come to Majakovski statue and organisers met with people they knew beforehand in Majakovski metro station. Presumptions of media were detourned with a press release which promised that demonstrators will trash a McDonalds by the marchroute, althought there was no McD anywhere around the real route of the demo. Cops had planned ambush to the Majakovski statue after the press release, but came around too late since mainstream media which turned with masses due to the press release was already guided to another, less visible place which cops couldn't find. Finally, from all the meeting places some 30 people came up to the demonstration, resulting the most active and energetic demo Moscow anarchist/libertarian left scene has done in years. Noisy demo went by Sadovaya Kudrinskaya to World Bank headquarters raising banners like "global resistance against capitalism and IMF" and "World bank is the enemy of the people". In WB headquarters speeches were made, and cops finally came up arresting 6 people carrying banners and making speeches. Demo dispersed soon since most of the people went to the police station to wait for the release of the arrested. But police was pissed enough for the failure of their ambush that they decide to keep 5 of the six arrested until court coming up the following morning. I suppose it is a kind of victory as well. Later in the evening "down with it!" graffiti appeared in the wall of the WB headquarters. Meanwhile, state is reporting that due to raising oil price further IMF loans are not a lot in the interest of the state. However, neoliberal structural adjustment keeps going on with the same pace with pure domestic forces. IMF will meet authorities in Moscow in november, we'll see if there will be new protests around then. S26 in Moscow was organised by initiative for Autonomic Action and anarchists in Moscow. You can reach them by P.O. Box 13 109 028 Moscow
About 40 anarchists and anti-capitalists marched through one of Moscow main streets on to the offices for the World bank in a demonstration of protest against capitalist globalization and a show of solidarity with comrades marching in Prague, who are reported to have blocked Russian vice-premier Alexey Kudrin from entering the congress hall where the IMF/WB summit convenes. Protesters chanted anti-capitalist slogans, blew whistles and leafleted the pedestrians. Some cut and paste art action was made at the WB offices (slogans "Down with IMF/WB" were pasted onto the walls). Police that arrived in about 10 minutes arrested 6 protesters and after a while the demo moved to the police station where arrested comrades were held. However small, the march itself was a relative success because it was rather well-spirited and organized. On the eve of demonstration city authorities banned the demos in other parts of the city, but anarchists decided to march to the World bank offices nevertheless. This was the first action which was held in Moscow as part of the Global day of Action, and hopefully it will not be the last.
contact: Anarchist alliance, project for Autonomic Action, Anarchists in Moscow
P.O. Box 13, 109 028 Moscow Russia,
Demo in Barcelona, and where next?
by David 4:04am Wed Sep 27 '00
catalan reports and Photos: reports from Prague are exciting.
I don't know if anyone's posted anything on our demo in Barcelona, 23-S, organised by the Movement for Global Resistance (MRG).
We were about 4000 people, with a samba band, a van blasting salsa and other dance music, and lots of different sorts of people.
We marched from the top of Barcelona down to the sea, on a winding route that -surprise, surprise- took us past various banks, the stock exchange... all of which ended up more brightly decorated than usual.
At the end, there were moving scenes, as we saw off five coaches on their way to Prague.
The atmosphere was really good, from beginning to end. Even the police obliged by hardly even showing up, so there was no trouble.
I only have one reservation, to do with how we build, and who with. 4000 was good, but it could have been a lot more. There were lots of arguments in the campaign between, on the one hand, those (like me and other comrades from Izquierda Revolucionaria - linked to Socialist Worker, Linksruck...) who wanted to make an effort to involve bigger left groups and trade unionists, and on the other hand, more "radical" people who said that these are all reactionary, and they didn't want political groups, etc.
They even said that we, Izquierda Revolucionaria, would have to go in a separate section at the end of the march, because we're political.
The main point of Seattle, and now Prague, is that we have to UNITE people, not write them off. If this movement is going to grow, as it must, we will have to try to link up with workers, fighting over millions of issues. And when they fight, trade unions will be there - the leaders usually to try to slow things down, rank and file activists to lead them forwards. If we cut ourselves off from them, we are not radical, but conservative.
And as for trying to exclude politics, what is more political than trying to overthrow capitalism? Sometimes it reminds me of trade union bureaucrats who say "we don't want politics here", because they don't want to have to justify their reformist politics.
