This is a warning. There is a possibility that NATO is preparing a staged massacre of Albanian refugees to get the excuse to attack and in that way defy the decisions made by the US Congress. We could witness new Markale.
There are indications that NATO is preparing the ground offensive on
Yugoslavia as a whole and not only on Kosovo. According to the information
received from Macedonia and Albania all the Albanian refugees are
evacuating from the border areas and are being replaced with NATO troops.
Romania, Croatia, Hungary, Bulgaria Bosnia, Macedonia and Albania were
all forced to sign the documents allowing the NATO troops to
launch the ground attack from their territories. CNN has sent three
full crews to Albania equipped with satellite broadcasting equipment.
Knowing their reputation they always get sent to the crisis
area "before" anything starts so that they can prepare for the coverage
of the "unexpected" event. There are also indications that
NATO is preparing to arrange a false "massacre of the innocent Albanian
refugees" that will be used as a excuse for the attack. Our sources say
that it will be probably done as a bombing of a refugee camp in Albania
or Macedonia.