

For 15 years now the spanish government and the government of Navarra (a basque region) are building with support from Brussels the huge ITOIZ DAM PROJECT (418 hm³ water). Although during 5 years it was declared illegal and responsible politicians went into prison, the powerful building lobby went on building the two walls and lots of new roads by paying anybody involved in the governmental scene in Navarra.
The Itoiz dam is destroying 9 villages with a sustainable agriculture landscape, 3 natural reserves and 2 special bird protection areas. The investors are already especulating with the river Irati and Urrobi’s clean water for the tourism and agro-industrial greenhouse companies in Catalonia and further south. Itoiz is a brick in the megalo-maniac Plan Hidrológico Nacional that means the realisation of 40 dam projects throughout the iberian pyrenees and the transport systems for the water in southern direction.
SOLIDARI@S CON ITOIZ, a local direct action group, did more than 60 non-violent public direct actions against the project since 1994. In April 1996,
8 Solidarios stopped the whole construction for 11 months by the cut of some steelcables. They were condemned to 5 years prison each. Two Solidarias destroyed 46 construction machines and were condemned to prison as well. Solidari@s con Itoiz don’t leave the site of their action and wait for being arrested, the only way to avoid the application of the spanish terrorism bill. Every single action of civil disobedience is answered violently by the Guardia Civil (bad spanish cops), the dam project’s private security officers and the ”justice” of the spanish state. Last winter, the 8 condemned Solidarios did an european action tour claiming the paralization of the Itoiz dam.
Meanwhile a geologist says the dam is not safe at all, thousands of houses, land and a nuclear power plant are in danger if it brakes, in this winter 2001 the two concrete walls are finished and the bad guys are moving on into the valley in order to cut 1 million trees before evicting the last 2 villages in resistance, Itoiz and Artozki, and flooding the 1.100 hectars of land. The construction companies are a bit handicapped with this: Someone (www.dossa.nav.to)  has spiked thousands of trees with iron bars. Some workers spontaneously quitted.
The people of Itoiz know: We will have a hot summer!
!!! 20th-26th of August: Big Action Camp near Itoiz !!!

August Camp-Info at akanpada@euskalerria.org 
European Tour: www.tmcrew.org/int/itoiz 
campaign in german: www.infoladen-daneben.de  · solidarias@gmx.de 
See also: www.asperches.org (against E7 motorway)
And: www.sindominio.net/ninguna  (border camp july)