So let's celebrate Prague, and go forward together, each person or collective with their own ideas, their own banners, their own publications, and so on.
And speaking of publications, we sold more than 200 copies of our paper, En lucha, which had the front page "Abramos las fronteras, cerremos el FMI y BM"; "Open the borders, close the IMF and BM" (the right wing government in Spain is tightening immigration controls). How can it harm the movement if, of the 4000 people on the march - and many passers by - 200 of them went home with a paper which connects up the IMF, globalisation, racism, the Basque country, in an over attack on capitalism?
Lots of things will happen first, but the Spanish government has just announced an international summit (the World Bank, I think) in Barcelona next June.
The last time they used our city as a "showcase", they sent us their annual military parade, in May. We got 40,000 local people out on the streets demonstrating. That's what we need to aim for next June.
saludos revolucionarios/salut i revolució
Manifestación de apoyo a pres@s de Praga en Barcelona
by by Usurpa! 2:32pm Mon Oct 9 '00 1:29pm Tue Oct 10 '00
Ayer domingo se realizó una manifestación de unas 1000 personas en apoyo a l@s que aun siguen pres@s en Praga, después de los actos anticapitalistas realizados allí a finales de septiembre.
Nos encontramos en la Rambla de Canaletas y después de leer un manifiesto de apoyo a l@s compañer@s pres@s, nos dividimos en tres marchas de colores (azul, amarillo y rosa), de forma parecida a como se habia realizado en Praga el dia 26 de septiembre, y avanzamos por diferentes caminos hacia un centro de Poder institucional en Barcelona: la plaza Sant Jaume. Una vez alli, se realizó una sentada y se lanzaron algunas consignas en favor de la libertad y la justicia social. También hubo algun momento de tensión cuando se reconocieron algunos policias locales ya conocidos por su experiencia represora. La lucha antirepresiva sigue. Hoy lunes 9 hay asamblea a las 20h. en el Espai Obert (c/ Blasco de Garay, 2, metro paral.lel) y mañana rueda de prensa.
¡salud y solidaridad activa!Si no os ha llegado la acción de Reus (Catalunya) ahí va:
El pasado dia 26, unos 50 activistas entremos en el centro comercial Carrefour en grupos dispersos. Algunos compañeros llenaron tres carros con productos básicos que iban destinados a la campaña de solidaridad con el Sahara y a los servicios sociales del Ayuntamiento (que se niegan a montar un comedor social porque temen que se concentren todos los pobres del mundo). Otros estuvimos repartiendo diversas octavillas entre los "consumidores" explicando el papel del FMI, del BM, de las multinacionales y el por qué de la acción que ibamos a hacer, al tiempo que se les pedía comprensión y apoyo.
Cuando los tres carros llegaron a las cajas se pidió que se pasara la factura al FMI o al BM (dado que han declarado que entre sus objetivos está erradicar la pobreza,...). Se abrió una pancarta de denuncia a las políticas neoliberales de estos organismos y sus consecuencias. Cuando llevabamos un buen rato de negociaciones nos quitaron los carros (estabamos distraídos), pero valoramos muy positivamente la acción, la composición heterogénea de los que participamos y la difusión que se hizo por los medios (la televisión local y un diario provincial nos trataron muy bien, a pesar de la prohibición de los directivos de grabar imágenes). Quizás lo más importante es que el grupo continua activo (la lucha acaba de empezar):
El 16 seguiremos con una cena popular frente al macdonalds. Seguiremos denunciando la globalización económica, la precariedad laboral y la destrucción de las culturas populares. Son actos de difusión y concienciación. Ante todo demostraremos que "los violentos llevan uniforme" y que las informaciones vertidas contra los manifestantes de Praga están manipuladas.
Ya pasaré la información de lo que ocurra el 16.En Tarragona, unas sesenta personas se concentraron e hicieron un recorrido por diversos medios de comunicación, entraron en la sede de diarios y repartieron un comunicado sobre lo que estaba pando en Praga, el porqué de la movilización, etc. El objetivo era obligar a los medios a difundir la noticia y evitar tregiversaciones, pues el comunicado se entregaba a todos los trabajadores en mano. La manifestación acabó con una comida popular en las puertas del Mcdonalds. Fue un acto pacífico e informativo que permitió a los ciudadanos que lo vieron poner en duda algunas informaciones que los medios daban sobre lo acontecido en Praga.
