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Amsterdam: Räumungswelle - Tag X

enough is enough ! Tag X in Amsterdam !

Hallo, also jetzt ist es baekannt, wann die naechste
Raeumungswelle ansteht. In einem Europa, wo die
Grenzen fuer das Kapital immer mehr fallen sollten sie
es auch fuer den Widerstand - kommt am 13 Maerz nach
Amsterdam - beteiligt euch an direkter Aktion -
erhoehen wir den Preis fuer jede Reumung, politisch
und auf anderen Ebenen - see ya !

DAG X Will be Tuesday the 13th
of March! Come and support us!

The following houses will be evicted:
Amsteldijk 12, Camperstraat, Kalverstraat,
Martelaarsgracht 4 en 6, Nieuwnieuwstraat 21 and

For the past year - since the eviction of
Kalenderpanden, basically - the various eviction-waves
carried out by the Police against squats in Amsterdam
were met by relatively little resistance, due to
various reasons. (although we do not mean to belittle
the efforts of those who did offer resistance, of
For the following eviction-wave, however, we are
attempting to organize the anti-authoritarian
communities so as to send a clear message of defiance
against policies of greed imposed by politicians &
legislators and enforced by riot-police.
Although the date of the next eviction wave is
not clear yet (as of the 1st of January, 2002), and
might be known to us only at the last minute, we are
hereby spreading the word that whatever date it may be
on, we will mobilize and respond.
Houses currently under threat of eviction are
Vijzelstraat 5, Martelaarsgracht 4III & 6, Amsteldijk
12 - and more.
If you live in Amsterdam and/or would like to take
part in our plans of direct action against the
eviction of squats, we mainly ask that when Day X
comes, you be out there on the streets with us, saying


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