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Organising for Change
Workshops and discussions
Saturday 25th May
Vietnamese Centre
45/46 Hardwicke St
Dublin 3
Dear friend,
As you may be aware for the last two years a widespread rebellion has been occurring in Southern Mexico protected by the EZLN, a rebel army that takes its instructions from the grassroots movements [see the enclosed Mexico Information pack for further details].
They have identified, as one of the causes of the poverty the Mexican people face, an economic system called Neo-Liberalism. This is a term similar in meaning to Thatcherism or Monetarism. In an Irish sense it is the privatisation and dismantling of the state companies with subsequent redundancies and deterioration in working conditions or the withdrawal of resources from marginalised communities. The EZLN have recognised that this is the same international system that is responsible for poverty in many if not all areas of the world. So they have called an international gathering 'For Humanity and against Neo-Liberalism' to take place in Chiapas in Mexico in July. Before this, continental gatherings are happening. The European one is to take place in late May in Berlin.
To prepare for these gatherings the Irish Mexico Group is holding an Irish gathering on Saturday 25 May at the Vietnamese centre, 45/46 Hardwicke St. (off Parnell Sq.). This conference has two objectives: Firstly it is to help the IMG prepare for the Berlin and Mexican conferences by helping us to find out if neo-liberalism is an issue in Ireland, what the actual issues are and who is fighting on them. Secondly we are not just interested in solidarity work with the people in Mexico but also in being activists in our own country. We hope that by bringing activists together from different struggles we can learn from and build on their experiences in all our struggles.
If all this sounds a bit vague it is because we are unsure of many of the answers to these questions and even which questions need to be asked. We hope that by focusing on grassroots activists from various struggles in Ireland we can togetheropen a space to define these questions and answers. As such, although the conference will have an educational aspect it will be primarily based around contributions from all attending and workshops rather than lectures by the organisers.
The Spokesperson for the EZLN, Marcos said in his invite to the American gathering Suppose it were not true that there is no alternative possible. Suppose that impunity and offence were not the only future. Suppose that the rickety borderline that separates war from peace might possibly not be continually weakened. Suppose that some foolish romantics were to believe that there can be a different world and a different way of life. Suppose, what is more, that these foolish romantics were to also believe that there a others that think the same way. Suppose the inadmissible, that these various crazy fools wanted to establish contact. And just suppose that they suppose that from their encounter something very reasonable might emerge. Wouldn't you want to be part of such a mad encounter of suppositions?
The Irish gathering hopes to explore the relevance of these suppositions to struggles here in Ireland. We hope you can come. If you are interested in attending either the Berlin Conference or the Mexican one, get in contact with us for further details.
11:00 to 11:45
An introduction to the struggle in Mexico
The Irish Mexico Group explains what is happening in Mexico and what relevance we see to struggles in Ireland.
11:45 - 1:00
What is neo-liberalism
We try to get beyond the jargon and discover what neo-liberalism actually means on a global scale and where it can be seen in Ireland. Introductory talk followed by breaking up into workshops.
1:00 to 1:45
1:45 to 3:00
What struggles are being fought in Ireland
Activists from different struggles (unions, community, campaigns etc.) talk about their struggles and how (if at all) they relate to the fight against neo-liberalism. A general discussion will follow the end of the specific contributions.
3:00 - 4:30
Future activity
Workshops followed by a report back and a general discussion on whether or not we can help each other in our struggles and if we should arrange future meetings.
4:30 - 4:45
4:45 - 5:30
Statement for Berlin and Mexico
Discussion of a brief statement to be drawn up on the day that we hope to take to the Berlin and Mexico gatherings.
For further information
Contact the Irish Mexico Group
c/o Colamh, 10 Up. Camden St., Dublin 2
Phone 087 449938
To the For Humanity and Against Neo Liberalism index
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