Salud y libertad!
During the late evening on the 26th of September "some autonome anti-imperialists in Malmö" crushed all the windows to the several bank offices around the square Nydalatorget in central Malmö. The press release ties in the action with the days happenings in Prague and the IMF's help in oppressing the third world and ends with the slogan "Strengthen the revolutionary anti-imperialist resistance - for communism". kurt svensson
Anti-IMF Demo in Stockholm Approximately 200 anti-globalisation activists and leftist youth demonstrated in Stockholm on the evening of September 26th. Beginning with speeches and reports from the situation in Prague, the calm but loud demonstration then began to move from the traditional workers quarter of Södermalm to the Old Town where Stockholm's Bourse is located. Police presence around the demonstration was minimal. Upon arriving on the Old Town island, the demo moved into the narrow alleyways where shouts and chants against the IMF echoed throughout the quarter, turning the heads of evening shoppers and tourists. Just as the demo was to enter the large square in front of the Bourse, K9 police stopped the demo and riot police began to immediately seal off all the entries into the square with portable riot fences. The demo stood their ground in the alley in which they standing and a police van drove into the alley from the rear. Nearby, on the grounds of the Royal Palace, approximately fifteen police vehicles waited for orders. After circa ten minutes the entire area was sealed of and the demo began to dissolve as the police van in the rear pulled away. The planned speeches and street theatre in front of the Bourse never occurred. The police action was unprovoked and seemed to be without any real goal, other than, in true "fire alarm style", practice crowd control and the quick closing-off of an entire city area. And of course, letting the people know who's in control.
Solidarity event in Uppsala, Sweden (english)
by Mikael Altemark 5:42am Wed Sep 27 '00
address: eskilsgatan 7a Uppsala Sweden phone: 46 18100844
In Uppsala, a city located right in the middle of Sweden, about a 100 protesters showed their solidarity with the demonstrators in Prague.
At 16:30 about 100 people, mostly youth, staged a protestmeeting in solidarity with the demonstrators in Prague. For an hour several speeches were held, condemning the injustice of the neoliberal policies of the IMF and the world bank, with positive reactions from the public. The meeting was arranged by coalition of a broad range of organizations such as Leftist Youth, the Left Party, the Syndicalist Youth Federation-Uppsala and Green Youth.
S26 action in Geneva, switzerland (english)
by Georges 5:28pm Tue Sep 26 '00
About 50 activists participated in a symbolical action today in front of the IMF office in Geneva.
Today 50 activists came to a "Pique-nique le FMI" action at 11:30 am. A sculpture of flesh,bones, concreet, and real swiss expensive money was built in the street in front of the office of IMF.
The police (in larger number than demonstrators) did not interneen.
The speakers talked about solidarity with Prague demonstrations AND with the anti-waterprivatization movement in BOLIVIA (already 6 people killed by the army).We managed to organize two-days action against IMF and WB in Kyiv! Wow! I'll try to tell some details, but it'll not the full information. I was present only during one day of our actions. Well, here it is: The first day, 25th of September. Action near the Cheh Republic ambassy. We protested against repressions which will take place tomorrow in Praha. There were some journalists, mainly TV. They showed our action on two or three news programms (it is very importent here in Ukraine - we have great problems with the freedom of speech). Well, I wasn't present on this action, if you are interested, please contact somebody else from Strapped House (or you can also call us Tigra Nigra - nevermind): sdija The second day, 26th of September. Action near the representative office of the World Bank in Ukraine. It is situated in a comfortable place, very suitable for interactive actions. There are always a lot of people there I mean. So, we give to people on the street "IMF credits": agreement and one or two kopecks (the smallest Ukrainian money). Also we gave leaflets with the information about globalization etc. We try to behave as "IMF representatives". Before actions we pasted labels in Kiev's underground with such texts as: "More banks — less hospitals", "Credits — heroin, IMF — drug-pusher" etc. We tried to organize "orange" action: active, funny and one that attracts attention of the passing-by people and journalists. I think that we succeeded in it. For more information you may contact me: gomin or some of my friends: sdija Dima aka Vinni Pooch