Auf dieser Seite findest du Hinweise zur Erstellung von Videoclips, Untertitelungen sowie grundlegende Texte zu Videoaktivismus. Leider liegen die Texte meisst nur in englischer oder deutscher Sprache vor. Die links sind entsprechend gekennzeichnet. Diese Seite ist bis auf weiteres in englischer Sprache gehalten.
On this page (or site) we collect manuals, howtos etc. for making videos, subtitles and also some basic texts about videoactivism. Most of the articles are only in english or german. The links are marked accordingly.
making videos
How to make OGGs
Recommended video format is OGG with Theora video tracks and Vorbis audio tracks. You find in-depth manuals on how to make OGGs
- on a Windows computer;
- on Macs.
- For Linux use the same command line statements as in the Windows manual except the bizarre EXE file ending ;-)
- A Tutorial for converting videos into the OGG format using SUPER on Windows OS (german)
How to make iPod videos
A short tutorial on how to make iPod videos with SUPER (german)
How to make videos for mobile phones
A short tutorial on how to make videos for mobile phones with SUPER (german).
Face blurring
Face-blurring is essential to protect the fellow activists. Here is a german face-blurring tutorial, based on Adobe Premiere. An english tutorial can be found here.
Watermark logos
You can use watermarks in your video, e.g. for protection against commercial TVs stealing the material or for aesthetic reasons. Use your own or pick one of the following watermark-logos. Copy the big tif-formats by clicking on the little thumpnails or right-clicking on them - it does not make a diffences, or at least, it should not.
- Logo 1
(631 KByte, 632x251 pixel)
- Logo 2
(638 KByte, 567x283 pixel)
- Logo 3
(1.34 MByte, 822x425 pixel)
Resize and transform the watermarks as you find appropriate.
Making subtitles
There is a nice tutorial on how to make subtitles with the free Windows software Subtitle Workshop. Click here (english)
Other subtitle tools are similar, e.g. subtitle editor for linux works no diffent.
Videoactivists network on G8 2007, basic texts etc.
Concept of the video-activist-Netzwerks on media work during the G8 2007 in Heiligendamm. The german text is here (german).
Anti-Repressions-Flyer für MedienaktivistInnen (pdf) und als Faltblatt (pdf, german).