Impressions from the bike caravan from Hannover (Germany) to Prague... Final Demonstration of INPEG's Counter Summit - S24 S26 in the morning: blockade of a hotel in the downtown of Prague where IWF/ WB delegates have been forced to stay a while, watching our colorful Protest. Just closed to this hotel we met a group of french activists making music and singing french anticapitalist songs which did join our blockade spontaneously. (A march of left-authoritarians ["Linksruck"] which passed closed to us we could not convince to join us...) S26 - the march's startingas I've been participant of the "silver-pink" march, here the pics from this part: start of the silver-pink march from a park closed to "Namesti Miru" " SAMBA !" the silver-pink march on it's way to the congress center arrival in front of the congress center some people demolish a hedge, a possible obstacle if we get in clashes with police ... in front of the Congress Center ... ... Activists involved in Peoples Global Action (PGA) are posing ... ... "WE'RE EVERYWHERE!" ... ...face to face in front of riot police... womans (radical cheerleaders) singing anticapitalist songs water canons and tear gas (bang bang munition) was the response when some of us tried to enter the Congress Center at a weak point ... later people tried — and sucseeded (for a few moments) to enter the Congress Center from a weak point from the north site — teargas and water canons have been the answer and we've been forced to retire — but these photos have historical significance... S27 was the single day I wasn't in the streets of Prague. I did join some NGO Meetings ("SOS WTO", an informal European NGO-network campaigning against the World Trade Organization and corporate globalization - and in the afternoon a meeting of "Diverse Woman for Diversity") — in the afternoon of S27 WB and IMF officials decided to close their meeting one day earlier ... Hurray! - we did win! UPDATE of pics!
pursuit: Jail solidarity actions, S28